
The fatigue and heavy eyelids period seems to have passed and I’ve returned to my typical sleep patterns. I miss the great sleep but it was beginning to make me feel like a sloth during the day. Happy to have my energy back! Not sure how long it will last, but it sure is nice to have the cobwebs cleared away and my focus back. I still have mommy-brain (does it ever go away?) but that’s okay.

When the fatigue stopped, clarity took its place. Yesterday was one of the best days I’ve had in a long time. I felt good and even exercised without incident. There was a realization that I have been resisting the flow of life because it is not going fast enough and change is not perceived. There are things I would like to see change but it is not the time. My guidance has been trying to help me Remember this is part of my path. They mention I have made a “commitment” and I assumed its meaning rather than recognize the word itself doesn’t give any indication about who or what I committed to.

I was led to return to my Walk-In Life blog and saw my last post was in April, 2020. I thought it no coincidence that it has been exactly a year. The post itself was positive, indicating a preparation and integration period. 

Interestingly enough, last week I was reminded of the walk-in experience and how I have been in a very long integration period. Many of the feelings I have are typical of this period: sadness, overwhelm, feeling unable to change the world, falling into the walk-out’s old patterns (letting her take the reigns because of overwhelm). All are typical, especially becoming lost in old patterns and behaviors.

It can take years and years to integrate after a walk-in event(s). A common amount of time is 7-10 years, though it can be sooner or later depending on the individual. It is easy to end up lost in the old because of friends and family member’s expectations that you remain as you were. The pressure to be the old version is high. For me, it feels like it is all part of “the plan”. This plan stems from the need to complete the karmic lessons of the walk-out. She is/I am a mother to three children. That doesn’t just go away. Yet being aware of all that I am, it is hard to live within both realities simultaneously. So my solution was to shut myself off from my spiritual Team/Home out of an inability to reconcile what I experienced and how I’d changed with the rest of my life and the world as a whole. However, shutting it out completely only led to my current predicament. I have to return to the balanced version, the me who can navigate both worlds and remain centered throughout.

Along the way I have had encounters with others who were called in to assist me. Their goal is to help me Remember so that I do not become completely lost in this dense reality and go off path. I see now how a particular individual was meant to help me with this. The way he entered and left my life, each time shaking me up just enough to remind me of my higher purpose. Each time the small self won out with her fears, considerations and survival inclinations becoming primary to everything else. It is a struggle to shift away from old patterns, habits and beliefs, even when faced with the extraordinary. The saying, “If it’s seems too good to be true, then it probably is”, comes to mind. Yet I have experienced something that is beyond just “good”, so that reasoning is obviously faulted.

Duh. If I had only been paying more attention! But then the process itself is more important than any regrets I might have because it has taken me step-by-step to this moment and thus prepared me for what is coming next. 


In case you are not sure what a walk-in is, here is a quick explanation. In some cases, a walk-in describes the process of a new soul coming into a physical body. The walk-out is the old soul who has decided to leave and rather than waste a perfectly good body, the walk-in takes over. It is prearranged and is NOT possession. This is the least common walk-in scenario and often goes along with a major physically traumatic event such as a NDE. In other situations, a walk-in is simply a higher aspect merging with the lower aspect. Often times the lower aspect has many soul fractures or splinters leaving it unable to complete its soul mission without assistance. Again, trauma is involved but not necessarily an NDE, though it is possible that the individual may have had a NDE.

My experiences align with the second definition and it is my understanding that many walk-in’s in this present time period are this kind of walk-in. It is part of the ascension, which is essentially, by definition, the walk-in process (higher self descends to meet with lower self to create a more whole, centered and aware version). The result is the small self (Ego) is put in the back seat of the car (life path/body vehicle) and the Higher Self drives – which is how it is suppose to be!

There is no one-size-fits-all walk-in experience.

As a result of this Remembering (the walk-in integration process and all it entails), I have been tuning in more frequently and speaking/singing in Light Language again. My energy body immediately responds. I literally feel lit up. The bliss begins in my chest and spreads outward in waves. I’ve stopped retreating or pulling my energy in close and have started to open back up, reaching out to receive, and receive I do! And in doing this I realize that I have chosen to ignore or turn my back on the bliss state because (like I said above), “It must be too good to be true.”

Other walk-in’s, those I’ve met in the past, speak in Light Language frequently – daily. It immediately increases ones vibration. There is no doubt about it. But even without speaking in Light Language I can tune into the bliss just by settling into my heart.

Recently when I was focusing on my heart I felt/saw a pool of water there. It was like my entire heart space was a vast lake. I imagined myself floating on the water and fell into waves of bliss. So I keep falling into the water, diving even, and then just float there. Sometimes it is so beautiful that I start to cry. The bliss is there, all the time, in me! And in you, too, if you look for it.


I posted a version of this message on Facebook on February 8th:

There’s much going on in my universe these days. A truly amazing unfolding and integration. “I have arrived” – and this is just the tip of the iceberg. So grateful for all of you here on WordPress. Just wanted to express my gratitude for all you have done, the support you have offered, your unwavering belief in me and willingness to listen and accept with open arms the sometimes very unusual and bizarre experiences I have. I am seeing the path ahead in bits and pieces now and it reveals more interesting twists and turns to come. For some of you it may be beyond the bizarre things I have previously revealed. I hope that you will continue to accept me as I AM regardless of how my Being resonates with who you ARE. Ultimately, we are all parts of the other and I believe in YOU and your path regardless of whether it coincides with my own. This path is beautiful and SO rewarding despite the hardships it brings. Trust the process.

I am unable to convey at this time all that is transpiring. The feeling is “not yet” and has been since my last post. Every day I feel the same but I wanted to post something so that you know I am okay.

I pulled a card for myself today and got this card:


This card is from my Light Code Oracle deck and I drew it on a whim. Only after I drew it did I feel energetically released to post this update.

The card’s message is spot on. Earlier this week I went to sleep fractured, the next day I woke up Whole. It was literally that fast. No kundalini that I can recall. No lucid dream. The closest I can recall of a warning of what was to come was the last OBE I posted:

I crawled, water-logged, onto the shore and looked up. There, towering over me, was the magnificent city I had seen floating near my mom’s house. I felt a sense of “arrival” as I stared up at it.

A couple of days later I was changed and kept thinking, “I have arrived. I have arrived.” Since then I have been different. The best way to put it is to say – I’m not myself, I’m a better version of myself.

I’ve since jumped full-on into life. I am in awe and see possibility and potential everywhere. My path is illuminated now when before it was a dark void.

Eventually I will write more but not now and likely not here. You can reference my other blog for updates.




Hints of Something to Come

After a little over 24 hours of feeling like I was finally getting over my cold and intestinal problems, I was hit in the middle of the night with a resurgence of intestinal issues. They continue with less severity this morning as I hack and cough up the last remnants of the cold I had.

On top of it all my acne seems to be returning. Same spots, same weird, tiny bumps that don’t go away. I realized this morning that the acne spots first started after I moved to this house/location and I have been sick much more frequently than any other time in my life. Makes me wonder if there is something here, something in the water or the house itself (physical, emotional, spiritual) that is triggering these physical reactions in me. It is, by the way, a #11 address. hmmmm

Hints of Something to Come

I had some odd occurrences yesterday that I should mention before I go into my dream last night.

First off, two days ago while running errands I once again had one of those near-panic attacks, well more than one. This time, however, I recognized something – well some things. The panic attack episodes started after the heart connection in 2015 and escalated to the point of making me feel almost incapable of going out of the house. When I have them it is as if a switch is flipped and I become overly aware of my surroundings, like waaaay too open and overstimulated. It seems like part of me arrives or awakens in this body unexpectedly. I feel her arrive. Then I hear/feel that part of myself begin to worry and panic similar to waking up in a bad dream and not knowing how she got there. At the same time a calming energy seems to descend and I hear/feel myself being consoled and reminded it will pass. Then the anxiety passes and I return to a normal feeling as that other part seems to leave. It is so weird! But now it happens so frequently that I am use to it and even though the anxiety still comes on it never lasts or sets in fully. I never know when it will happen, just that it will happen when not inside my home.

I wonder, who is it that is panicking? Is it even me like I assume? Or someone else or some other aspect? Is this part of the soul exchange process somehow?

Then, two nights ago as I was watching Netflix (Shannara Chronicles this time) out of the blue I could feel the feelings of my Companion wash over me. I could feel his love and admiration for me and began to giggle out loud as I was embraced by his energy. As energy spread over me, I looked down at my body and felt an overwhelming attraction to myself, as if I were in love with my body, with everything that I AM. There came with this a sense of playfulness and joy. I felt like a child in a sense but also extremely attracted to myself in a sexual and romantic way. The playfulness was the strongest and I ignored my show, closing my eyes and surrendering to the feeling. My whole body was tingling and blissed-out and remained that way for some time.

The overwhelming attraction and love for myself was so unusual for me and I thought to my Companion, “I am feeling what you feel for me.” He said to me, “I am YOU.” In hearing him say this I knew he was right and what I was feeling were my true feelings for myself and all that I AM. I can’t explain it any other way because, as is the norm, words just aren’t enough. I felt for myself a twin flame/heart connection kind of magnetic attraction and did not reject it but fully surrendered and accepted it. There is nothing in this physical world more beautiful and …… I AM.

I managed to fall asleep with few dreams. The dreams I did have are similar to the one below, indicating an internal separation in process. It is hard to explain but I actually built a fence between myself and my “sister” in one dream and in another I was taking care of baby peacocks (birth, new growth), keeping them from being eaten by cats. In another I was with my “crazy” sister. I spent a long time consoling her. She felt everyone was abandoning her, she was all alone, unloved and had no friends. She was highly self-destructive and deteriorating quickly.

Image result for congratulations text pic

When I woke there was no lingering in the in-between. I was wide awake and thinking of my dreams. There was a peculiar feeling I couldn’t identify. Out of the blue and barely noticeable there came a vision in front of my eyes. A very small word outlined in a glowing white box: Congratulations. This caught me off guard because I was not in the in-between. I wondered, “Congratulations for what?” I heard back, “You have surpassed hurdles unseen.” Not able to identify these “hurdles” I went back to thinking of my dreams. Then I heard, “We have something to show you.” I thought, “Okay” and then went back to thinking of my dreams. lol

Another vision came to me then. I saw a pile of stuffed toys, all of which were action heroes – superman, batman, spiderman, etc. It was odd and I wondered about it. Then the Coldplay song came to mind, “I’m not looking for somebody with some superhuman gifts…..I want something just like this.” I laughed aloud at this but recognized my subconscious created it. It wasn’t a message from some “guide” but from ME.

Again, though, I heard a message, almost indistinguishable, come through like a conversation I was having. I heard, “Tomorrow” and then after a couple of minutes, “Some of the benefits and securities will be refined.” Considering how odd the message was, I figured it was time to get up and face the day.


Dream: Get Out!

This dream began with me being in a hurry to get somewhere but not really worrying about being late. I kept telling myself, “No need to rush. You’ll get there when you get there” which is how I have been handling lateness in my waking life for sometime now.

I went into the bathroom and prepared to take a shower. What is odd here is that I had with me all my personal toiletries in a bag despite there being an entire set already in the bathroom. Both sets felt like mine but when I saw the set in the bathroom I dismissed it knowing my set was better suited to me. I took my shampoo (new image/self) and toiletries and replaced the other toiletries (old image/self) one by one.

I vaguely remember taking a shower (spiritual renewal and forgiveness) and feeling each distinct stream of water hit my face and body. It was a refreshing, calming feeling – a familiar feeling. In the background I could hear voices speaking to me like distant memories or echoes. They were asking me questions in a disapproving tone and judging me for my actions and decisions. It felt like these people were my physical family – mother and husband specifically. I ignored the voices, though, and focused on the warmth and comfort of the water.

Then I was inside a house selecting clothing (public self) to wear. The entire time my mother (mother aspect) seemed to be shadowing me, asking me questions and judging my actions in a passive-aggressive way. She kept suggesting this or that but never directly saying she disapproved. The main thing I remember her saying is that I would be late if I didn’t hurry. Again, I ignored her, focusing instead on the clothing I would wear. I couldn’t find what I needed, though.

I left the house I was in and headed to an apartment. The apartment was very nice (life improvement), nicer than any apartment I have ever lived in. Two bodyguard-looking men (feeling insecure or unsure about life) met me there. They wore all black and had ear pieces in. One handed me a cell phone and said, “Looks like he’s following through.” I read what was on the screen and said, “Yeah.” The screen had a legal letter and I remember it said “petition” and “claimant” on it and that my husband was accusing me of being “homosexual” (self-love, self-acceptance) as a reason for divorce. There was a feeling of finality here as well as Knowing of what was to come. The sense was of my entire life crashing down on me but I was in total acceptance.

The bodyguards also mentioned to me that I was behind on my assignments. I acknowledged them and then rushed to the closet to look for a shirt. My mother intercepted me though and began to make ultimatums to get my attention. Her main upset was that I was behind on my assignments and would ultimately “fail”. She told me she couldn’t accept my behavior anymore and insisted that it was time for me to “get out”.

I went into a huge walk-in (may indicate soul exchange) closet (unveiling of previously hidden aspects). I looked through the clothes but couldn’t find what I was looking for. There were many long, sleeveless dresses (feminine), some dress shirts and a bunch of trousers. The shirt I had put on was long-sleeved (protection from adversaries) and too hot (heated emotions) but all the clothes in the closet were also too warm for the weather. Eventually I opted for a wrinkled (wisdom, learning from past), indigo (spirituality), short-sleeved (freedom) blouse noting that it was too dressy for the pants I was wearing. I put it on not caring how I appeared and left.

On my way out I heard my mom yell angrily, “Get out and don’t ever come back.” I knew she meant what she said but felt I had to do what I was doing regardless of what she thought. There was a Knowing I didn’t belong there anyway.

Then I received notice from my teacher that I was failing her math class (lessons in logic), the last class before I received my degree. The class end date was in 4 weeks but on the calendar in my mind I saw the month of July which is much further off than 4 weeks. I was told that I would have to score a 103 on the final to pass the class. I knew this was impossible. The most I could possibly score was a 98 and even that was unlikely. I remember sitting at a picnic table (unity and togetherness) in a park (period of readjustment after serious personal conflict) telling a man that it was okay if I didn’t get my degree. I already had a Master’s degree and so another one wouldn’t make much of a difference. The man said to me, “But you are only one class away from finishing. If you stop now you will have to start all over again.” I didn’t care.


I woke up in an alarmed state thinking, “Oh shit.” It seemed like the dream was about going over choices/decisions and the aftermath that would result. I was so self-assured in the dream, easily ignoring all the “voices” of disapproval and judgment. The decisions I made in the dream involved very out of character things for my personality. It felt like a complete disconnect from the important people in my life. The disapproval of my mom was the main “voice” of disapproval I heard though other family members (sisters mostly) were audible as well. If my mom were to issue an ultimatum like that it would devastate me – or would it? Even as I type this I am feel able to accept her doing something like that. Huh?

After waking and while getting my kids off to school, I was wondering, “Okay. It’s tomorrow but nothing happened.” Not long after that I realized a song was going through my mind over and over, “I gotta feeling, that tonight’s gonna be a good night. Tonight’s gonna be a good, good night…..” 🙂 I’ve been feeling like dancing all morning. lol




I’ve Emerged from the Vortex

Whew! Feeling a bit out of it still, too. LOL

In the three days I was in Mt. Shasta I was in a constant vibratory state. I have never felt so alive in my life. WOW!

There is way too much to write and I am still in recovery mode. Actually, I think I am in a state of mild shock. Re-entry into my 3D life will take some effort on my part I think. I feel like I have been on the mother ship for three days.

Here are some photos of my trip to give you an idea of where I have been. 🙂 Enjoy!

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Astrological Forecast

I wanted to share with you all the forecast I received from Litebeing (Linda) not long ago. She did an excellent job and I am so very grateful to her for her insights and wonderful explanation of everything.  I highly recommend her! Thanks so much Linda!

Some members of my Walk-in group on FB have been discussing astrology and how the walk-in manifests in one’s chart. There has been mention of YODs being a significant indicator of a walk-in as well as the planets Neptune, Uranus and Pluto. During my next solar return I just happen to have a YOD in my chart. This in combination with the three planets listed above and the fact that my guidance has already told me to expect major changes during my 40th year has me thinking everything is lining up for a walk-in-type event for me. We’ll see I guess.

Astrological Forecast Notes

Mars: Up until end of June it is in Sagittarius which means a tendency to be “called” by my career and to be more social. It also increases the romantic relationship front. These in combination have the potential to exacerbate family issues and ambivalence. All I can say is God help me until June! lol My first thought was that this will increase the conflict I have with my husband who does not agree with me giving readings or being vocal about my experiences. If I feel I need to then I am sure many arguments will ensue.

Jupiter: Prominent in my chart, which she says is a GOOD thing. Up through August social relationships will be on the rise. I will feel more alive. By Oct this shifts to more focus on the occult, going deep within, being more analytical and intuitive, powerful and sexual. Jupiter tends to make everything bigger, accentuates things.

Saturn: Until August more focus on career. Saturn may cause a tendency to be more melancholy and depressed but if I am willing to work this could be a good time career-wise. Since I tend towards the melancholy I suspect I will be depressed. Plus, I am turning 40 so not sure I will be wanting to celebrate. lol In Nov/Dec there is a high likelihood for arguments especially with men. LOL Delays in relationships and testing of relationships also likely. In February relationships become more balanced and there is stability all around, especially money-wise. Practical love. Is there such a thing? Added bonus is that someone with a lot of Saturn influence like me tends to be more mature and patient. I laughed at the patient part.

Uranus: Not much to say here. For me it has to do with finance and self-esteem. Since I don’t have issues with money then it is likely self-esteem that is the focus for me.

Neptune: The planet Neptune is about creativity, spirituality, and dissolving of reality. It has been in my chart since Feb 2003 and is in the 1st house. It coincides with my first awakening which is no coincidence. It will remain until 2021. At age 40 I hit a developmental cycle which will propel me into public view, increase creativity, exaggerate mood (ugh), and increase psychic and empathic connections. I confirmed that I have already been told that my 40th birthday is significant this year. Looks like another major spiritual upswing is coming.

Pluto: In my chart until 2030 in the 12th house (dreams/unconscious). Pluto is intense, transformative; about purging, releasing, rebirth.. Lots of information comes in dreams. Hard to initiate action. Others come to me. I attract others and circumstances to me. Currently Pluto is in 7th house in my progressed chart which is good – self-learning, healing relationships with men, more sexual. I shared with her how I have witnessed in my life how relationship find me not the other way around. Friends befriend me, not the other way around. Men pursue me. Jobs find me, too. If I have in my mind where I want to work or what kind of job, I find it almost immediately. Few interviews, usually just one or two, and I know before I step foot in the place if it will produce a job. Pretty cool really. Maybe this is why my guides tell me that I am “good at life” and at manifesting?

Asteroid Ceres: Makes me a nurturer, focused mother, protector, very maternal, focused on health and food. This can also cause much grief. hahaha

Solar Return (from 40th birthday this year to 41st next year)

10th and 11th houses rule this year. 10th = career, 11th = social life, groups

She said to me, “This is a public year for you.” Yay? lol

I have a YOD which she says is rare and called the “finger of God” so a very, very good thing to have. I only have it this year, it is not normally in my chart. The 3rd (communication), 5th (love/romance) and 10th (social/public) houses makeup the YOD. At the same time my 11th house (community) is “packed”. She says my social outlets are related to my purpose.

Progression Chart (how my chart progresses over time)

Currently my sun is in Virgo, my moon is in Taurus and my Ascendant is in Aries.

Aries makes me more fiery. Moon in Taurus means I’m more stable and grounded. Aries likely will make me more athletic. She says my 7th house (primary relationships) is “packed” with the focus being on partnerships – teaming up with another.

Jupiter is in Gemini which will likely cause me to have an urge to teach and find reward and self-worth in teaching.

Overall she says my Aquarius ascendant makes me “strange”, but then she is one too so we got a good laugh at this.

She also said that based upon my chart I should be a total extrovert. That I’m a “tuning fork”, I impart wisdom to others, I combine psychology with healing and the occult and I travel. I have a Trine that is the mark of a psychic/intuitive as well.

Overall it sounds like a good year with lots of interesting changes ahead. I am intrigued about the social aspect because right now that is pretty nonexistent. The travel part is also curious to me. I don’t consider myself a traveler, though I traveled quite a bit in my 20’s. So far I have been to: Mexico, Canada, Honduras, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand plus almost every state in the US. Already this year I have a trip planned to Mt. Shasta at the end of this month. My husband wants me to go with him to North Dakota in June. I have yet to decide if I will.

Thus far I already notice the shift towards career-oriented thinking. The public aspect has yet to really show up, but I can see myself shifting in that direction already. I suspect June-July will begin to reveal more.

Solar Plexus Acquisition

More puzzle pieces are coming together.

During the night I witnessed something peculiar. From this observation I was able to deduce that many of my spiritual experiences and communications over the last year or so have been solely for the walk-in. I simply intercepted them or was allowed to perceive them/experience them as well. With that, I can clearly distinguish those communications meant for me and those meant for her. This alleviates much confusion on my part.

This morning’s observation was meant to show me what is occurring and though it felt as if it were me involved in the activities, it was in fact the walk-in.

What I observed was very strange and involved a sensation that is unlike anything I have felt thus far. I seem to always be saying that, too. It seems that there is no end to the “new” sensations!

I saw before me a vortex of spinning, brilliantly yellow energy. Above it and below it were smaller balls of energy that appeared white in color. This is when it got weird. It seemed as if another energy was dipping into and out of this yellow energy. Each time this other energy dipped into the yellow energy I got a very strange sensation. It felt like my entire nervous system lit up with a very slight electrical charge. I could feel it to my core. It was not unlike the feeling of a needle being inserted directly into a major nerve. It reminded me of when a dentist numbs an already partially numb area in the mouth with Novocaine. Ouch! Except this was not painful. It was also similar to holding a paperclip to an electrical outlet and feeling the slight surge of energy in your fingertips – but this was all over my body. Yeah, very uncomfortable.

I woke up feeling that groggy, drugged feeling I feel when I have been in a very deep slumber. My memories were foggy yet I was able to recall what exactly had been occurring while I slept. The yellow vortex was my solar plexus and the sensations I felt were a result of the soul exchange process. It was not fully revealed to me what this process was or why it was happening until I began to channel a post in my other blog.

You may have noticed that my other blog is very different already from this one. I cannot post to that blog as “me”. I try and then am shifted immediately into this other personality, one that is much different than I and which speaks very much like energies which I have channeled in the past. My third-eye and heart light up simultaneously and out comes the post. I am allowed to pause in the midst of the transmission. I do this sometimes to get my bearings and make grammatical changes. Otherwise, I am disconnected completely from what is written. I am often blown away by what I write because I am not consciously allowed to know until that point.

It is bizarre and a bit unsettling. Today, after posting to my other blog, I got very anxious and felt strange. My energy felt as if it was bouncing off my shoulders. I suspect this reaction was in part due to the “new” information being processed by my current personality. I was easily able to shift into a quiet space but the memory of the reaction is still very real and strange.

Oh this is so damn confusing! How am I even here and functioning at all I wonder?

Connecting the Dots

After writing my last post I realized that I did not explain something very key to this process I am going through. In reading my post I saw how similar it is to someone who is about to commit suicide. I assure this is not what is happening, even though it seems similar. I am fine. In comparison to other points in my life which were like mountains in their enormity, this is a hill.

This is not the first time I have been at this point in my life. I went through a similar process during my Dark Night. All of the memories coming up for review are ones I have already confronted and handled. I made my peace with my past a long time ago. That doesn’t mean it still doesn’t hurt when I look at it. Right now I am letting go of the residual attachment and emotion I have to these incidents in my life. It is a relief to release them. The more honest I am about my past, the better.

Right now I am uncertain what is at the end of this road. Although I am being told this is a walk-in/walk-out, the idea is still very alien to me in many ways. Remember, the walk-in has been with me throughout this life as my Companion. He came into this life with me. To me, he IS me. We are not separate and he has always been there. I trust him wholeheartedly.

Part of me thinks that this process is merely the obliteration of the Ego, the crumbling of the illusions I have built my life around. Whether this is the case or not will be known soon enough. I will say that I woke with a strong desire to write a farewell letter to my family and also a letter to the Walk-in. Why do I feel this need? It makes no sense yet at a subconscious level I am accepting that a big change is about to take place and in not knowing what I will be like when it is said and done I feel I need to prepare. Weird, but apparently this is not uncommon among walk-outs. No, I haven’t written the letters yet, but I am certain it will come in the not too distant future.

Connecting the Dots

After I wrote my last post I had a near panic attack and asked for the walk-in to take over. Within minutes I was listening to music, cleaning house and feeling clear headed. No anxiety feeling. Information that was not previously available came pouring in and the dots began to connect.

After my awakening in 2003 I was heading down this same path. I entered into the Dark Night almost immediately after and was reviewing my life constantly whether I wanted to or not. I made huge leaps and gains and was at the point where the merge with my Companion could be initiated. That is when I changed my mind. I had freed myself enough that I felt I could handle more of life and allow myself to be loved. At the time I was thrown into confusion because I had felt my life was “over”. It is a hard feeling to explain but it feels like life is complete; all planned lessons learned. Once I accepted the new timeline it got easier. I didn’t have much time to get in all that I wanted, so things moved very, very fast. And then the familiar feeling of being done came back. It is an unmistakable feeling. When asked what I wanted, I never had an answer. The only answer I would give was, “Nothing, I feel done.”

I’ve had questions from the beginning about my Companion. I am told he is a part of me, like my other half but then I am told I have other, other halves. How is this even possible? The Union dream I had really threw me into confusion-land because I met one of my counterparts yet he didn’t look/feel like my Companion. WTF?


The best explanation I have gotten thus far is that we started as One, then split into Two and then the Two each split again. This happens exponentially as each of us matures. So all this Twin Flame nonsense is wildly distorted. Technically, we can have a never-ending amount of Twin Flames if you consider just how frequently we “split”. What I was shown is that my most intense connections are now Four. This only means that the point of experience for me is now located within the first couple of divisions. Meeting any of the other three would create one hell of an intense connection. I experienced one and I will tell you that it should be illegal. Do not try this at home. Adult Spiritual supervision required. LOL

The spider web analogy works well here. At the center are the main supports and all others branch off from them getting ever wider and adding more and more branches. We can choose our experiences to be at any point on the web. We are all of them, all the time.

Yeah, no wonder I was confused! Add to that the experience of the Union (or whatever it was) and it is no surprise that I want to walk-out.



The Galactic StarBEing Awakening in a Human Body

Excerpts from an article written by Lisa Transcendence Brown. Full article here.

I found this article back in January. It kept coming up in my FB feed and was also posted in the Walk-in group. It came up again yesterday, so I re-read it.

This article is the best explanation I have found for the process I am going through. This is why I am being told by my Team that I am experiencing a walk-in and am finally AWAKE. I am reintegrating a part of myself, my Light, that broke off a very long time ago.

We are becoming WHOLE again.

A StarBEing holds codes and sequences beyond the human understanding and the physical body is a storage container, if you will. When a StarBeing is “forced” into living as a human by unconscious humans, their expanded consciousness is suppressed and “shut down”. This shutting down is what we call “going to sleep” or “the slumber”, also known as amnesia between the realms and veils. It stagnates the StarBEing and forces their DNA to distort itself and to separate off in order to survive here. This creates discord within the physical body vessel, physical pain, emotional pain and suppression that ultimately must be REVERSED back to purity and love again. The magnitude that one experiences this “force” through not understanding will determine the amount of distortions created, suffering and reversal necessary to re-program back to light again. Where an individual does not understand, they will do this to their self. This is why it’s so important to re-educate all according to the higher frequency realms of NEW Earth NOW…….

…..When one awakens, the body has been asleep. Some are walk-ins, some incarnated at birth and now we have “walk-throughs” and “pass-throughs” and many others coming through. Only the human needs to put this in a box to understand it. It doesn’t really matter, other than how one chooses to DO from this moment NOW…….

…..All are here to merge and unify to release the SEPARATION CONSCIOUSNESS that kept one unconscious and asleep. As these long awaited gamma rays continue to increase the bombardment of galactic light, intensity and distortions shall be magnified to make visible any old density programming and illusions still held within. The old matrix gridwork gone that kept all held together before, bizarre and extreme is the new way for one still holding onto the need/desire to remain unconscious.

New Blog

I am in the process of creating my new blog. It is time. There is no doubt.

I wrote the About page just now. My heart center blazed the entire time and my crown, third-eye and throat chakras felt odd. I had the familiar sensation of energy coming into my crown that I had in May, 2015. This is beyond spectacular but at the same time very scary on many levels.

I invite you to to follow the unfolding of this new journey. I don’t know what exactly to expect other than what was revealed to me today.

In Crisis

I just wanted you all to know where I’m at as it likely will keep me away from blogging for a little bit.

Whatever has happened to me has me completely out of whack. I am going to share some of what I wrote down at midnight last night when I couldn’t sleep because using my mind right now shifts me into a place I cannot function from.

11:54pm 2/19/2016

I can’t sleep. I am conscious of a feeling. It is causing me to want to run away from everything; to just up and go. But I don’t know where to. I feel frantic. What am I suppose to do? How do I escape this feeling? I am told to listen; to look at what is in my heart, but what I find confuses me. It says, “LIVE, be LOVE, embrace LOVE. You are ALIVE. BE ALIVE.” But what does that mean? I have no idea how to LIVE. Yeah. Pathetic. My heart is telling me to break away – to not be afraid of myself, of what I am feeling. I can’t think with this!

My heart just resonates with this connection, this Divine feeling of utter completeness. It is so full and deep and beautiful. But when I look at my life it is none of these things! My life, this life I am living, feels unnatural to me. I don’t feel like I belong in it. WTF?  I feel on the brink of something big but I just can’t get myself to take that step forward. If feels so familiar. Even now I am just avoiding, circling the unavoidable. It is so terrifying to even look. This is where I contact the intense desire to RUN. But there is nowhere to run to. The only true escape (if any) is death. Not an option.

All I know and feel right now, all.the.time, is that which I contacted in my dream. This shifted my very core. There is no going back. There is only FORWARD.

This is only a small piece of what I wrote down. I had to get it out somehow because it was keeping me from sleeping and I was (still am) so very exhausted.

My entire guidance/Team is different; my focal point obliterated.