Kundalini Dream: Navigating Dama

For the first time in a while I had meaningful dreams with messages and even some clarity. 

The first dream of the night involved me talking to a man who was severely depressed and disinterested in life. I remember encouraging him to do something with the time he has here and being very upbeat and positive. I asked, “Isn’t there anything you want to do with the time you have left?” I don’t remember him replying to any of my questions. In fact, he seemed to not even know I was there.

I woke suddenly around midnight feeling very energetically weird. I thought it might be my heart but when I checked my pulse it was steady. The feeling was very much like what I sometimes get when I return from an OBE too abruptly. It is energetic and hard to describe. I was able to return to sleep easily at least.

Dream: Navigating Dama

I remember talking to a woman throughout this dream. I never saw her, though. 

The space I occupied in the dream was dark. My best description would be that I was in a focusing area. The first thing I recall is communicating with my husband from this space. I could see him as if from a long distance (telepathy). He got very upset with me for interrupting him because he was working on a burial shroud for his brother. When I looked through his eyes I could see him creating the shoulders for it that resembled fabric wet with plaster. The response from my husband was harsh. Do not bother me now!  This is similar to how he often reacts to me in waking life when I’ve interrupted him when he’s working. I remember hearing certain words at this time. One word repeated: Requiem (a mass for the dead or Latin for “rest”). I watched a while curious about what he was doing but also recovering from his backlash. It hurt to be treated that way.

Eventually I left him alone. I turned towards a holographic-looking computer/phone screen and began to type into it as I spoke with the woman I couldn’t see but could hear in my mind. I typed two words with an “and” in between but kept mistyping the last word. Thus, it is the last word I remember. The word was “Dama” but I kept thinking I was misspelling it and it needed an “e” on the end. In other words, “Dame”. The app I had open was Navigator.

The woman and I were talking about my husband’s reaction and what it represented. I felt a lingering sadness and disappointment because it was clear to me that he would never be what I needed. I need a partner who puts me first, who thinks of me as “his person”, or the one he confides in and goes to for all his deeper emotional and spiritual needs/support. My husband, on the other hand, places me alongside everyone else. I am just one of many, often put second, third or fourth behind his many obligations towards the others in his life. He confides in everyone, seeking advice, sharing often personal and highly emotional aspects of our relationship and, thus, inviting others (via their input and more) into our relationship. To me, a partnership/relationship/marriage is not something one shares openly with others. It is holy, sacred, divine and private. 

I began to cry in the dream as we discussed my disappointment and grief. My husband and I have had many conversations about how I feel but he does not feel similarly. He doesn’t believe in placing any one person over another but feels all should be equal because he loves and admires everyone similarly. He does believe that a romantic partner shares the most intimate moments, but beyond that I feel like just another name on his long list of contacts.

As the discussion continued and I experienced the emotion of my grief, I began to feel a stirring in my root chakra that was beyond ignoring. The more we talked, the more intense the sensation. I have not felt such pleasure in a long time and then only via the Kundalini while in dream or altered (meditative) states. 

At one point I was able to ignore the feeling but at another I said to the woman, “I can’t [ignore it anymore]” and focused upon it. The more I focused the more intense it got but it never moved beyond the root. Instead, it sizzled there, fiery and fierce, while we continued to talk. This was when I was typing “Dama” specifically, which only later did I discover was significant.

My emotion got very high to the point of tears when I said to her, “I don’t want to do this.” She said, “You have to.” “This” felt to be a process; moving through my current situation rather than ignoring it. The specifics of “moving through” were not presented but I felt major dread and despair at just the thought of what lies ahead. It felt like whatever is coming is scary and difficult.

Interpretation and Significance

I woke, my eyes still wet from crying, and the intense energy still lingering in my root chakra. It was/is odd to me that I would feel such ecstasy while discussing such an emotional topic, one that is the opposite of pleasant. My guide was still close and asked me to consider why because she knows I know the answer already. The root activation was the result of the movement of previously stuck energy. However, there was also a lesson in feeling the energy, a lesson in restraint. 


One of the six virtues of a spiritual seeker. To have Dama means to have perfect alignment between your mind and your senses; self-restraint. In the dream I was typing “Dama” into the Navigator app – Navigating Dama.

In past instances of strong, lower chakra activation, I have had trouble not overly focusing on the sensations that arise because of how intensely pleasurable they are. In the dream I was successful for a time. I felt the pleasure but it remained in the background as I focused on the conversation I was having. However, it became difficult to ignore and I gave into it. The reminder in the dream was the word “Dama” being repeated.


Song of death, death, to lay to rest. In this case, I am watching my husband construct a shroud for his brother. To me this symbolizes putting to rest my karmic connection with him – “my brother”. I recognize this in the dream and grieve. Though the full extent of this dream realization did not return with me as I woke, there remains a deep, unsettled feeling of “unfinished business” that I know must be tended to. 

Root Chakra

The root chakra has to do with feeling grounded, safe, at home in your body, and connected to the Earth. One of the areas of the body that it is connected to is the spine. When not in balance or blocked one of the physical manifestations is sciatica along with feeling disconnected, depressed, negative and cynical. I have been experiencing all of the above. Thankfully, my sciatica is feeling better again with it only being a very minor problem that is more bothersome than anything.

Dream Reminder: Master(y)

I’ve been struggling again with an all too familiar feeling. It is an emptiness, a feeling of nothingness and numbness towards life. Ahead all I see is black. I move through these periods as if swimming in muck. It is slow going. Heavy.

I Know it is just a part of my cycle and, maybe also, the world’s. I’ve asked for assistance and received little snippets here and there in dreamtime. One was to focus on the positive despite all the negative distractions around me. I habitually fall into pessimism so struggle to see the positive. It is always, “I see [enter something positive] BUT [enter long list of negatives]”.

Another was a reminder to focus on doing things I enjoy, which has become quite difficult because one of the main things I do is exercise. The sciatica I’ve been struggling with since August persists and rears its ugly head right around bedtime. Thankfully, it has decreased significantly in the past few weeks, to the point that some days/nights I do not even notice it despite there still being niggles of nerve pain here and there (mostly left, upper thigh). Exercise gives me such relief, helping to shut down my monkey mind and relieve built up energy I’ve collected from my Generator family members. I’ve not stopped exercising but have decreased it substantially. When I did try to increase intensity I was reminded very harshly by my body that it was not OK. A sharp pain in my lower back/sacrum put me in my place fast. 😦

Last night’s message, however, was the most revealing of them all.

Dream Reminder: Master(y)

My dream recall begins in my old bedroom at my childhood home. I was sitting in front of the computer. On the screen appeared one of my Light Code Oracle cards. When I saw it a thought entered my mind: “Master”. With the visual of the card came a recording of me speaking in Light Language. I listened but couldn’t hear a large part of it. So, I decided I would record a new version.

The new recording was in song, a beautiful and powerful Light Language song that filled me with Light energy. The more I sang, the more energy there was, and I was inspired to sing more and more, filling my entire energy body with Light. It was miraculous!

It was at this time that I began to hear noises from outside my room. I stopped singing to investigate and saw my son in front of the TV. I asked him to turn down the volume, which he did. I returned to the room and began singing only to be interrupted again, this time by my sister’s radio. Angry, I went to her room but she wasn’t there. I yelled in frustration that all I wanted was quiet. I yanked the radio plug out of the wall. Silence.


The location of the dream is significant, symbolizing the past and an ever-present influence it has upon the present. My son’s loud TV and his willingness to turn it down represents my children and the responsibilities I have towards them and my immediate family. I feel less irritated by these things and am able to balance them with my own personal needs and desires. However, the family drama brought about by my sister, symbolized by her ridiculously loud radio, that causes me to react with anger and frustration. Unlike my son, I am unable to control her and the circumstances that surround her and her life choices.

In general, I reject the noises around me (the mundane), preferring to immerse myself in my Light Language song.


As soon as I woke this morning, I looked up the card: Mastery. The image in the dream didn’t match the card image but that doesn’t matter. What matters is the message.

I read the old post I’d written in 2017 after painting the symbol. The part that stood out to me the most was this:

The temptation to indulge in bitter despair may be a real hazard. Remember, from the metaphysician’s viewpoint, despair and inspiration are often considered to be a step apart. Discipline and vision are essential key words toward the overcoming of your problems.

Due to this merging of spiritual and mundane, being and doing, this card may experience a conflict between the two as they attempt to achieve balance in their life.

Probably the most challenging part of this life has been to find balance between the mundane and the spiritual. I seem always to be more involved in one more than the other. I prefer, of course, to be more involved in the spiritual. However, it is at times like these, when the mundane seems forced upon me, that I am the most prone to periods of “bitter” despair.

So the message is not one I like to hear but it is a good reminder, one I am grateful to have received. It was especially wonderful to remember just how powerful Light Language can be and how it was once an inspirational and powerful part of my life experience.

A Spark

Another mediumship experience to share.


I had to venture into Target again despite swearing I would stay away. Many of the big stores are going to pure self-checkout. They have few actual cashiers and I hate self-checkout. My favorite Target is now remodeled and no matter what time of day I visit there are way more people in there than I would like. It is just crowded now. 

I did my shopping singing a little song to myself to make myself feel better about all the sleep-walking people around me. When I got to the cashier line there were two cashiers to pick from (rare). I picked the lady I am familiar with. She always recognizes me and smiles, genuinely happy to see me. 

As usual we chatted as she checked me out. She’s older, maybe 70, and has similar views to my own about the city we live in and the changes going on around us. This time she told me she had been out a couple of days. When I asked why, she said she had been sick. Her son died on Labor Day and she has been struggling. She said she was the one who discovered his body. She went on to say she has been emptying his apartment in a rush to avoid paying another month’s rent and the landlord was nice enough to release them from paying for breaking the lease. She also relayed to me that she has his dog which offers her some comfort. Ultimately, her stomach was giving her problems so she had to take time off from work. I told her the body will force us to heal if we don’t listen to it. She agreed.

On my way out of the store I began to feel the emotion and by the time I was in the parking lot I was crying. Inside my car I sobbed. The woman was not showing any heightened emotion, so I doubt I was picking up on her emotion, but maybe. My immediate thought was that her son was close, maybe even following me out of the store.

I wanted to do something to help her, to show her I cared. I thought of taking her a card the next time I visited the store, maybe slipping a $100 bill inside. “Money can’t help her” was my immediate thought. No one should have to experience the loss of their child. 

Sometime in the night I awoke to use the restroom. My mind was still fuzzy with dreams. As I entered the bathroom I received a very vivid image of people standing in my periphery. The image was tunnel-like and back lit. There was one person at the front – a man who was somewhat short and round. There were two others behind him, only shadows in my memory now. I immediately knew he was the woman’s son. I acknowledged the man briefly, only partially conscious of the dialogue. The name “John” was relayed and as I returned to bed I worried I would not get to sleep because of his presence. As soon as I had the thought he retreated. Relieved, I thanked him and returned to sleep. 

All I am left with now are remnants of our conversation. His message was only that he was concerned about his mom and wanted her to know he was okay. The top message I received from Spirit is that they are not gone, just in another place – a much better place. I remember wondering how I could help. The woman didn’t ask me to connect. It was inappropriate to just tell her, “I’m a medium”. I could potentially write a note to her in the card that did not give away that I was directly communicating with her son. I remember that he told me about a song, one that was linked to him in life. I didn’t get details of the song. I was also reminded of how, when I first became aware of my gifts, I passed on messages all the time without anyone ever knowing I was directly communicating with Spirit. Perhaps I did already when I told the lady that I am sure her son is happy to know his dog is with her. Saying that made the woman smile. Perhaps it gave her a moment of relief? I hope so.


One of the most difficult parts of mediumship for me is the emotion. If the connection is strong I am usually overwhelmed to the point of tears. When giving a reading I don’t want to be a snotty, teary mess. I can’t speak and I need to in order to pass on the messages. I will get extremely hot as the emotion hits me. Sometimes I will actually feel how the person passed from this life – their physical body symptoms. Often I cannot control the violent shivers I experience from all the energy going through me. 

I don’t have to be giving a reading to have these “symptoms” of mediumship. In fact, I think most of the time I am picking up information even though I work very hard to block it. 

Lately I have been feeling extremely numb in general, so when the emotion hit me in the parking lot yesterday it was like night and day. When considering the memory of that experience I remember hearing that it is okay to feel and to be overwhelmed (cry uncontrollably). I know I have been conditioned not to cry – it means I’m “weak/vulnerable”. I also know from my K experiences that being open and vulnerable is a good thing.

As for why all this is happening now, I suppose it is inevitable. In fact, it might be the perfect storm for such gifts to resurface. 

A long time ago now I was wide-open and didn’t mind being that way. When an opportunity presented itself to pass on a message I took it. I learned some hard lessons, though. Most people are not open to receiving. Even now, with mediumship on T.V. and more people embracing it, there is resistance and skepticism. I think the biggest misconception is that a medium is able to get a crystal clear picture of their loved ones(s) and experiences them like a person in the physical world. That is not my experience and it is difficult, sometimes impossible, to get the names and other specifics requested. I’ve had people yell (and curse) at me and their loved ones in Spirit in frustration at not getting the answers they desire. Sigh.

For now it may only be that my gift of mediumship is serving to reconnect me with myself, that part of me that feels deeply and wants only to help ease the suffering of this world. My Light can spark the Light within others.  

Dream Meeting with Charlie

Woke up from a dream in which I was talking to a guy. In the dream, I had returned Montana (again) for school. I was in a student lounge area. It was full of students milling about. The light was low with a yellowish hue and the area reminded me a of mixture of a bar and a waiting area. 

I sat at a small bar seating area that was located along a long wall. As I played with my phone I noticed a man approaching from my left. He lingered, looking at me intently. I knew he wanted to talk so I looked up and he sat down, smiling, as if I invited him. He was rugged looking, like a version of Clint Eastwood, his skin tanned brown with deep smile lines around his eyes and mouth. Now that I think about it, he looked similar to a man I met in an OBE – the Marlboro Man. Ha!

When he introduced himself his words sounded all jumbled. I said, “Hold on, let me take out my earplugs.” I pulled out my right one and said, “Okay. What’s your name again?” He told me again, his words thick with a foreign accent, and it was still hard to make out but somehow I came up with Javier. I repeated it back and he nodded and said, “My friends call me Charlie.” 

With his very obviously Spanish name, I asked him if he was from the south. He nodded. So, I told him how I came to be there in Montana. I said, “I’m from Texas visiting after being away for 5yrs. I really missed the mountains and love it here.” I dropped my earplug (not wanting to listen) and excused myself as I knelt down to retrieve it from underneath the legs of a nearby chair. As I peered at it from under the chair I had a momentary moment of lucidity and the earplug became very clear. I remember thinking it out of place because I only wear them when I sleep, but it did not wake me up from within the dream.

Somehow we ended up talking about Houston. I think that was where he was from but am not sure. He began talking about specific streets in the area asking if I knew them. I remember talking about this for a while but cannot recall the names of the streets. Something about him relaxed me, like he drew out a part of me that otherwise would have remained hidden.

As we talked the scene shifted and we were in a car driving on roads with patches of ice and slush. I only recall that we discussed the harsh weather of Montana and he mentioned how the increase in population and warmer winters has decreased the heavy snow and ice. I remember as we drove that it felt like we were flying very low to the ground. In front of us was a four wheel drive pick-up truck (hard work) with oversized tires. It slowed and pulled to the right. In front of it and us was a flooded (high emotion) portion of the road. I was not worried whatsoever, knowing the water was not deep, but the truck detoured around it. We drove through the puddle and I watched the truck driving on our right. It drove back onto the road on the other side of the puddle at the same moment we did. We had successfully navigated through it.

Then I was just talking to “Charlie” one-on-one without any visuals that I recall. I assume we were still flying together but IDK. What I recall most specifically is him asking why I think of everything in life as “work”. I didn’t disagree and said just existing on this planet and in this body requires work. Survival = work. I think of pretty much all aspects of life from eating to sleeping – even breathing – as work. Over time all of it has become exhausting to me. It seems like every moment of life is preparing for the next. Every minute of every day making sure this body continues on. And for what? More of the same. In contrast, being in Spirit is not work at all. Everything comes with such ease.

Charlie reminded me that it wasn’t long ago that I found pleasure in the simple things in life. A memory of me cleaning dishes and realizing that I enjoyed it played through my mind. He suggested I focus on finding that joy again. 

I woke up still thinking of our discussion. My mind wandered to the people around me, all keeping busy with things in life they found “fun”. Fun is an over-used word. To me, “fun” describes something like going on an amusement park ride. Fun = adrenaline or an energy spike. There is a peak and then it falls back down, usually ending in a contented exhaustion. Yet, the people I know all use the word “fun” to describe all sorts of things from going for a walk to shopping or getting their nails done. 

I have become extremely critical of anyone who has tried to persuade me to have “fun” with them. If you say, “Come on! It’ll be fun!” It is an instant turn-off and I will likely say no. If you say, “It will be a nice change of scenery” or “You might like it”, then I might consider it. Might. lol

Regardless, Charlie is asking me to think of life differently, to get back to finding enjoyment in the simple things. If only it were that easy. Usually, those moments are when I am alone, so I will start there.

Finally, why I told Charlie I was returning to Montana after five years, IDK. 2017 was seems so long ago. Maybe I made some kind of decision back then that led me to take a long break from my spiritual journey? Probably. 2015-2017 were some of the toughest years for me.