Kundalini Dream: Want to Clean Floors with Me?

Very active night of dreams with the last one being a Kundalini dream.

I don’t recall the first dream too well now. My entire birth family was there, including my deceased father who I don’t see in dreams very often (he died in 1995). I remember seeing him very clearly and interacting with him about possibly taking an art class and finally deciding it was better to be a photographer. I took photos and remember that our family was going to take a family photograph together. The dream ended when I realized my father was dead and couldn’t be there. Unfortunately, I didn’t become lucid. I just woke up.

Kundalini Dream: Want to Clean Floors with Me?

The beginning of this dream is hazy. I recall being taken to a massive house that was mostly underground. As I descended the stairs I recall being told the house was left to me by my recently deceased grandparents. A woman with dark hair was with me. She was the curator of the house and was giving me a tour.

I remember going into the bathroom and seeing that the shower had been altered. Specifically, the shower curtain was taken off because it was no longer needed, but the rod was still there. I saw the need for a place to hang wet towels and clothing (I thought of bathing suits) so I adapted the curtain rod to this purpose. 

I walked around exploring the space. It looked like a normal house but the walls were concrete. A very large cat excitedly greeted me. It looked like a puma and was most obviously a pet. I pushed it off and lured it into a room and shut the door but it pushed it open and attempted to hug me. I pushed it off me again, trying to get it to go back upstairs but it wouldn’t. I suddenly became aware of many other “pet” pumas wandering the space, so, I closed myself off in a room.

I was inside a bathroom that I knew belonged to the curator. I felt I shouldn’t be there but also knew the space was now mine, so pushed it out of my mind. I noticed it was very dark inside and there were multiple leaks from the ceiling. Containers were collecting the moisture but it didn’t look like water. It was a thick, gold substance. The bathtub had a large window at the top that had curtains covering the light. I wanted more light so I opened them up only discover layers upon layers of curtains. I finally got them opened when the curator walked in, surprising me. Feeling like I was in trouble, I told her I was exploring and saw the leaks. She nodded and I asked to be told of other issues because I was not sure I wanted to take on a house with so many problems. The curator looked at the open window and I told her it was dark and I wanted to see the view outside. I pointed out the greenery outside. It was a beautiful view and unexpected as it indicated we were not below the ground like I thought.

When I left the bathroom I saw others were inside the house with me, people I knew from work mostly. They were looking around in amazement at my inheritance. 

The next thing I remember is a coworker coming towards me smiling really big. I could hear the others laughing thinking he was playing around but his face said he wasn’t and that he wanted me to go along with what he was doing. Unsure of what was going on, I played along. His back was to the group as he put his arms around me and pulled me close, pressing his lips to my own. In my shock I looked in his eyes and saw he was amused. Figuring it was a joke after all, I kissed him back but not fully. When I did my midsection lit up and the energy expanded. This surprised me and I pulled away. The man smiled, his eyes twinkling. The group was still laughing, thinking it all a joke. They couldn’t see that we had kissed. I looked at the faces of the people and spotted the man’s wife in the crowd. I wondered what was going on.

The man pulled away, standing back as I slumped to the floor overcome by the amazing bliss flooding my body. I felt completely incapable of moving, frozen by the shock of what had happened and the incapacitating energy. My mind was busy trying to understand what was going on but nothing made sense. I couldn’t process any of it.

As I stared at the floor (I’m laying face down), I could feel the man crawling over the top of me. He leaned over and turned me around to face him. By this time the energy was all-consuming and snuffed out any resistance in me. When he leaned down I leaned toward him and kissed him. The energy shot through me with more intensity. The man communicated that he was pleased with my response to him. He looked up at someone and I shifted to see who it was. It was his wife smiling her consent. Part of me recoiled at this but I ignored the feeling, choosing instead to explore what this man was offering.

He looked at me again and said, “Do you want to clean floors with me?” Confused, I was about to ask what he was talking about when he sent a visual with his response of, “Remember when we…?” I saw us standing at the entrance to a large, open, dark space. We knelt down, face to face, and started buffing the floors with small wash rags. I remembered that we worked together to do this and said, “Oh yeah, at the restaurant.” He smiled and nodded and I agreed to the “date”. He said, “Good. I’ll come get you tonight at 8.” 


I woke up, the pleasurable energy still very strong in my mid-section. It has been so long! The energy lingered for some time after while I wondered about the dream. 

The basement is symbolic of something unknown, dark and mysterious; a place “underground”, subconscious. It is an inheritance which means it could be genetic or at the very least part of my history (this life and others). The first bathroom is a place of healing where I focus on the shower. I make adjustments and move on. The cat represents the Divine Feminine. I try to send it upstairs which indicates I want to be more conscious of this aspect of myself. 

The leaky, dark bathroom is a space that is in need of attention (healing). It belongs to the curator who is likely an aspect of me. I recognize the space as mine, though. I let light in to see better. The leaks are golden in color. Symbolically this means I am being shown something hidden about myself. The feeling I get from this aspect of me is that she is someone I am afraid of in the sense that she feels powerful and “above” me. 

The Kundalini part was very surprising both in the dream and after. There was no warning or indication that this dream would involve the K energy. The symbolism of it is clear, though – cleaning floors is symbolic of clearing away lingering past issues that are affecting my foundation in this life. The thing is, what I recall of the floors is they were dirty and our wiping motions were more to buff and shine the clean floors. So perhaps a final preparation? That would be nice!

A restaurant is a place of nourishment, spiritual nourishment specifically, but nourishment overall. 

I do hope the man in my dream doesn’t stand me up for our date tonight! LOL 

E.T. Dream: Scheduled Extraction

Woke at 3:30am from this dream. 

Dream: Scheduled Extraction

I don’t recall where I was in the beginning. It was like I was moving through a dark tunnel, though. I recall talking to someone, a woman, but I think there may have been others with us also. The topic of discussion was about E.T.’s who had been observing Earth for a long time and had decided it was time to extract a number of the inhabitants (humans). 

The visuals I received are what are most vivid to me in my memory. 

I saw lighted orbs (ships) streaming down across the planet and landing in the oceans. They were small, only large enough to carry one person, some smaller. With this scene I was told the ships were cloaked/invisible and could not be detected.

I saw a human-looking E.T. exit one of the ships. I exclaimed, “You look just like us!” In fact, I wouldn’t have thought of them as E.T.’s at all they looked so similar. I received confirmation that they did look like us and was reminded that they are us – “We are You”. 

In the next visual, I saw a human entering one of these ships. The human stood in the center on a platform and then was engulfed in an energetic protective barrier. The orb returned to space with the human inside in the same manner in which it arrived – very fast and undetected.

Then I became more aware of my surroundings in the dream. I was traveling in a vehicle (car?) with a woman who appeared to be driving. I couldn’t see anything outside the vehicle. I remember receiving information about when the extraction would occur. I seemed to Know it already, though, because I Remembered it. Two dates come to mind now, though I can’t be sure on their accuracy. The first is 2080 and the second is 2025. I seemed more interested in the latter and interrupted my woman companion to correct her date of 2080 saying, “But it begins in 2025.” I also Knew (was told?) that this kind of event was not singular – it has happened before and not just once. 

There was a word that came to mind that I resisted, but I don’t think they’re use of it implied anything negative: Harvesting. It was explained to me that some humans were “ripe” in that they had evolved to the point of relocation. In this sense, the word “harvest” makes more sense than the more negative interpretation that we humans have of being selected for consumption in some way. 

I did not take any of this information badly. If anything, I was excited. I told my female companion, “It’s good that I’m here with you. I will need to network with others in preparation.” She replied, with no emotion whatsoever, “There is no need for that.” She telepathically replied that any “network” I built would not be part of the extraction and of no real use to me. This made me pause as I absorbed all that I was being told.

Then I was once again in a black void. A male companion was with me this time. I was asking questions about the transport vehicle I saw in my previous visions – the orb ship. Again I was shown a visual, this time a view looking down on the earth from space. The orb vehicle was very visible – a bright yellow, glowing ball of energy. I couldn’t see a passenger inside.

It was explained how the vehicle worked. The individual stood or sat inside on a small platform. A crinkled looking metal substance that resembled paper tin foil was shown to me. It could’ve been what the platform was made of but I’m not certain. It was explained that vibration was key to the operation of the ship. The vibration transformed the foil into a solid wall which protected the passenger yet the “wall” resembled energy. not a solid structure. 

This was explained as I saw a visual of the orb heading towards earth. I remember saying, “Like Starman!”, thinking of the movie by the same name.

More was explained about how the vibration worked. I can’t remember the specifics now but at the time it made total sense to me. I believed it transformed solid matter into energy. Now that I think of it, it could’ve been that they were explaining what happened to the passenger because one of the things that made no sense to me was the size of the orb. It seemed to shrink as it accelerated, down to a size too small for a human to occupy.

I woke suddenly and lay in my bed wondering about my dream for a while.


I haven’t had a dream that has sparked my interest like this in a long while. The information seemed so familiar to me in the dream, like, “Oh yeah! I remember now!” The previous extractions felt normal as did the up and coming one. It didn’t feel like a bad thing at all. I was excited about it. 

Whether the dream is a premonition of actual events or symbolic of an up and coming shift, I can’t be certain. My best guess would be the latter – that the dream is symbolic of a transformative experience only some will go through. 

What bothers me about dreams like this is that the “events” I am forewarned of only pertain to a select few. It is a common theme and not only one that I pick up on. I’ve seen it from many other sources. 

I can’t help but think of other times in Earth’s history when these extractions have occurred. Is this why entire populations seemed to just “vanish”? I’ve had other dreams that suggest there is truth to this. Some were dreams of me reliving memories of similar events. 

The E.T.’s in my dream were very human-looking, I have no doubt of that. It was amazing to me how similar they looked even in the dream. The explanation was that they were just like me. There was no further explanation except that I seemed to Remember that we came from the same genetic material – like we were “seeded” or planted here to be observed and then extracted when we had matured. In this sense, we are indeed harvested. 

Where will we go? I have no idea now but in the dream I was shown “space” (out in the distance) and it was enough to satisfy my curiosity. I had no misgivings, no feeling of doubt. I trusted Them entirely. 

Intuitive Health Warning

Sickness has been prevalent in my household and my extended families’ households since mid-December. Based upon what I have heard from friends, acquaintances and the media, this is happening all over. The media says it is Omicron, but other viruses are involved also. The “fluvid”, a mixture of Covid and the flu, a regular chest/head cold virus and the intestinal flu are going around.

In my family specifically we were all hit with a cold-like illness around Christmas. My husband and middle son got the worst of it, with my son spiking a 102 degree temp with a sore throat and headache. Both later developed coughing with mucus that lasted about a week. My other son and daughter did not get it and I only developed the coughing part which lasted about a week. For me, the coughing was just annoying (only in the morning and at night) but my husband and son were both miserable. My other son only got a mild cough and runny nose but never once complained and it didn’t slow him down one bit.

Then both my BIL’s families caught the same illness. Since they were tested for Covid (negative) we didn’t bother to test.

When we returned to work, I discovered a coworker had Covid over the break. She told me she wanted to die when she had it, saying, “It felt like I was being stabbed with knives all over.” She took the hydroxy stuff everyone raves about and in three days felt much better, though she was extremely weak and had to have her son’s help.

That same week my step-father got sick, also, but did not get tested because his symptoms were so mild. He had the same cold symptoms as everyone in the family had over Christmas break.

Then this week my middle son (poor baby) came down with the intestinal bug and had that for 24 hours and two days ago my MIL tested positive for Covid as did my BIL and SIL. My BIL and SIL have no symptoms but they also just had the cold that spread through our families (and tested negative for Covid then). My MIL is struggling but okay, her symptoms similar to the cold we all had but a bit more severe.

When I heard my MIL had Covid and so did my BIL and SIL, I immediately wondered about the accuracy of the test. I’ve heard the test is not very accurate and since my BIL and SIL’s family just had what my family had (the bad cold), I can’t help but wonder if it was Omicron all along but the test failed to detect it until after. I’ll never know but it does seem feasible especially since, in my family, my daughter didn’t get the cold at all and I got a very, very mild version of it. We are the only ones vaccinated in our family (except my mom who, BTW, also did not catch the ‘cold’, while her partially vaccinated husband got a mild version).

An Intuitive Health Warning

Prior to and during all this sickness, I’ve been feeling/sensing a need to slow down and listen to my body. The warning has increased in the last couple of weeks and I’m beginning to pay more attention as I notice how tired I am in general and how my body responds to my routine.

My guidance has posed some questions for my consideration. Do I really want to put so much effort into my diet and exercise? How does the exercise I have been doing make me feel? Do I want to feel that way? What could I do that I would enjoy instead?

This consideration comes with a sense that I need to pay attention and follow my intuition rather than ignore it. It isn’t a feeling of “oh no!” like I have gotten in the past, but more of a persistent nudge. 

For the first question: Do I really want to put so much effort into my diet and exercise? My answer is: Not really. I mostly exercise out of habit and boredom. I also exercise because I feel that if I don’t that I will become less healthy, less physically attractive and have less control over my body. I try and eat healthy and avoid eating certain things or indulging. I use to track everything I ate but noticed it was becoming a bit obsessive and not making me feel good so stopped doing it.

I realized recently that my diet and exercise habits stem from a deep sense of worthlessness and need to prove myself. This is in line with my completely open heart center in HD. An open heart center also causes me to tend to agree to and try to stick to plans/activities/etc. but not really have the energy or ability to do so. I have not experienced this as much as the need to prove myself, but only because I have learned to say no more often than yes. In the past, I would say yes, feel pressured to stick to what I agreed to and then have negative experiences.

My diet and exercise habits also come from an open root center that can cause me to feel a constant pressure to do, do, do. I become almost frantic if I do not follow a schedule or routine. This is not just in terms of diet and exercise but in other areas of my life as well. In HD this pressure is from an open root center. It says, “I’m in a hurry to get things done”. It causes me to rush about, trying to get rid of the pressure but nothing I do will get rid of it. I have to learn to live with the pressure. 

As for the second question: How does the exercise I have been doing make me feel? Well, lately not so good. I don’t want to finish or just don’t feel like it. I would rather go for a walk while listening to relaxing music, do deep stretching, do short bursts of cardio, or just do nothing at all. I have already started to shift away from weight training, decreasing the number of days I work out and taking more time to stretch and relax. This week I feel like doing no weight bearing exercise at all. I went for a run on Monday and enjoyed it but should’ve run less and walked more. I’ve since chosen to take long walks and do limited bodyweight exercises.

Lately I am more tired than usual, sleeping deeper and wanting to stay in bed longer. This could be a sign that my body needs more rest. I should listen to my body rather than push it so frequently. It can lead to illness and burnout, which my 2nd line body is prone to anyway.

The final couple of questions: Do I want to feel that way (the way my routine makes me feel)? What could I do that I would enjoy instead? Sometimes I get an exercise high and I love that feeling. Lately, I’ve not been getting that high much. I tire more quickly, feel exhausted or anxious and get low blood sugar more than I like. What other things could I do that I would enjoy? The other night singing came to mind, so maybe I could try singing a bit more. Sleep is always one of my favorite things to do! So that is definitely on the list. 

I feel like I should look back on my youth and what I enjoyed back then. 

If I go to my youngest years, exploring nature, being outside, swimming, fishing, and drawing were what I did the most. In my teen years I enjoyed reading, taking care of the chickens and other birds we had on our property, gardening, singing, baking (and eating it lol), and sleeping (the best sleep ever in my teens!). Most of what I enjoyed back then were solitary activities and I am still like that today. I still enjoy gardening, singing, cooking/baking, nature and animals. It wasn’t until my late 20’s that spirituality came into my life and was added as my favorite past time. 

In my teens I was “chunky” and didn’t eat very healthy. I use to eat whatever I wanted. If it tasted good, I ate it. I weighed on average about 10-15lbs more than I do now because of it. It wasn’t until I got married that I changed after seeing a picture of myself that showed how fat and unhealthy I was. This shifted me into some extremely very unhealthy habits that included binging and purging and exercising too much. I don’t want to shift to that extreme again but I also don’t want to become that overweight, sluggish, unhealthy me either. I need to find a good balance where I keep moving and eating healthy without over or under restricting, and give myself plenty of rest and breaks. Honestly, I would love to not care like I did as a kid. 

This past weekend my family took the RV to a lake I often frequented in my youth. It was beautiful but a bit cold outside. I tried fishing but had no luck. I also went for a walk with my daughter and then with my son. When walking with my daughter I found a couple of cork bobbers and a fishing lure along with a bottle of lighter fluid. I found two fossilized seashells when walking with my son. He found one right after I did and was super excited about it. He said, “This is why I love going for walks! I always find something cool.” He is a 2/4 Pure Generator so it is no wonder he loves being outside and exploring. It’s a hermit thing. 😉

It is times like the above the I really enjoy these days. Spending time in nature with my kids, either all together or one-on-one, can be a wonderful thing. I love that I have two, 2/4 Generating sons that really appreciate the outdoors, nature, wildlife and all that is has to offer. They don’t feel the need to constantly talk or over-think things. We can walk happily together in silence.

So, I guess I am going to slow down when it comes to exercise, replacing it will more enjoyable, peaceful moments in nature and with my children. We will see what comes of this change. It could open new doors by just allowing me to see something I didn’t notice was there before. And considering all the sickness around me, these changes will ensure my immune system remains strong.

Lucid Dream: Meeting Klaus

Prior to bed last night I was thinking about something the teacher said in my Rave ABC class about Reflectors and some Projectors (those like me whose split charts have no centers defined). She said that their experience of life is surprise. Nothing turns out as expected, so they are always surprised by what life brings them. I thought to myself, “Not me. My inner voice tells me what is going to happen!” As normal, I got a reply to my thought. It asked, “Do you know what is going to happen now?” I thought about how all of this Knowing seemed to have gone silent recently and said, “No. I don’t know and that’s okay.” 

My mind wandered to our recent RV purchase. We tried it out this weekend because my husband couldn’t wait to use it. We stayed at my mom’s without hookups on a very cold night and it was not very enjoyable. The next day we went to the lake, which was much better, though I was very tired and developed a headache.

An internal dialogue commenced about the RV – Was it a good idea? What will become of it? Will it be used as I intended or will my husband take it over? 

I got an inquiry from within, as if saying, “Do you want to know?” I answered that I didn’t care and would accept the outcome regardless. I laughed at my reply because the HD Analyst had told me my life experience was a continual not-Knowing followed by moments of clarity/Knowing only to return to not-Knowing. 

I slept amazingly well last night and had an unexpected lucid moment and opportunity to go OOB.  

Lucid Dream: Meeting Klaus

I don’t know what was happening before I became lucid. I just became lucid all of a sudden.

Standing in front of me was a tall, thin man with blonde hair, blonde stubble on his face, and blue eyes. He seemed friendly and familiar. It felt like he had called me there because when he approached he had something to tell me. I decided to ask him, “What’s your name?” He said something like, “Tiff” (it started with a T) and I said, “Okay.” I remember being very pleased with myself for remembering to ask him his name. He then invited me to go with him. I assumed he meant traveling OOB as I was quite lucid and knew I was in the perfect state to do so. I said, “Sorry, I’m just too tired.” 

Accepting my answer he told me, “You have 433 [days] left.” When he said this, though, I was anticipating what he was saying and was thinking, “Hours, minutes, days, months….” I don’t know if he actually said “days”, it could have been me deciding that was what he meant. I also thought he was indicating how much time I had left to live, but afterward doubted this and decided it was more like a countdown to some event or life change. Regardless, I didn’t overthink the message, knowing that all too often I get cryptic messages from random people or guides while lucid. 433 days from now is March 27, 2023.

More lucid than I was before, I suddenly knew who the man was and asked him, “Wait, I know who you are. We’ve met several times. You’re Klaus!” He smiled and replied with, “Yes. We have met before and will meet again.” I asked, ” Why did you give me a different name?” I then remembered/heard, “We have many names”, and repeated that to him. He said, “Yes, We do.”

He had a distinct German or Nordic accent and I realized when I said “Klaus” that I said it with a similar accent. 

I hugged him and reached up to kiss him. In that moment I was really happy that I was getting to see him again and felt a connection to him. I wanted to initiate an energetic merge, but he pulled away and said something like “Not now” or “This isn’t the time for that”. His words were more of a telepathic feeling. I didn’t feel upset at the “rejection” but accepted that he was not there for that purpose. 

More was said but my lucidity dropped quickly and I moved into a dream scene.

Dream: Mongoose-Eating Cats

In this dream I continued to talk to Klaus as the dream story unfolded.

I was traveling along the road leading to my mom’s house, a road I am very familiar with in this life as I have traveled it numerous time. In fact, I was just on it Sunday. My mode of travel was flying. I moved fast, hovering as if a ball of energy. The sensation of it was very much familiar and I enjoyed moving in this way.

I saw debris littering various portions of the road. There were rectangular boxes full of supplies that had spilled out onto the road. I didn’t look close, preferring to look ahead. I saw a red car on the corner. It’s front end up crumpled up as if it had hit something very hard. I looked inside but no one was there. I couldn’t find what the car hit and briefly wondered what happened.

Another car pulled up and a man and a woman were inside. One was holding a piece of paper in his hands and I knew they were the occupants of the wrecked car. I decided to leave and fly towards my mom’s house.

Along the way I saw more debris. It looked like someone had just dumped their living room furniture in the middle of the road. Traffic was coming towards me and I decided to flash my headlights (I wasn’t in a car so not sure how I did this). None noticed and I figured they would be forced to slow to avoid the debris. One vehicle, a small bulldozer, did slow. I remember telling it to be careful. I recall seeing a set of empty book shelves standing in the road.

When I got to my mom’s house it looked different. It was more like a greenhouse than a house, with glass panels covering all sides and the roof. Inside were many house cats and another woman, my mom I think.

There were also these little ferret-looking creatures that were very playful and active. Many of these creatures had babies and I picked them up and cuddled with them. My mom showed one of her cats a baby and the cat hissed and tried to bite it. We decided to keep the cats away.

I went into the main house. Inside was no furniture and a very spacious layout. Where furniture should’ve been were potted plants placed strategically in a grid pattern on the carpet. There were more cats inside as I walked through looking at all the greenery. 

When I went back outside I saw the baby ferret creatures were playing near the front entrance where they entered through a cat door. A cat lounged nearby, barely noticing them. I asked my mom about the danger, suddenly recalling the name of the animals: Mongoose. She said the cats wouldn’t hurt the them.

Then I noticed tiny, white feet with no bodies littering the area. They looked like cat feet but I saw them as baby mongoose feet. I imagined the cat eating everything but the feet. I was horrified and grabbed a cat sleeping nearby and pushed it out the window. Then I saw where the kill must have happened, a wet area of concrete, and pointed it out to my mom. Just as I did this, a sprinkler located in the ground turned on and sprayed me hard in the face. My mom laughed. I woke up. 

When I woke up, the first thing on my mind was that the wet spot in the concrete was not a kill site at all but a sign that water was present. I thought, “I should’ve known that would happen.”

Dream Interpretation

It seems like the wreck and furniture along the road to my mom’s house is symbolic of some “impact” that results in an emptying of the contents of the home (life path/journey). In this case the contents appear to be tools (life strategy) and empty bookshelves (place to hold knowledge). The home has a greenhouse (place of growth) and is full of cats (divine feminine, feminine sexuality). The baby mongoose (playful, mischievous tendencies) is eaten by the cat (feminine sexuality). The inside of the house is empty except for plants (strategic growth). This aligns with the furniture on the road.

The dream in its entirety feels like I am being shown a future potentiality, though I don’t really know what to make of it. My mom’s house has transformed in the dream to a place of growth, full of cats and mongoose. This could indicate the two become one, in that the cat consumes/integrates the mongoose. My “mom” may be a wiser version of me, or could be my actual mom. My best guess is mom = my wiser or higher self. 

Whatever the dream indicates will happen it is certain that it will be a shock or surprise, one that pulls me out of my seriousness and catches my attention. This is indicated at the end of the dream where I am caught off-guard by a sprinkler spraying me in the face.

Projector Question: How do I Know When to “Wait for the Invitation”?

Many Projectors, especially those new to Human Design, get confused about the strategy of “wait for the invitation”. The way I interpret it is that if what I want to do involves another person then I need to wait for the invitation no matter what it is I want to do. With anything else there is no need to wait because it only really involves me.

Basically, we need to get agreement from others whenever we want to make an impact on others. If what we want to do really doesn’t impact anyone else, why would we need their agreement? 

A simple example: When I was single and self-employed and I wanted to go on a road trip, I just did it. Along the way, if I needed something from someone else then it would need an invitation but most of the time that was just understood – hotels for example either have a room or don’t. 

Now that I am married with three kids, a road trip requires agreement or else I just end up upsetting others and creating tension in the home.

Recently, I decided that buying an RV would provide me with the space and time alone I need whenever I need it (authority). I presented my idea (strategy) to my husband who is Manifesting Generator. He liked it and ran with the idea. I didn’t have to do anything and now I have a beautiful RV parked in my driveway! It took less than a week. No kidding!

When I was younger and still learning about how life worked for me (way before HD), I seemed to intuitively know that I needed help from others to get where I wanted in life. Direction was provided by my authority and my strategy kept me moving in that direction.

For example, I wanted to go to college but I didn’t have any motivation (energy) to stick with it (common with Projectors). While college might not seem like it requires agreement from others, it does if going to college requires help financially or otherwise. In my case, financial help as well as family support (in the form of energy) was a necessity. My mom, an Emotional Manifesting Generator (MG), pushed me through at the beginning and my ex-husband, also a MG, pushed me through to the end. The way they did this was that I would mention how college might not be good for me, etc., and they would advise me to persevere, that they believed in me and would help, and they did. Later, when I wanted to get my Master’s degree, my current husband (also an MG) also pushed me through to the end. He provided me with financial resources and encouragement while also helping take care of our kids. After discovering I was pregnant, I chose to quit (authority) rather than continuing on to get my LPC and needed no invitation to do so. It was my body and so I just ended my schooling at that point.

The jobs I’ve had have been similar in that my authority guided me and my strategy got me to where I wanted to go. If ever I doubted anything about a job, it usually turned out to be not such a good idea. It is just a feeling I get, like an uneasiness or questioning inside. The feeling stems from my authority, my internal compass, warning me that something isn’t quite right and I might be going “off course”. Sometimes it feels very wrong (can’t ignore that) and other times it is more like a “are your sure?” (minor detour ahead) an then later those jobs have been okay but intolerable over a period of time with many tough lessons pushing me to exit. The longer I resisted leaving the job, the more intolerable it would become. 

The “intolerable” feeling manifests as bitterness in a Projector, but can be a wide range of feelings from depression, lack of interest and motivation, avoidance of others, to blame and frustration. Basically, all feelings that scream “get out of here” but we ignore because our mind tells us that we “need” a job, or “need” a person or situation to survive. When we ignore these feelings and listen to the Not-Self mind we are ignoring our authority and following invitations that are leading us nowhere. Simply put, we go “off course”.

The above examples show that invitations will come even if not in line with one’s authority. So, you should be selective! But the cool thing is that no matter what invitations you choose there really are no mistakes. Your authority will course correct and get you back on path and all detours are just lessons and growth; “signs” pointing you in the right direction.

Authority (Spleen, Solar Plexus, Heart, G-Center) is one’s internal compass and strategy (wait for the invitation) is the road map. If you listen to your authority and get out of your head you will get to your destination without incident. 

This same advice applies to all other aura types. How you feel/connect with your authority will vary.

One Goal Complete, One Begun

One of my 2022 goals has been reached! The other is well on its way. The last is still in waiting.

In case you didn’t read my last post, these are the goals:

Train a new AP Manager (replacement) and then train/move into the position of CFO for our company.
Begin taking HD courses with the end goal of becoming an HD analyst.
Buy an RV to use to escape on solo trips as needed.

RV Purchased!

As a git-R-done Manifesting Generator, my husband wasted no time finding and acquiring an RV once I pointed him in the direction I wished to go. It is one of the most amazing things to watch an MG work their magic. When they know what they want they go and get it.

A business two blocks away from ours had a 2004 Tiffin Allegro Open Road 32AB sitting in their parking lot. Turns out my husband knew the owner and wasted no time getting in contact. We met with him and took a tour and test drive the next day. By the end of the test drive my husband said, “We want it!” I stood stunned and it took me a while to respond with, “Okay.” By Friday it was a done deal and the title was our hands.

The seller and his wife are really nice people with good energy. It was obvious from the moment we met them that they have high integrity. One of the reasons my husband wanted the RV was because of the sellers. We know that if anything goes wrong they will step up. In fact, they already have. The RV’s generator wouldn’t start and so they took it to be fixed before driving it to our house yesterday. Then the sellers stayed for several hours showing my husband how to work it and to drop off a care package.

Now that this goal has been met I have set some other goals that may or may not get done right away. We want to upgrade the TV’s since they are the older models from the early 2000’s. This one will likely get done soon since it was my husband’s idea. The other goal (mine) is to get solar panels for it. It is easy to go off-grid (boondocking) but only for so long. With solar panels we wouldn’t have to burn precious fuel. My husband filled up the RV yesterday and it cost $150! So solar would be significantly cheaper.

Some goals are:

  1. Get a mattress cover and sheets for the bed.
  2. Personalize it a bit (starting with a good sage smudge).
  3. Buy pots, pans, utensils and everything else in preparation for use.
  4. Fix the cracked windshield (the owner is paying half).
  5. Get electric, water and sewer to the parking space at my mom’s.
  6. Make a small porch/deck at my mom’s that is easy to move.

At the moment, #5 is probably the highest priority to me so that I can comfortably retreat to the RV whenever I want. It shouldn’t be too difficult a task for my husband and step-father. There is no septic at the site either, which is a necessity. IDK how the current residents are handling their solid waste but somehow they are. They are likely utilizing the outhouses my step-father built.

Here are some pics of our new RV:

Rave ABC’s

I attended the first class of Rave ABC’s on Saturday. Overall, I found it much more interesting and engaging than the Living Your Design class and am looking forward to the upcoming zoom meetings which are two hours on Saturdays.

The first half was mostly introductions, which went quickly because only half of the students attended. What I found most interesting were the number of 6/2’s present! Almost half of the students are 6/2’s. The next most common profile type is 2/4. There is also another Self-Projected Projector as well as several other Projectors. There is only one student on the roster with a 1st line – a 5/1 Projector. Ha!

Compared to the profile types of the students who attended to LYD course, this course is much more in tune with my type. It will be so much easier to interact with everyone!

Some of the information that I found new and interesting from class #1 was:

  1. The information on neutrinos. They have mass and they pick up and transmit information as they flow through us and everything else on this planet. Three trillion neutrinos pass through every square inch of Earth every single day. We live in a vast neutrino ocean that is constantly bombarding us with information. Our neutrino imprint creates our Body Graph in HD.
  2. Astrology in HD pinpoints the imprinting. HD uses the location of Earth in its calculation as well as the time of birth. It also uses a second time in it’s calculations, the time around the beginning of the first trimester. Aside from these things, HD is entirely separate from Astrology.
  3. Astrology vs. HD – HD is more refined using Gates/Lines. There are 32 distinct lines providing a deeper level of refinement compared to Astrology. Each sign has 5 full Gates, and one Gate with 2 lines. Each sun sign has 64 Profiles with 64 unique expressions.
  4. The Hexagrams are linked to genetic code. There is a relationship (correlation) between the Hexagram, Codon and Amino Acids.
  5. HD also has aspects of the Kabbalah. Specifically, channels between the centers connected by gates. Similarly, HD has four levels of activation.

I really liked the teacher. She is a 4/6 Generator and her teaching style is straight-forward just like I prefer. I also like that she asks us to keep our video off during class so as to not create distractions for those who are easily distracted. We can certainly have our video on, which some did, but by the middle of class everyone had opted to turn them off. I’m not really distracted by other’s videos but by my own. lol

What was especially cool was that I got a mini-reading when I introduced myself to the class. Very unexpected! Like I said, I really like the teacher. 😉

2022 Goals

Happy New Year!

This is my first post of 2022. I’ve spent some time thinking about what I want to create this year. Not new year’s resolutions but actual goals. This is unlike me because I tend to go-with-the-flow more than plan ahead with specifics. My husband is the goal setter in the family and I’m happy to let him be that.


A big part of my process has been accepting my new state of abundance – “affluence” may be a better word. I don’t know why, but I’ve struggled with accepting this. It is likely part of my conditioning, specifically stemming from my mother and her parents. My mom even recently said something I’ve heard her say time and time again – “I know whenever I get extra money that something’s going to break.” This was in response to her water heater breaking but very typical of something she would say. My mom taught me to save and only buy necessities. She instilled in me a fear that the other shoe will drop at any moment and it has stuck with me despite a lifetime of trying to shake free of it.

A good example of my response to our affluence is that I keep taking screenshots of our bank account. I do this because I just can’t believe what I’m seeing. I think, “I better take a picture as proof” because I think for sure it will disappear and never happen again (the other shoe will drop). Then, only a short time later, I’m taking another screenshot in disbelief because the amount has risen even higher. I think, “This has to be a dream”, but it isn’t. It’s our new reality.

In December my husband and his brother began the process of purchasing a business they have both been employees of for almost two decades. This week they finalize this first phase, which makes them owners of 80% of the company. With this purchase comes new responsibilities but also newfound wealth (I accidentally typed “weather”, so that, too!).

To try and swallow the magnitude of change this is bringing and will bring into our lives is difficult for me. I’m still in disbelief. Screenshots don’t help. Nope. Somehow, though, I have to step into acceptance and gratitude, fully embracing this gift while remaining humble.

Part of my process has been to save, save, save. Mom taught me well! Ha! Thankfully, my husband, the spender that he is, has taught me over our 14 years of marriage that my hoarding tendencies can be extreme to the point of creating in me a control-freak, fear-driven, monster. I came into this life with these tendencies and my mother reinforced them. So, basically, the more I save, the more I feel I need to save, and so save more while restricting spending to the extreme. My husband, thankfully, has helped me to become more balanced in this regard. I still struggle with guilt when I spend too freely, but I am so much less worried and preoccupied with money in general now.

So, this year, if there is something I want to do or get, I can’t use money as a stop. But I still try!!! lol

Goals for 2022

In my consideration of what I want to create this year, I couldn’t help but think of how others would respond to the affluence we have found ourselves in – travel, new home, new cars, new “stuff”. I’m not really interested in acquiring new “stuff” and I’ve had enough travel for now. So, then what?

My focus went to how I want to feel and then directly to my need for more space.

My trip to Costa Rica last year was meant to help me get more space and I did, but I’m looking for something more convenient that requires less planning. I want to be able to just go when I feel like it.

The first thing that came to mind? An RV. So, one goal is to purchase an RV so that I can go whenever and wherever I want without notice or planning. I can get space, alone time and nature all in one.

There was also a sense that I need to invest in my spiritual side more. It is what inspires and motivates me more than anything else. Human Design popped into my mind straight away and I knew that was where I needed to focus my energy. So, my next goal is to take HD courses and decide along the way whether I want to continue on the path to HD Analyst.

The final goal is more mundane but still important. I have decided to accept the offer to be our new company’s CFO. It will require more time in the office but also give me more freedom in the long-run. It will allow me to hand over my current responsibilities to another and enter into a more supervisory role.

At first I thought I should quit my job and just focus 100% on HD study, but I don’t want to leave the company high and dry at this point in time. Plus, since I am technically an owner now, that would just be irresponsible and, well, stupid. In stepping up and accepting this new role, I step more into acceptance of our new reality.


Train a new AP Manager (replacement) and then train/move into the position of CFO for our company.
Begin taking HD courses with the end goal of becoming an HD analyst.
Buy an RV to use to escape on solo trips as needed.

New Oracle Deck

My friend visited over the holidays and gave me a new oracle deck! It is called the Starseed Oracle. I broke it in by drawing a card for the new year. This is the card I drew:

The card description says this is an invitation to “jump in” with courage. Don’t ask for permission, don’t stall until you feel ready. It says to “take the leap” and figure out the rest as you go. The question asked: How can you be more adventurous? How are you being called to jump right in and take the leap?

Ideas and Opportunity Flowing In

The same day I pulled this card, my husband and I went to visit new property just purchased by our company. It is 10 acres in the country that will be used to store materials we have to purchase in advance because of escalation (steel prices are rising).

This is what the property looks like:

I wasn’t impressed initially but as we walked towards the back section I got more interested. There is a creek that runs through the middle of the property. When I walked around it I got a lovely feeling as did my husband. We both began to daydream about the potentials of the property, specifically that it would be a great spot to build a house. I, personally, have always wanted to have a private pond. The land in this area has more clay and is perfect for ponds. With a creek that flows year round, water won’t be an issue either.

The company will only be using the front half of the property for storage, so the rest is available for whatever we want. Potential is a wonderful feeling! If anything, I could park an RV there and get all the space I want/need, whenever I like. 🙂

Speaking of RV’s, my husband liked my idea and we are looking at one this week. I am open to whatever the Universe brings me, preferably something I can drive without feeling I might crush smaller cars, but I am also okay with just parking an RV somewhere and driving to it. We’ll see what comes of it. Regardless, it is fun to shop around.

Also, yesterday I registered for Rave ABC’s, the next foundation level course leading to HD Analyst if I want to go that route. I purchased the student book, which will be here by Friday. The class starts on Saturday. 🙂 I had options that would’ve started later, but the teachers’ profile types were not ideal. One was a 1/3 MG and the other a 5/1 Generator. I really didn’t want someone with a 1st line. They are too technical for me (info overload). I selected a 4/6 Generator as a teacher. I prefer a Projector, but I couldn’t find a teacher with that aura type.

The only thing left is to start training to become the CFO. This may take a while, though, since the current CFO is not really wanting to exit yet. I’m okay with waiting. I know it will happen when it is meant to.