Melancholy is Beautiful

Sorry I’ve been so quiet lately. SO much has been going on with me and I have just not felt inspired to write about it. I’ve also let so much time pass between posts that I am overwhelmed by the amount of “stuff” to write about. There is just SO much!

I don’t even remember what I’ve shared on here and what I haven’t. lol So, if I repeat something – sorry!

Firstly, this entire year has been a dark one for me. Dark in that I have been going through a kind of “gauntlet” of emotional and physical crap. What seemed to be a complete lack of “spiritual adventure” in my life was in fact the opposite! The entire time, unbeknownst to me, I have been changing. I’m still not sure what the end result will be, but I am starting to get glimpses of it. Thank God!

The majority of the dark, heavy stuff began in March. It was a mixture of emotional purging and random physical ailments. I got a message around that time via a dream that a period of change was approaching that would take “100 days”. I didn’t heed the warning, but then, how could I? I had no idea what was coming.

Emotional: Geez! There is too much to put here. Let’s just say I had many, many emotional dreams where I would wake in tears. Often I didn’t even remember the dream that precipitated the tears. Other times I would wake up fixated on some repetitive issue in my life. Then there was the anger. OMG so angry! And when the anger subsided I was anxious and felt completely off. There was no reason or rhyme to any of it. Trying to make sense of it was pointless and only made the experience worse.

Physical: I think I wrote about my heart palpitations, anxiety, extreme tiredness, deeper than deep sleep, and itchy skin with no known cause. Well, all have seemingly resolved – to a point. I had to cut out caffeine altogether and I love coffee. I’ve been drinking decaf for months (it’s okay I guess). Alcohol is also a big no-no, but then I am not a big drinker. I had to increase my turmeric dosage, use prescription cortisone medication, take cool baths nightly and slather myself with Aquaphor for weeks to get rid of the random, angry rashes on various parts of my body. The tiredness was concerning in the beginning. I worried I had anemia or some other condition (could I have cancer?). Now, I feel pretty much back to normal – almost. I still feel like I have to take it easy but I don’t know why. I’ve stopped questioning and coming up with reasons to stay active. Now, if I feel like I should ease up, I do.

August 4-7: Sudden horrible insomnia hits! To go from deeper than deep sleep to no sleep was quite a shock. At first I blamed it on my birthday and being older, but then it stretched out for four nights and each night I had less sleep. The last night I got 1 hour of sleep and had a massive emotional meltdown, crying to the point of not being able to breathe. I ended up seeking out my husband and just having him hold me as I cried (not normal for me). Then, when I thought I was done crying, it happened again and then one more time. You would think I would be exhausted after that? Apparently not. I had one hour of semi-sleep and then it was time to wake up. Interestingly, we were on a family vacation to Washington when my good sleep returned. Oh and the last remnants of itchy spots disappeared on that trip, too.

Messages In-Coming

Since I’ve been back from vacation I’ve had an uptick in messages coming in. Most come in via the environment but occasionally I get a voice message “download” as I wake.

Dimes. I kept coming across dimes on the ground. It was almost daily to the point that I started taking notice. Then, one morning as I woke, I saw a visual of a dime dropping and heard, “Everything can change on a dime”. I’ve not seen anymore dimes after that.

Animal Encounters.
Great horned owl: I had a visit from a great horned owl not long ago. It was night and I was sitting outside when it flew from the ground to the fence and then sat there looking at me.
Squirrel: Found a baby squirrel on the sidewalk. He looked dead but when I touched him he squealed and squirmed. No mom or nest in sight. I was walking my dog so called and had my husband send the kids with a blanket. They came, I scooped up the tiny baby and took her home. Though I know how to raise baby squirrels (did it as a kid), I decided to take her to a rehab center.
Toads: Found a toad near his burrow while watering the garden. Later, I found a dead toad, entrails all pulled out, on my back porch. When I told my kids, my son said he had played with a toad for a long time that day and had also seen the dead one. We thought the toad from the burrow and the dead one were the same but today (a few days later) I saw the toad by his burrow again.
Bunny: This morning I was watering my garden and a baby bunny hopped out, fearless. I went and touched it and it squealed and ran to hide. I left it alone since it was obviously old enough to survive on its own.

Memories. Had a sudden, vivid memory come to me along with a message. The memory was from when I was around 7 years old. I had IBS and that particular day I was playing and was hit hard with cramps. My guidance told me, “Slow down and relax.” I don’t actually recall the exact words but I stopped, relaxed and took deep breaths. The IBS pain went away and I went back to playing. The message with this memory was to do the same in my life now – Slow down, relax and breathe.

Songs. The first one: “Stop chasing shadows, just enjoy the ride.” Then: “Stuck under water. I just need some space.” Finally, Sia: “I’m in here. Can anybody see me? Can anybody help?”


Had a dream last night in which I was traveling to Montana. The woman with me was driving and I was in the passenger seat. She stopped and told me to keep the car where it was but she didn’t put it in park. I kept the car where it was by drawing a red circle around it. The circle was tiny, leaving no room for movement, and so kept the car in place. When the woman returned she scowled and asked me why I didn’t drive the car. I said, “I’m not here to drive someone else’s car. I’m here to sleep (dream).” LOL

When I woke up I was smiling about the dream. I’ve been attempting to “drive” everyone’s car but my own. It’s time to drive MY car. There was Knowing with this, like my guidance was telling me, “It’s time”.

The Sia song was in my mind, also. It feels like MY song. My guidance said, “It’s beautiful” and I was reminded of various times in my life when I have been sad but in that sadness was immense beauty. Beauty that was indescribable. The darkness, the sadness, was beautiful to experience because within it was every other emotion and experience. I began to cry, but not from sadness itself, but because I could feel it – ALL OF IT – every emotion all at once. So beautiful!

More memories flooded in, memories of songs I’ve written, paintings I’ve painted, poems I’ve written, dances I’ve danced – all inspired by darkness and melancholy. And my Human Design came to mind. I only have one defined channel, the 1-8 channel of inspiration. This is a channel that finds inspiration from long periods of melancholy. Melancholy is all I consistently know and experience. It is my gift. It is my inspiration.

I recalled another message I received upon waking that I had long forgotten. I was told, “Sing!” the minute I recalled it, memories came one after the other, all of times when I was singing. When I sing I feel correct. I feel “high”. In fact, I use singing when OOB to raise my vibration because that is what singing does.

As I was receiving all of the above I was hearing and thinking, “I am beautiful”. So often I’ve rejected my melancholic tendencies because other people and society reject them. Not anymore. My melancholy is beautiful. My melancholy is my inspiration.

Lucid Dream Message: Pay Your Dues

Wonderful lucid dream this morning.

Dream: Following Neil

The dream began as a non-lucid dream. I was at my house tending to my front garden which had become overgrown with tall weeds. I began pulling them one-by-one and tossing them to the side. Some were tangled up in lights and so I had to pause and pull the wires out. When I was finished, the pile was a pretty good size. 

A group arrived and I invited them all in for ice cream. I told them I had a ton of Blue Bell ice cream leftover after pulling the weeds. The group came inside and happily ate the ice cream. A woman I seemed to know thanked me and asked me about a certain person who was like a counselor to me. I remember recognizing what I was doing was way out of character. I wouldn’t invite a large group of people into my house like that, especially these kind of people. I identified them as members of a special church group who my husband associated with. 

Then my SIL arrived with her kids. One of them was climbing around in my freezer and I asked her to get out because it wasn’t safe. I noted the strangeness of the situation, which then got stranger. A large bus drove through the house and down the hallway and stopped. The woman from the church group got out and asked me about the place we were in. I realized it was an entire room I had forgotten existed. I told her something about how when we don’t go to a place frequently enough, we forget it exists. She asked me to clarify and I explained that I hadn’t been in that room for so long I forgot it was there. Then I turned and realized the room was an entire house of it’s own with a kitchen, master bedroom with ensuite and everything. I told the woman I had been advised to cut it off from the main house and rent it out as an apartment. I liked the idea.

We all went back outside and I watched the bus leave, noting the pile of weeds I’d pulled earlier was still there. That’s when Neil arrived. I knew him instantly and even called him by name. This was the man who was like my counselor that the woman had mentioned earlier. He was a plain looking, tall, slender man with graying hair and a nice smile. I felt a familial connection to him and tried to get close to him because it felt so nice to be around him.

He invited me to run with him and took off down the street. I followed but he ran straight into a busy intersection that was full of people (no cars). I stopped and ran perpendicular to him. I lost sight of him more than once and eventually saw him through the crowd. I ran towards him but again lost him. I felt my energy shift and my vision blacked out.

Lucid Dream: Pay Your Dues

I ended up inside a restaurant. Neil was gone but I felt him with me and could hear and talk with him inside my mind. This is when I realized I was dreaming. I was contemplating the dream up until that point and remembered the house from the dream was a creation from another reality. I remembered it in great detail and this brought me to almost full lucidity because it was a kind of ah-ha moment for me.

Sitting at a booth located under a large window, I noticed a woman sitting alone across from me. She was blonde and young but had a full go-tee of blonde stubble. She often stroked it with her hand. She was preparing to eat and had a full array of food and even a bottle of wine in front of her. I felt like she must be lonely and contemplated going over to befriend her. That’s when I noticed she wasn’t alone. She had a female companion with her. 

Then a large man with a tray full of food walked over near me but fell and some of his food slipped into his big belly, spilling all over him. He then sat down almost right next to me. His daughter followed and sat across from him. He got out a large bottle of tabasco and poured half of it on her food and then the other half on his. She took a bite. I couldn’t help but comment, saying if I ate that it would kill me. The man laughed and said it would kill most people.

My energy shifted again and my vision blacked out. I willed myself back to the dream.

I picked up a menu and began to read it. The words moved and formed messages that once read rearranged themselves into different words. I watched the words in amazement, taking note of the messages as best I could but forgetting the majority of them. I spent a while reading the menu. My face soon became wet with tears. I felt a sense of great love from the messages but there was also a hint of sadness and homesickness. I remember Knowing the message was that I have to stay in this physical reality. In fact, a very clear message appeared in writing on the menu at this time. It said, “Pay your dues”. 

Eventually, the menu letters stopped moving and I put it down. I got up and walked to the bathroom and stood in front of the bathroom mirror to put on makeup. In my hand I found a circular compact. When opened it contained some face powder and a small applicator. I looked up at the mirror and saw my reflection but didn’t focus on it too long because I noted my face was warping and shifting, making me seem much less like myself. I looked back down at the compact and spoke with Neil. I think I asked him where he was. He explained how he “borrowed” energy to look as he did but sometimes that energy isn’t available, which was the case in that moment. He also said he preferred to be “invisible” because he’s scared me in the past. I got the feeling he might look like an “alien” and so understood why I might get scared.

The mirror in the bathroom was one that opened up to reveal a cabinet inside but inside wasn’t a cabinet. Instead it contained more messages. Again, the words appeared, I read them and then they vanished. Whatever I read again made me cry. The tears were slow and steady and the feeling I had was strong disappointment like a sulky child. I decided to look at the compact in my hand and noted there were two sides. When I opened the other side the powder was cracked and crumbling and the applicator was dirty. 


I woke but remained in reverie for a while talking with Neil. He seemed to be leaving and said, “See you soon” and I asked, “What does that mean? Does it mean I will go Home soon?” He chuckled and said, “No”. He then asked me about something I was asked about 10 years ago now. At the time I was still living in my old home. My third child wasn’t yet born. I was sitting outside on the porch in the evening and was asked by a guide, “What if I told you you only had ten years left to live. What would you do differently?” I thought for a while and said, “Nothing.” 

Neil asked me to consider how much I did do differently since then. I thought first of what remained the same. I still feel the same. I still have many of the same habits and routines and am around many of the same people. My family is still struggling with the same challenges.

Then I thought of what I did change. We sold our house and moved. I quit my job and took a part-time job and eventually stopped working altogether. I then started back working the job I currently have which suits me quite well. I’ve traveled more and stepped outside my comfort zone on many occasions. I focused on myself quite a bit, working on my issues and learning to set healthy boundaries. 

So I did change some things. 

Some things haven’t changed, though. My family still has the drama that caused me to want to sell my old house and move in the first place. In fact, that same drama often causes me sleepless nights. I remember clearly that I did not want to live amidst the drama and thought our move would facilitate the end to my sleepless nights over that drama. It did, for a while, but recently I’ve allowed myself to be pulled back in to various degrees. However, recalling all of this has helped me remember that my initial decision to leave was correct and I still do not want anything to do with that place or the drama of it.

My best guess is that this is the karma I am working through. This is me “paying my dues” and this is why I am so sad about remaining. I have no specific memory of this karma, so I can only guess the debt I am repaying. It does feel that my role is to remain detached from it all, to step back and let whatever happens, happen. This can be very difficult!


I can’t remember if I updated on the land and off-grid cabin idea from earlier this year. Basically, building a cabin on my family land is not going to happen. The way the land is situated, the county will not allow my mother to subdivide the land without adding a very expensive road ($150K at least). So, my mom couldn’t sell to me or leave each of her children acreage unless she subdivided the property. Her solution was to create an irrevocable trust. When she dies, we, her children, are required to sell the property and then the profits will be disbursed in monthly payments until gone. None of us will get any land. My sister won’t be able to get any money without doing two things every month: Prove she has a job and take a drug test.

I am okay with it since my feeling was that it is not the best place for me anyway. My older sister is hurt and angry, though, and she doesn’t know about the work/drug test requirement yet. She thinks I manipulated my mom into not giving her land. My mom was never going to give my sister land, though. She worried my sister wouldn’t pay the taxes and the family land would be taken by the county. My mom tried to get one of us siblings to agree to leasing my sister a couple of acres for the rest of her life, rent free. None of us would agree, so that idea was dropped. None of us wanted to be put in the same position my mom is now.

As is it, my sister and her husband are living in their RV next to my mom rent and utility-free. Every time I visit my mom she vents to me about how awful the situation is but she doesn’t do anything about it. I don’t visit often because I feel completely sucked of all my energy and it can take me two days or more to recover. 

Cracked Compact РThis keeps coming to mind as symbolic of how I have been feeling lately. It is becoming harder and harder to keep up any kind of fa̤ade.