Dream with ET and Message

Before going into this dream, I wanted to share something that happened a couple of weeks ago. My youngest son lost his watch in the back yard because he took it off when jumping on the trampoline. He only told me when it was near bedtime. Still, I went out with flashlight in hand to search for it. No luck. He was very upset to the point of crying. It broke my heart. I reassured him I would look in the morning and this seemed to reassure him.

The next morning I went outside to look. Still no luck. I took a break to do something else, all the while thinking, “Where is it?” I heard an answer back, “It’s by a tree.” I ignored it but heard it again and then again. So, figuring I had nothing to lose, I went back out, this time focusing on further away from the trampoline. The first tree I checked – nothing. But, just as I was told, there was the watch right next to the second tree. Yay! My son was so happy when I gave it to him later that day.

This kind of Spirit help don’t happen often. In fact, I can’t think of another example quite like this one.

So, onto the dream…..

Dream: Anon 11 and Message

In the dream I was in a car feeling sleepy. There was a woman in the back seat with me and a man in the front. The woman looked different, so I took notice. She was very pale, almost white, and completely bald. Her eyes were a bit larger and somewhat slanted with Asian-like eyelids. Her nose and mouth were small and she had a tiny, pointy chin. Her ears were what was really odd. There were small ridges where the top of the ear was, almost like her human ears had been absorbed into her head. Where the opening to the ear would be was a thin, yellowish membrane. Below that was a circular lump about the size of a large mole that was a bit more orange. Somehow I knew that this ear membrane and lump were how the woman sensed her surroundings. She saw via her ears as well as with her eyes. She could also hear what I could not. Somehow I knew that if her membrane were covered it would be a kind of torture for her. It appeared that the man and her were “together”. I observed them communicating without words. She curled into a ball and went dormant (also normal for her) and the man and I communicated for a bit. IDK what we said now but the car disappeared. The next thing I remember was standing with them both and referring to them as my parents. The woman commented that it wasn’t quite the right word for who they were to me. They both seemed extremely amused by my comment. 

At some point I became more lucid. I asked her name and heard, “Anon 11”. When I asked where she came from I got something I couldn’t understand. I was then shown something by being taken to a “rest room”. At first it resembled a human restroom, at least the door and size did. But when I went inside, a membrane wrapped itself around me on all sides. I was hoisted up horizontally and the ends twisted until I was snug inside, like in a cocoon. I began to lose lucidity because I didn’t quite understand what I was being shown. I lost time at this point. Maybe I fell asleep? I felt someone put their hand on my right shoulder in bed and shake me gently. It seemed like their message was, “Wake up!” I ignored it, rolling further onto my left side, feeling groggy. This is when I heard, “There will be retaliation against the US in June.” This woke me up and I couldn’t return to sleep. 


The ET in the dream was very curious to me and so most of the dream was me trying to memorize her appearance. Her ears reminded me of an amphibian’s ears; a tympanum. Her energy was soothing and calm. Observing her sleep was interesting. She curled up into a tight ball, so she must have been very limber. She was about my height and her skin had a bit of a shimmer to it. She was beautiful in her own way, though very odd for sure. 

The name Anon was pronounced Ann-on. I wish I could remember the odd name of her origin. I have no idea about the membrane cocoon or what it means. Perhaps it relates to my sleep patterns lately? I am sleeping longer and deeper than usual and have been for over a year.

The message about retaliation against the US woke me because it was believable. My first thought was that those in power want war so that the current president has a better chance of staying in power. It is rare that the American people vote out a US president during wartime. It would be exactly the kind of political manipulation expected in times like these. I saw a quote on FB the other day – “War is young men dying and old men talking”. ~ FDR. Sigh.

Later, I told my daughter the about the ET and her name. She asked, “9-11?” I repeated the name. She said, “It sound like 9-11 to me.” I hadn’t even thought of the that. I find it interesting that Anon 11 sounds like 9-11 and then I got a message about retaliation.

Dream: How to Hug

The below dream is from the 21st of October.

Dream: How to Hug

I was visiting with a group of very tall individuals. I don’t recall how they looked but they seemed masculine. 

One was telling me about how one of the common issues he has with his students is that they get stuck at the solar plexus. The energy doesn’t move up from there. He said this was because they hug the wrong way – only from the front. I laughed and said, “That is me!” He nodded and said, “I know.” I could see the correct way to hug and it was wrapping the arms all the way around but from behind, not from the front. Then I saw energy travel from the center of the body all the way up the spine. For some reason it made complete sense to me and I felt certain I could easily hug this way.

They asked me questions about my spiritual experiences, one standing behind me and the other in front of me but slightly to my right. Specifically, they inquired about my ET contact. One asked me, “Have you had Contact before?” I said, “Yes. Many times.” I explained how it was long ago and so now all those experiences no longer feel real. I remember saying, “But when they happened they felt real”. One of them said, “They were real.” Then I explained my initial reactions to Contact, how it scared me and it took a long time for me to realize that there was nothing to fear. I specifically remembered one experience where I was taken aboard a craft of some kind by a very tall, blue Being with very long fingers. His craft was alive and he operated it by touching various symbols. I saw the symbols light up and that is when I noticed his fingers. When I looked up at him and saw him I didn’t freak out even though he was very, very alien looking. My thought at that was, “We are all the same”. It was after that, I think, that I no longer had fear of ETs.

Lessons Learned

Things I have learned since my awakening (that stand out to me):

Heart Connections (Twin Flame) are real but they are very misunderstood. There is no guide, book or even illustration that can explain a connection like this. Everyone’s experience is unique. The key to surviving one and moving past it is this: The connection with the other person is an illusion. The real connection is to yourself. If you fall into the trap of attachment to the other person, you will suffer greatly

Awakening the Kundalini is not fun. Seeking to awaken it (prematurely, forcing it) will only create more obstacles and potential mental and emotional illness/pain (think along the lines of Kundalini “syndrome”). It is not for the faint of heart. The Kundalini accelerates everything and forces confrontation of that which is deeply hidden and avoided. It strips away the illusion.

ET’s are real. They are telepathic Beings. Telepathy is more than just hearing a voice in your head that isn’t your own. It is the transmission and reception of the entirety of an experience to the extent that each individual experiences what is communicated as if living/experiencing it themselves. As humans, we are unable to even conceive of the magnitude of this as of yet. The compartmentalization of the human mind creates an obstacle to pure telepathy which must be circumvented. Therefore, ET’s tend to use the dreamstate to approach and communicate with humans. The Experiencer returns from the experience unable to relay what happened accurately because humans do not have the right “tools” to do so. In their attempt to communicate their experience they only have human language and limited human experience as their tools. Much is lost in the translation.

Most, if not all, of the information available via the spiritual/metaphysical community is inaccurate, incomplete and/or altered. Why? Re-read the above paragraph. Those who rely on anything but themselves, their intuition and inner Knowing, are perpetuating the misinformation. If you are following someone who has achieved some kind of “higher” status in the metaphysical and spiritual community, beware. The ONLY one you can trust is yourself. Anyone selling that their way/method/technique/information is the best/only/highest should be avoided. This doesn’t mean ignore all the information out there. It means use your inner Knowing to sift through everything you come across in your search. Take what resonates and toss the rest. If you doubt your ability to do this, step back and observe until you are able to recognize your own Knowing. 

The only true path ahead is your own.

E.T. Dream: Scheduled Extraction

Woke at 3:30am from this dream. 

Dream: Scheduled Extraction

I don’t recall where I was in the beginning. It was like I was moving through a dark tunnel, though. I recall talking to someone, a woman, but I think there may have been others with us also. The topic of discussion was about E.T.’s who had been observing Earth for a long time and had decided it was time to extract a number of the inhabitants (humans). 

The visuals I received are what are most vivid to me in my memory. 

I saw lighted orbs (ships) streaming down across the planet and landing in the oceans. They were small, only large enough to carry one person, some smaller. With this scene I was told the ships were cloaked/invisible and could not be detected.

I saw a human-looking E.T. exit one of the ships. I exclaimed, “You look just like us!” In fact, I wouldn’t have thought of them as E.T.’s at all they looked so similar. I received confirmation that they did look like us and was reminded that they are us – “We are You”. 

In the next visual, I saw a human entering one of these ships. The human stood in the center on a platform and then was engulfed in an energetic protective barrier. The orb returned to space with the human inside in the same manner in which it arrived – very fast and undetected.

Then I became more aware of my surroundings in the dream. I was traveling in a vehicle (car?) with a woman who appeared to be driving. I couldn’t see anything outside the vehicle. I remember receiving information about when the extraction would occur. I seemed to Know it already, though, because I Remembered it. Two dates come to mind now, though I can’t be sure on their accuracy. The first is 2080 and the second is 2025. I seemed more interested in the latter and interrupted my woman companion to correct her date of 2080 saying, “But it begins in 2025.” I also Knew (was told?) that this kind of event was not singular – it has happened before and not just once. 

There was a word that came to mind that I resisted, but I don’t think they’re use of it implied anything negative: Harvesting. It was explained to me that some humans were “ripe” in that they had evolved to the point of relocation. In this sense, the word “harvest” makes more sense than the more negative interpretation that we humans have of being selected for consumption in some way. 

I did not take any of this information badly. If anything, I was excited. I told my female companion, “It’s good that I’m here with you. I will need to network with others in preparation.” She replied, with no emotion whatsoever, “There is no need for that.” She telepathically replied that any “network” I built would not be part of the extraction and of no real use to me. This made me pause as I absorbed all that I was being told.

Then I was once again in a black void. A male companion was with me this time. I was asking questions about the transport vehicle I saw in my previous visions – the orb ship. Again I was shown a visual, this time a view looking down on the earth from space. The orb vehicle was very visible – a bright yellow, glowing ball of energy. I couldn’t see a passenger inside.

It was explained how the vehicle worked. The individual stood or sat inside on a small platform. A crinkled looking metal substance that resembled paper tin foil was shown to me. It could’ve been what the platform was made of but I’m not certain. It was explained that vibration was key to the operation of the ship. The vibration transformed the foil into a solid wall which protected the passenger yet the “wall” resembled energy. not a solid structure. 

This was explained as I saw a visual of the orb heading towards earth. I remember saying, “Like Starman!”, thinking of the movie by the same name.

More was explained about how the vibration worked. I can’t remember the specifics now but at the time it made total sense to me. I believed it transformed solid matter into energy. Now that I think of it, it could’ve been that they were explaining what happened to the passenger because one of the things that made no sense to me was the size of the orb. It seemed to shrink as it accelerated, down to a size too small for a human to occupy.

I woke suddenly and lay in my bed wondering about my dream for a while.


I haven’t had a dream that has sparked my interest like this in a long while. The information seemed so familiar to me in the dream, like, “Oh yeah! I remember now!” The previous extractions felt normal as did the up and coming one. It didn’t feel like a bad thing at all. I was excited about it. 

Whether the dream is a premonition of actual events or symbolic of an up and coming shift, I can’t be certain. My best guess would be the latter – that the dream is symbolic of a transformative experience only some will go through. 

What bothers me about dreams like this is that the “events” I am forewarned of only pertain to a select few. It is a common theme and not only one that I pick up on. I’ve seen it from many other sources. 

I can’t help but think of other times in Earth’s history when these extractions have occurred. Is this why entire populations seemed to just “vanish”? I’ve had other dreams that suggest there is truth to this. Some were dreams of me reliving memories of similar events. 

The E.T.’s in my dream were very human-looking, I have no doubt of that. It was amazing to me how similar they looked even in the dream. The explanation was that they were just like me. There was no further explanation except that I seemed to Remember that we came from the same genetic material – like we were “seeded” or planted here to be observed and then extracted when we had matured. In this sense, we are indeed harvested. 

Where will we go? I have no idea now but in the dream I was shown “space” (out in the distance) and it was enough to satisfy my curiosity. I had no misgivings, no feeling of doubt. I trusted Them entirely. 

OBE: Laser Beam

Before bed last night, I was watching, Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind – Contact Has Begun. I didn’t finish but had just started Part 3. If you haven’t seen it, check it out. I wasn’t very inclined toward the content in Part 1, but Part 2 got my attention.

I’m pretty sure the film impacted my dreams and early morning OBE.

Dream: Planter

I was standing in knee-high flood waters (strong, turbulent emotion). The water was frothy and brown. It churned around me and then subsided.

I walked through a mess of items that was left behind. Trash, mostly. Ahead of me I saw my sister and realized I was at the spot where her RV home was located. She was walking about picking up items. She came up to me and told me she was trying to get Mom to buy her a planter (hope for the future). I thought it a ridiculous idea considering her current state and suggested she use one of the many pieces of junk laying around. I even showed her how, giving her several examples of items she could use.

I noticed she was already using items as planters for various cactuses (mistrust, isolation). Some of them looked sickly. I told her she might consider using an old cooler, one with wheels. This gave me another idea and I suggested she use a small wagon.

Somehow I ended up going to “the house”, which I assume was located nearby but I don’t remember how I got to it. It was very nice and had so many rooms that there was no way just one family could occupy it. I spoke to someone about this as I walked through a living area.

A woman was with me and showed me to a child’s room. It was full of all kinds of items. The woman suggested giving the items to my daughter (child aspect). “Do you think she would like this room?” I said, “Yes! She would LOVE this room!” I explored some of the shelves and one was full of tiny, glass figurines. I remember thinking she might struggle to keep the figurines organized. I, myself, would have loved the room as a girl.

Then I realized I needed to go to the bathroom ( seeking relief) and excused myself to go find one. I ended up going through a very heavy, steel door. When I turned around to latch it I had to really put all my bodyweight into the door to move it in place and latch it closed.

The bathroom itself was not a normal one. It had a very nice sitting area with sofas and a big table. To my right was a full kitchen. The walls were made of bricks and I couldn’t see a toilet anywhere. I went to search the hall behind the kitchen when I heard someone push open the heavy, steel door.

Surprised they got in even though I had locked it, I went to investigate. When I saw two men and a woman standing there I said in an annoyed tone, “Why are you in here!? I locked the door!” One of the men, who looked a lot like my uncle, said something in a harsh tone. It was something like, “Why do you always have to be like this?” I suddenly felt very ashamed but in defense of myself I said, “I had to use the bathroom.” But the feeling of shame lingered and I wondered to myself, “Why do I always act this way?” I could feel a heavy energy forming in my core. It moved upward quickly and I began to sob.

I woke up crying and a little confused. I was upset because the way I acted in the dream is so typical of my life. I end up confused afterward wondering, “Why did I do that?” It feels like I have no control over the things I do and say sometimes. Like someone else is doing it! What is that about?

A guide was close and encouraging. It felt like he wanted me to look.


A memory came to me, one from many years ago during my first year in college. I was working as a waitress in the town where I graduated even though my college was about 30 minutes away. I had worked there since high school and they asked me to help because they were short staffed. I ended up being the top waitress and so often ended up giving orders to the other waitress, most of which were in high school.

One waitress in particular resented the fact that I told her what to do. I remember asking her to clean the bathroom, checking her work, and seeing she had done nothing despite saying she had cleaned it. I called her on it, she confessed and back talked me, but went back and cleaned it with me watching.

A few days later I was going out to my car. I had recently gotten it as a gift from my Mom. Some of the waitresses were standing near it. The bitter one walked away smirking. At my car, one of the waitresses told me the bitter one had keyed my car. Sure enough the back of car had a long, deep mark on it.

I went to the owner and told him about it. He confronted the waitress and she confessed and he made her apologize. I demanded more be done, but he refused. I wanted him to fire her. My Mom contacted the girl’s mom and tried to get compensation for the damage but nothing ever materialized. I felt so betrayed by the owner that I quit very soon after. I didn’t want to work at a place that condoned childish behavior.

This memory was long ago discarded but now it was back. I realized I was being shown the memory because I had missed something. So I inspected how I had treated the girl and my reaction. I also considered the girl’s perspective and my boss’s.

Ultimately, I realized the girl’s family was likely very poor. I also knew my boss only hired girls who needed the job – for various reasons, he was kind-hearted. He was also short-staffed so would not want to fire someone for something they did off shift.

My tendencies when I was young were I to act without thinking. I often came across to others as unyielding and harsh. I am and always have been blunt and tend to speak my mind. I don’t often consider how others might receive me. I most definitely did not give this girl any respect and treated her like a child, scolding her for trying to avoid doing her job. Yet, when I considered her background, I sympathized for her. She was young and inexperienced. She saw my car as something expensive (it wasn’t but to her it was). She wanted me to feel what she felt and the only thing she knew to do was key my car. In the end, I could care less. I didn’t buy that car, my Mom did. I ended up trading it in on a much better one later. And that poor girl would likely have to work three times as hard as me to get a car like that!

But, honestly, she was not a good worker. She was lazy and idle, preferring to chat with her “friends” (they ratted her out) and linger in the kitchen. She often ignored her tables and I had to take up the slack. When I called her out, she couldn’t handle it.

In the end, though, I recognized that everyone in this memory was me. I treat myself harshly. I also forgive and give second chances, like my boss. All of it, every single part of the memory, was me. And my response to my guide’s questioning energy was understanding of this fact.

So how then do I explain feeling unable to control my response to others? I realized I behaved just as I was meant to. I may not know the full reasoning but it will be clear at some point.

OBE: Laser Beam

I became aware of hearing a radio playing in my room. The sound became very loud to the point that I knew what I was hearing were noises-off. I kept peeling away from my sleeping body to see the source of the music. I could see an alarm clock far across the room and had a “memory” of messing with the controls. I thought it must have gone off like it does sometimes when I push the sleep button on accident.

When I lay back down in my sleeping body is when I realized, 1. I was not in my bedroom but in one from my past. 2. I was already OOB because I could feel my astral body shift off my sleeping one when I moved. Because it all felt so real, I sat there contemplating whether I should test my theory. Eventually, I just sat up and floated out of my sleeping body and landed by the side of the bed near the open bedroom door.

My vision was shifty and dark indicating I was likely in a lower portion of the astral. I walked up to the front door and held my hands in front of my face to try and see them. I saw nothing but still said, “Clarity now” but I knew it wouldn’t work this time.

I flew outside where it was also dark. I couldn’t figure out if it was my vision that was turned off or if it was really dark. I felt my astral body pulled upward and said to whoever was in control, “Not so fast” and “No, I don’t want to go too high (meaning space).” I attempted to see below and occasionally got a glimpse of tree branches with newly sprouted, bright green leaves. At another time I saw the starry sky overhead in such detail it was surprising.

I’m not sure why I was resistant to the pull but I kept asking someone – “It” – to keep me fairly low to the ground. I did not want to go “to space” which is where I felt “It” wanted to take me.

Ultimately, this struggle brought me back to my sleeping body but I did not leave the astral. Instead, I made my way back outside. I don’t remember much of this trip except that I began to sing at the top of my lungs. This cleared my vision to the point that I realized it was indeed dark outside. I was able to see the area around my Mom’s house and flew around as I sang. I don’t remember what I was singing but I do know I was using my singing voice to talk to “It”, that powerful force that was still attempting to take me “up there”.

At one point I spotted a solid black pickup truck parked by the house. I was still singing and remember saying something to “It” about the truck. I wanted to see someone inside and had hoped I could manifest them, but it was empty. So, I picked up the truck and carried it with me up into the sky. It had no weight at all and for some reason I liked having it close to me. Eventually, the truck’s windows became black like the rest of the vehicle and it took on an unfamiliar shape. It was elongated with rounded corners and I was extremely shiny to the point that if I wasn’t looking for it, I wouldn’t have seen it. It would have blended in with the night; become invisible.

I grew bored of flying and wanted more interaction. This brought me back to my body once again. This time, though, I was talking to “It” when I heard a loud bang. I jumped and went to the window where the noise originated. To my surprise I saw someone outside facing me. I couldn’t tell who it was at first because the blinds were in the way. Looking more closely I recognized the person. I thought, “It’s my daughter!” I banged on the window in response and saw her smile and laugh. She had been trying to scare me.

I quickly flew to the front door and outside to meet her. We hugged like we hadn’t seen each other in a long time. I asked her, “How did you get here?” She pointed to a vehicle parked at the end of the sidewalk. I saw a dark colored SUV. The passenger window was rolled down.

Excited to have my daughter with me, I urged her to come flying with me. I flew up to the treetops. From that vantage point the full moon was visible. It was low in the sky and extremely oversized; massive. It wasn’t white but had a yellow tinge and the “face” of the moon was quite distinct. Excited, I yelled, “Look! It’s the full moon!” It took my breath away and so I figured it would also interest my daughter. It didn’t. She went her own way.

Realizing I was now alone, I went down to the waiting vehicle to see who had brought my daughter to me. I peered inside and saw two young Hispanic girls. The one in the driver’s seat had a small child in her lap. I said, “Oh, you have a baby!” and then corrected myself, “No, a child, with you.” In the back seat were more children. They had blankets and were not sitting in the seat but snuggling together behind the driver’s seat. I said to them, ‘You should put on your seatbelts.” The driver said, “We will.”

That’s when I noticed something odd. The two older girls had very large guns with them. They were black and I saw no distinguishing marks but I assumed they were machine guns by their size. I said, “You have guns?” They didn’t look concerned so I reached toward the gun the passenger was holding. She handed it to me barrel first and it was heavy and cold in my hand. Feeling the weight of it I said, “Woah.” I knew it was dangerous to take the gun barrel first but she didn’t even flinch.

I wondered if it was loaded so turned away from the car and aimed the gun at the darkness beyond. When I fired it did not make any noise. Instead, a green dot appeared in the distance. It was fairly large and just hovered there. I questioned the girl, “This is a flare gun?” She nodded her head. I asked who it was for. She said, “Protectors. They will come now.” In my mind I envisioned an army of armed men in black would be coming soon but knew that was inaccurate. I didn’t know if I should be worried or not, so stood there watching the green light. It wasn’t fading and was very obvious in the darkness.

The last thing I recall is seeing two Rottweilers intertwined, curled up together as if sleeping but their faces indicated they were on alert. Their positioning reminded me of the Yin-Yang symbol.

I returned to my sleeping body and lingered there for a while. My body was uncomfortable. My left arm a bit numb. So I settled into my body, moved my arm and opened my eyes.

Part of a song repeated in my head, “Don’t you worry child, heaven’s got a plan for you.”


The movie I was watching was on my mind as I fell asleep. I was talking to one of my guides throughout the movie. I was curious about CE-5, the method/project used to make contact. I thought about trying it but realized I had no interest in getting the E.T. to materialize for me. They already did, back in 1989. They seem to come to me without me asking or calling them. In fact, I think the guides I speak to are Them.

The last portion of my OBE reflects what I watched. The green light, specifically, is like the laser pointers used to point out the craft in the night sky. Like other OBEs, the “force” I feel pulling me was present, but this time, rather than assume that force was me, it felt to be an Other. I also did not want to go “up” despite knowing from previous experience that it often means I will be taken to extraordinary places.

I did ask to resume Contact, which could mean anything, really. I never initiated Contact to begin with and would never ask Them to come display themselves as proof they exist. I already Believe and have reached what the participants of CE-5 are seeking on my own. Yet, I do feel They have more to teach me. All I can do is ask Them to show me what I need. And it appears I needed to be reminded that we are all One, as per my first dream.

Next time I plan to just go “up there” when they start tugging on my astral body. I already know what happens. I speed up to the point I can’t imagine going any faster. I lose my astral vision, enter the void, and “blink” to a new location.

Contact and OBEs

Interesting night last night. It began when I awoke around midnight to thoughts that made no sense initially and seemed out of place. The first thought I had upon waking was something like, “Maybe we are being invaded?” In my mind specific knowledge points were connecting all at once. Imagine points lighting up and lightening connecting them in a pattern of awareness if you can. With each knowledge point came a memory – a kind of “ah-ha” moment that lasted milliseconds and was followed with another, and another and so on. It concluded with a feeling of concern that was quickly replaced with calm.

All of the thoughts settled eventually and I was able to come to a sort of understanding of the realization I was having. I am not new to E.T.-type contact and long ago managed my fear of E.T.s by rationalizing that they were no different than us, they just take a different form. Plus, their communication with me was exactly the same as my guides – it was virtually impossible to tell the difference. Ultimately, I lost all fear and communication with them seemed to taper off until it was non-existent. The typical OBEs where I felt to be on a table surrounded by Beings with a bright spotlight on me stopped. The visitations by strange looking preying mantis-like Beings stopped. The interactions with bald, near featureless, grey or pale-faced, large-headed Beings stopped.

Yet for some reason in the middle of the night last night I woke up thinking Earth was in the midst of an invasion and it was happening right under our noses. Suddenly, what has happened to me – IS happening to me – was recognized as the method of invasion. Of course, this cause a mild stress response that quickly passed because, well, whatever is happening to me seems to be helping me, not hurting me.

Memory of everything I have experienced hit me all at once. First of all, I couldn’t believe that I had “forgotten” it all. Actually, I hadn’t, I had just swept it under the rug because my life took front stage. Something in dreamtime must have triggered my memory but I have no idea what I was dreaming about before I woke up.

What I am left with this morning is calm and certainty. Yes, in a sense Earth is being “invaded” but that terms leads one to think it a negative thing when in actuality it is very positive. I was long ago told that I was a Contactee. At the time I thought it meant I would encounter a space craft or E.T. here on Earth. That was not exactly accurate. They (the E.T.’s) travel by thought/consciousness – outside of time and space. Therefore, it would make complete sense that they would make first contact telepathically. But humans are so limited in that capacity that in order for contact to be initiated the E.T.s would have to prepare the Contactees for contact.

Rather than go into a detailed account of what I Remembered, which I am sure you would all like to hear (or maybe not), I will just say that the walk-in phenomena is very intricately involved in the Contact scenario as is Kundalini, ascension, and the whole spiritual movement we are currently experiencing here on Earth. There are those of us who purposefully came here – as transplants – to initiate the ascension “wave”. I was told the number of “transplants” (Walk-in’s, Starseeds, whatever you want to call us) is about 1.5 million worldwide at this time. This is a small amount when you consider the total of the world population is around 8 Billion people right now.

The method of entry is being called “transplant” because that is very much how the process works except it is a consciousness that is being transplanted into a human host body rather than some organ or physical body part.

For me, this whole realization is taking some time to digest because up until now, I thought every human on this planet was like me. I was shown/Remembered years ago how I entered this body and communicated with it in order to be accepted into and merge with it. It is now beginning to hit home that perhaps this was MY transplant experience and not the typical human experience here on Earth. But then, I may be mistaken, which would not be the first time. It would be nice, however, to meet someone who remembers entering into the human body while it was still in the mother’s womb like I do. Thus far, I have not met anyone with memory of that, though.

Once I came into this body I was aware for a short time and then went to “sleep” for lack of a better word for almost two decades. When I awakened it was instant. There was no gradual stepping into. I seemed to acquire my abilities overnight. I meditated and it initiated awakening immediately. Snap! Is this how all “transplants” work? IDK. Likely there are different scenarios depending on their chosen path but ultimately the similarity would be a sudden awakening when previous to that there was “normalcy”. Some, I have heard, come into the body and never go to “sleep” like I did. I have only met one such person (online).

Anyway, I am still putting the pieces together but all-in-all I am feeling pretty fine and balanced despite the influx of memory. The end result for us transplants is that we come into our full “power” and then get to work helping to raise the consciousness of the planet so that Earth ascends to the point where human consciousness is elevated enough to communication with other worldly Beings without initiating panic and fear.

Now, for the OBEs……

Dream: Choice

I returned to sleep quite easily and drifted into a dream where I was with a group inside a nice house. I knew the members of this group and the owner of the house, though they looked different than I know them to look in physicality.

There was much interaction with the people in this place but most is lost to me now. I remember a tall man and a shorter, dark haired female. At one point the man, who I think was bald, was talking about his age and how old he was. I looked at him and said, “How old are you? You don’t look very old.” He sighed and said, “42.” I laughed and said, “I’m 42. Born in 76′, right?” Before he could answer I felt a shift in energy and knew time was not a factor in this place. It was as if I had broken a rule, but that is not the right term. It was more that I was not to mention specific timelines because it was likely that I was not on the same one as the others in the room. An analogy that comes to mind is the show Travelers where they had “protocols” and could not reveal their missions to other travelers.

There was a scene in the dream where we were making our own cereal. Parts of the cereal were laid out in sections and then put together to create the final product. There was corn in the cereal. I could see the kernels. I suggested we remove the corn because it would not taste good.

In another scene we were being told the house would be undergoing renovations.

Throughout the dream, I was hearing a female voice in my mind like a whisper as I interacted with the people in this group. She was asking me how I felt and if I would like to stay. At one point I felt her put her hand on my back right between my shoulder blades and a warmth spread across my back and into my chest. I fell into the feeling, opening to it and breathing a sigh of relief. I knew I wanted to stay. This place was safe. The people trustworthy. The space healing and revitalizing.

I saw options listed in my mind. The option to stay was checked and I was asked again if I wanted to stay. I did, truly, but a part of me rejected it because she did not believe it was possible that a place so wonderful, so loving and healing, could exist. If it did, I surely was not worthy of it. It felt that I was better suited to problems and conflict.

I woke up then, knowing I had rejected the space because I felt underserving of it. Additionally, I could not fathom such a reality existed. It felt unreal to me.



I returned to sleep and to the house. I was sitting at the kitchen counter. A woman was talking about doing something deceptive, taking the insides of a toy dragon I think. I was then offered the toy dragon. I saw it was see-through and inside were tiny, colored objects. I told the woman, “You can have the tiny pieces since I know you just said you intended to take them anyway.”  The woman looked shocked.

Then I heard someone call my name. I turned toward the sound and the scene shifted. I gained lucidity all at once and had full perceptions.

Though I could not see the woman, I could hear her voice. I somehow knew she was there to help; to offer healing in a way only a woman could. My vision was limited to that of my mind at the time so I could not see her, only shadows of movement. She asked me if I wanted her to come to me. I replied that I did and lay down on a blanket on the floor face up. There I waited for her.

She then suggested we take a certain position. I think she said, “T”, but I don’t remember her exact words now. When she said this I could feel her approach me and my vision turned on suddenly. Her body felt heavy as she positioned herself over me. My vision turned on and off but I could feel everything very physically.

The next thing I remember is my vision turning on vividly. What I saw shocked me. In my face was this woman’s genital region and I could see every detail of it. Suddenly feeling very inexperienced and nervous, I asked her, “What am I suppose to do?” She said, “Pretend that I’m you.”

I took in the scene, allowing myself to feel all the feelings that came to me. I was not disgusted but I was not attracted to what I was seeing either despite the visuals being VERY detailed and perceptions at full capacity. I began to touch the woman’s leg and kiss her there but hesitated because I began to think it would likely smell. The idea of it held me back and then I pushed the thought away but not before I smelled a familiar smell. It was not a female smell but a musky masculine smell, one I had smelled before in this lifetime. It was not pleasant, as if the man had not cleaned himself well. It vanished quickly but caused me to shift out of the scene.

I felt myself return to my body laying in my bed. In the distance I saw the woman sitting at a computer, illuminated as if by spotlight. I could see her clearly. She had short cropped brown hair that was wavy and came to the nape of her neck – like a pixie cut. Curious and feeling an urge to go to her, I sat up and OOB without issue.

When I went up to her I said, “I didn’t know you worked for him.” I looked at the screen and then back at her. I could see her face in detail. She had a round face with a perfect nose, brown eyes and freckles lightly dusting her cheeks. Her brown hair was messy and hung perfectly around her face. I was fascinated by her.

I got very close to her and looked her in the eyes. She laughed as I grew closer and her entire face lit up. I remember seeing her mouth vividly as she laughed. I think I said, “You’re beautiful” but I’m not sure, I might have thought it. I touched her face lightly with my fingers and turned her toward me because she had looked away. I said to her, “I want to kiss you.”

Her reaction to this was to grab me and kiss me on the mouth. The momentum of her movement was enough to push me to the ground. She fell on top of me and kissed me deeply and passionately. I could feel every part of the kiss distinctly. It was so real! And surprisingly, I reacted as passionately to her kiss as I would to a man’s kiss, maybe more so! My response was to begin to take off her shirt. As it came over her head the intensity of the experience woke me.

When I woke I was laying on my right side, knees tucked close to my stomach. My root chakra was active and warm, expanding outward like a huge bubble. Disappointed to have awakened prematurely, I lingered for a while wondering about the experience. I recalled recently telling someone online that I needed a woman’s touch to heal the wounds causing the blockage in my second chakra. I have no doubt that this OBE was for healing. I was reminded of the feminine energy, how it is nurturing and gentle. In contrast, the masculine energy feels rigid and rough. The wounds I carry from lifetimes of abuse by the masculine require a gentle touch to open up to healing, otherwise they will remain closed to it.



Jan. 2 Dreams and Strangeness

It’s been unusually cold here in Texas for several days in a row now. The high yesterday was 30 degrees but I don’t think it ever got that warm. The lows have been in teens and twenties. We had snow on New Year’s eve, but only a trace amount. Just enough to make the rooftops white the next morning. It will be below freezing in the evenings until this Friday. I want it to be Spring so bad. I hate cold weather.

This morning my husband calls out to me saying, “Hey Dayna. Do you think this is some kind of sign?” I said, “Maybe? What is it?” He brings to me a completely frozen dove saying, “It froze to death perched on a branch.”


When I looked at it, it looked like it was taking a nap. You can see in the image above that it looks almost peaceful. I told my husband, “Yeah, it’s a sign.” I didn’t tell him what sign, though. It seems like an omen of endings. I have gotten it myself before.

My daughter went into grief over it, crying and saying, “You poor thing. You didn’t do anything to deserve this!” She then had tons of questions about why he died. I explained that he was not able to huddle with others doves and so, being alone, he froze to death. I also said he was likely sick or weak to begin with. She wanted to bring him inside and let him thaw out, as if it would bring him back to life. She’s so sweet.

I’ve been going stir crazy. I hate the cold so I avoid going outside. It’s created a cabin fever feeling in all of us except my husband who has been happily working on a tree house outside (he’s nuts). Yesterday, sick of being stuck inside, I ventured out on a run. It was so cold my eyelashes stuck together when I blinked. The run wasn’t too miserable but I would rather it be too hot than not feel parts of my body. lol

Dream: Reunion

As I mentioned in my last post, I will be keeping track of my dreams for the first 12 days of this year. January 1st brought OBEs. January 2nd brought vivid dreams.

This dream began in the parking lot of a school. My intention for visiting was to check on some job vacancies I had heard were there. The positions were temporary, part-time teacher/assistant ones. The entire dream I carried with me a neatly folded full-size quilt/blanket (warmth, love, security, protection).

Inside the place resembled a mixture of various schools I have worked at in this lifetime. I walked down a long hall and encountered several past acquaintances. One was my ex-principal and another a male history teacher I once knew. Each time the encounters were pleasant, as if I was reuniting with them on the Other Side. Neither of us held any grudges or negative feelings despite having history with each other that was not all positive.

I went into a classroom and walked between desks of students. The class was the classroom of a familiar ex-coworker. We jabbered and I looked curiously at the desk of a female student in front of me. She had a small dish with two broken eggs (breaking out of one’s shell) in it. Assuming it was trash, I picked it up and disposed of it.

I walked over to talk to the teacher. She greeted me and asked me questions about my life, catching up on all that she had missed in the 4 or so years since we had seen each other. Another male teacher, the history one I had already spoken to, dropped in and joined us. The both mentioned that two science teachers had resigned. The name of my high school science teacher was mentioned as one of them. The history teacher asked me why I was there and I told him I was looking into working again. He seemed to try and dissuade me by saying the two positions were already filled. Then he asked if I thought of returning to school. I said I already had a Master’s degree and didn’t see the point. I then said that I was only looking for temporary work, like three months max, because I didn’t feel full-time work suited me anymore. He nodded in agreement and understanding. Throughout the conversation I was completely relaxed and accepting of whatever came to pass. If I didn’t get work, I was okay. If I did, I was okay, too. There was a sense that I didn’t need to work right now but that I could if I wanted to.

Then the student whose desk I had cleaned off interrupted. She said she was not finished with the eggs I tossed. I apologized after I saw every student had two broken eggs in a dish on their desk. I said, “Oh, I’m sorry! You are all conducting an experiment, aren’t you?” I picked the broken eggs out of the trash and returned them to her.

I spoke with the teacher of the class again. For some reason there was a completely naked baby boy (innocent/vulnerable/masculine aspect of self) laying near her desk. When I saw him I thought he was cute and so made some cooing noises. This upset him and he began to cry (part of self that is deprived and needs attention). The teacher consoled him and told me that he was particular about people. She told me I should not have growled at him. I said I didn’t and repeated to her the noise I made but it did sound like a growl. When I looked at the baby it had morphed into a toddler sized girl (feminine aspect of self) and said something to me I can’t recall now.

The teacher asked me about my sister (aspect of self) and I told her she had joined the Air Force back in mid-October, 2017. The teacher asked what she was trained in and I said, “Mostly militia tactics.” Somehow, though, the conversation seemed to shift to indicate that both myself and the teacher were trained for the militia and were on stand-by until needed. It felt like in the meantime we were to busy ourselves with other things until we were “called to duty”.

As I was leaving I realized I did not have my blanket with me. I searched for it and found it laying on the floor between two student desks. I was very pleasant to the students as I left, saying goodbye, smiling and mentioning I enjoyed my visit and would like to return for another.



When I woke I was in a pleasant mood despite how odd the dream was. It seemed like I had been interacting with people from my past, doing some kind of life review with them and catching up. The part about me looking for work was likely a discussion of my considerations right now in waking life. I have been again feeling a need to work but not feeling it is right, feeling unmotivated and disinterested.

The part that really stood out to me and that was on my mind when I awoke was the part about being trained military but in standby mode, awaiting a call to duty. It felt like me and the others in my dream had been trained in the same “tactics” and were currently on standby. We could do whatever we liked while on standby. There was not set agenda while we waited. It was like we were on leave (vacation) for an indeterminate amount of time.

The blanket symbol is significant. Usually I am wrapped up in a blanket indicating a fear of the unknown. But in this dream I was carrying it, neatly folded, at my side and at one point had to look for it because I left it behind. This indicates that I am not feeling a need for security or protection from the unknown. I am breaking out of my shell (the egg symbolism comes in here).

Recent Experiences

Last night, as with other recent nights, my attention keeps being shifted to a guide/Spirit/Being to my left. The sense of him is distant, as if he is purposefully standing just outside my energy field. I assume he does this so that I am not startled by the enormity of his energy. I will explain why I think this is a bit later.

The way he grabs my attention is interesting. Usually I am thinking or doing something that keeps my conscious mind occupied like watching T.V. or making dinner. Then, quite oddly, I will have a thought, usually in the form of a memory, that does not fit with what I am doing/experience in the physical present moment.

Last night I was watching Netflix and had let my left arm and hand hang over the side of the bed. I don’t normally do this and am not sure why I did this in that moment but I suddenly became acutely aware that my hand was there and outstretched as if to hold another’s hand. With this awareness I saw, like a movie in my mind, another hand reaching toward mine but the hand had three very long fingers with overly large fingertips on it. The hand was a bluish green color and familiar.

Along with this vision I had memory of an OBE I had a while ago. In it I was taken aboard a ship and saw a Being that was very unusual in appearance. Others told me he was a certain race of E.T. based upon my description of him but my mind is blank on the name of that race at the moment (very odd!). Mostly I recall his color which was a bluish green, his overly large head and long, frog-like fingers but I also recall the symbols on the ship and the stars of space through the porthole of the craft we were in.

I withdrew my hand and ignored the visions and memories feeling that I was crazy to consider any of it as my reality and returned to watching my show.

Not long after, fully immersed in my show, another memory presented itself. This time it was the memory of when I first received the name Elohim. I had never heard the word before, had no idea what it meant and since the name came with such an intense shot to the heart, it scared the crap out of me.

Well, you can imagine my reaction to this memory. Part of me was unconcerned and accepting. The other was saying, “Oh no. I’m not falling for this again. I am making this all up. It’s some kind of dream-schizophrenic episode and I will NOT be fooled into thinking any of it is real. Not again. Nope.”

It didn’t help that I was hit with a strange, surreal feeling, like this reality is just a dream construct and the memory I was having was the real deal. The disconnected feeling was super strong and it caused me to withdraw immediately from the Spirit/Being that was visiting.

He said to me, “We are One” and other things like, “You will see me again soon”, “Contact”, and “You are not listening.” I tried not to hear/listen but it was impossible. The messages and connection felt just like it did when I was visited before.

I almost didn’t write about this but felt I should because who knows where it might lead. Maybe I am experiencing some kind a dream-schizophrenic episode? Maybe I am mentally split to the point that I am bordering on a complete break with reality? I tried to rationalize it away with it all being a mental illness, but honestly I can’t do that completely. Either it is a real, spiritual experience or it is some kind of mass-hysteria-dream-psychosis that needs to go in the DSM-V as a new mental illness! Whatever it is, it is MY experience and I don’t know what the &*%@ to do about it!!!!

When I first had this “contact” experience with Elohim it led to all kinds of crAzY shit – Kundalini, heart connections, strange OBEs on board spacecraft and meetings with E.T.s/Beings. Most of it was good, exciting, wonderful, but then there was the big, life-altering stuff that ultimately led to horrendous pain and suffering on my part. To allow myself to believe/listen/accept this return of “contact” was to allow the potential of a repeat of all that I just mentioned. Not sure I am up to that again, especially the painful parts.

Ultimately, I recognized that I am where I am in life – not working, stay at home mom, isolated/hermit-like – for a reason. STILL. It is obvious that whatever I am going through necessitates these things because if I were to work or interact with others beyond my family and close friends/acquaintances, I may be exposed to that which I am not yet ready for. I assume heart-connections but it could be various other things and it could also be that others are not ready for me. Whatever the reasons it makes sense and so be it.





2 OBE’s and Message: I’m On My Way

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas! I have an entire other post written from the 24th but it has been so busy that I have not had a chance to post it. My two oldest both got computer games and so have taken over the computers in the household. This morning I put my foot down and took mine back. lol Now I know why so many parents buy their kids laptops at a young age! Ha! Since they are so inexpensive now I may end up giving in and buying an el cheapo for them to share (share? what’s that? HAHAHA).

Christmas came and went without much hoopla (thank God). We’ve already had two of the three we have each year. The next will be on the 29th with my husband’s extended “family”. That one will be CrAzY!

Here’s some photos of Christmas.


Christmas morning – Monty’s in Adrian’s lap. 🙂

gingerbread (1)

Christmas Eve – our gingerbread house.

gingerbread (2)

Christmas Eve at my Mom’s

Dream: Mutilation 

Strange dreams again last night. In this one I was reporting for my new “assignment”. It was in a secret location. Inside the underground location was a group and the feeling I had was that the leader of this group was some kind of New Age revolutionary for change. He felt somewhat like a guru but was not. He was just very wise and Knowing – a teacher.

I was given my assignment after a debriefing. The main thing I remember about my debriefing was body mutilation for cultural reasons, specifically circumcision. My group’s job was to go to a location and meet a “victim” and get him to share his story on video.

I knew I was to do certain rituals every day, reporting to the headquarters to meditate and chant specific mantras. I watched as a group of very important people visited the leader. When they came in there was a strong energetic shift. They were super tall and looked like elephants! I was shocked and in awe at the same time. When they spoke to our leader it was in a different language. All I could make out were clicks and strange noises there was no way I could make with my mouth.

As I watched the interaction I saw the elephant men shift shape and look more like tall, insect-like creatures with overly large heads. Their color changed to a rusty color, too. They acknowledged that I was watching by looking my way and nodding their heads. After this I was able to understand what they said. They mentioned that our group and our leader were “genetically modified” and they were not. They had come to make sure our instructions were understood.

I left with my group and entered a hospital where the victim was staying. I knew somehow that my job assignment had shifted from teacher to nurse and was a bit overwhelmed at knowing this. Two of my group members did most of the talking as we interacted with a man in a hospital bed. I took over when I saw he was not interested and soon realized it was not a man but a woman and that she had also been mutilated (clitoral circumcision). I was horrified.

As we left I met the nurse taking care of her. She was super tall, at least a foot taller than me. I hugged her and said, “I can’t imagine how difficult it must be for you.” As I said this I burst into tears, my heart ripped apart by the heaviness of the entire human race.


I suspect this dream is mostly about my changing roles and assignments. It is a sneak peak of the changes ahead. The elephant is likely symbolic of the Kundalini again and I do believe that I encountered E.T.s, though what kind I am not sure. I wasn’t afraid nor was I even nervous. The language was odd and the entire dream had a sacred feel about it.

It feels like I was taking on the pain of the human race – again. The way my heart overflowed for humanity was familiar and very real. I am getting use to it, though, so I am not feeling completely decimated by it. The mutilation is likely symbolic of how we mutilate ourselves and our Earth. It is very sad so I am not surprised that I burst into tears.

OBE: Cheers!

When I woke up I was still crying and a bit confused. I asked to go OOB and fell back to sleep.

I exited my body not long after and immediately went out the window of my bedroom. Outside it was dark and cold and I knew my trip would be brief. I sang aloud to keep my vibration up and stabilize myself. It worked and I flew up and above my neighborhood. It actually felt as if a giant hand was supporting me as I flew and I knew no matter what I would not become grounded suddenly.

I ran into a man holding a tray full of large bottles of beer. Still singing I smiled at him, grabbed a beer, took a drink and said “Cheers!” He smiled back and I recall a woman being with him. I greeted her and flew off on my way still singing and feeling light and happy.

I flew over treetops for a while noting that there was a magnetic pull upward always threatening to pull me up and out of the scene. I somehow knew that if I allowed myself to go with it that I would be taken elsewhere. This “elsewhere” was a place I have visited before. A sky world with floating cities and waterfalls. I looked up above me to see if there were any floating landmasses above me. I saw none.

Despite knowing this other place was awaiting me, I resisted the pull and came back into my body. My heart was racing and beating erratically. I took note and requested to leave again.

OBE: Summer

My request was interrupted by my daughter bursting into the room and telling me it was time to get up. I knew it was 10am and I should get up but I was too tired and told her to leave. She wouldn’t so I got up and ushered her and her little brother out. Closing the door I could hear the TV and tried to cover my ears and return to sleep. This was when I realized none of the interaction was real and I was dreaming.

I pulled myself out of my sleeping body and walked/floated into the other room. As I walked a piece of my sheet stuck to my foot and it took me a while to get it to come off. I saw my daughter and a little child. The child was sitting on the floor. Everything had a golden hue. I felt very happy and light and was eager to share it with my children. I took the little boy – now a girl – by the hand and headed toward the window. Another child appeared then, a little girl, and I took her hand also. All four of us went out the window but it morphed into an arched doorway. At our feet were tangled tree roots reminiscent of a fairy land. I was delighted!

Instead of flying I showed them how to jump really high and linger in the air. They did this with me for the rest of the OBE. It was warm and sunny outside and I remember saying how much I loved summer and how I wished it were summer now. There was a knowing that the coming summer would bring new life for me. There was so much more with this Knowing at the time but now it is lost to me. I relished the warmth of the sun and the bright green foliage of the trees and grass. It was in stark contrast to the bleak, cold and rain of the current winter.

I gazed up at the sky and saw a vast blue dotted with fluffy white clouds. I remembered again the floating cities of the astral land I once visited. There were no cities or landmasses above me but I knew somewhere they did exist.

There was a silent communication that it was time to wake up and I shifted back into my sleeping body without incident. Seamless re-entry – not vibrations or racing heart.

Song and Message

After I woke I lingered in bed for a moment. A guide was to my left and he asked me a question: “Would you like me to take you to our place?” I said, “Yes!” He asked me if I knew where it was. I said, “Yes!” and in my mind was memory of the floating cities of the astral sky world. He had taken me there before, long ago, and I had explored a floating building in the shape of a donut. We had traveled through this “building” (ship/craft is more like it). The walls breathed as if they were alive. Inside I was told it was the place where my “other body” lay in stasis. I never saw myself but another “friend” laying on a bed. I watched her sleeping body while her “dream” in holographic pictures formed in the space around her like a movie. I also saw her “guide” standing by her side.

There was an entire message from myself at this time. There were two me’s. One said one thing and the other in two-way conversation. It was an explanation and Knowing of all my dreams prior. The human me was excited and assuming I was ready to move forward in a certain situation. The other me explained matter-of-factly that I could not until I was Whole. There were still missing “pieces”. I saw these pieces as parts of my body, like a finger here or a foot there. Each section part was solid gold and shimmering and fit like a puzzle piece with the rest of my body.

When I came back to full awareness a section of a song was going over and over in my mind: “I’m on my way…..” On my way where? Home.

Note: When I told my daughter about my OBE and how we were jumping-flying she got really excited and told me, “I dreamed I was jumping really high last last night but I was in the back yard.” Ha! So cool!


Shit’s about to get real – well that’s the feeling anyway. Not sure what exactly that means in the big scheme of things but those of us who’ve been on this ascension path, riding it for umpteen years now, we’ve been through the ringer and back so many times now that we’ve grown use to being tied in knots so much that we may not know what to do now that we’re laying out to dry. It feels odd, doesn’t it?

My dreams suggest I have a new job. Not just the dream above but others as well. I’m not just a teacher anymore, I’m a nurse/doctor AND a teacher now, but the teacher me is mostly taking a back seat. What does this even mean? Hell if I know but I feel different. Nurses and doctors help the sick and dying. They tend to wounds and are all about healing and helping others. Maybe I am heading in that direction now, less focused on my own healing and more on others’….

I didn’t mention the other dream I had last night because most of it is lost to me. However, when I woke I was discussing taking a flight to Tennessee. WTF right? Why? Where did that even come from? I said to whoever I was talking to, “I can’t wait to drive there…” and was cut off with an image of an airplane and heard, “You will fly.” I was really excited but since I couldn’t remember why it was weird.

I have also recalled in-between discussions about using my spiritual gifts again, specifically precognition/readings. It always comes with a feeling…need almost….to get ready. There have also been discussion about my future, too, and how I will handle a certain coming situation, a situation I won’t go into now but one that will challenge me in ways I must prepare myself for. Mostly it is how to handle the feeling of Home on a daily basis without it completely destroying me and those I love. I realized just how not ready I am to have that feeling all the time. There is still too much human fear of loss and the stupid things the human me might do to avoid it. I may never really rid myself of it but there will be a time when I am up to the challenge of handling this fear with the help of another.

How all this will come to pass, I don’t know, but I trust that it will and won’t speculate on the specifics of it. It likely will not be anything like what I imagine. It never is.


Dreams, Tears and Finality

Meant to post yesterday on 11/11 but had a rough start and then got distracted as the day progressed. Had many realizations hit me on the 10th and then that evening had some difficulties that I won’t speak of on here because I don’t feel as “safe” on WP to be fully open about some of my private life as I do on Blogger. I will post a more personal account on Blogger later today if I have time.

Just a note: I find it interesting that though WP is what everyone polled said they preferred, I find I get 1/3 or less of the page views here that I do on Blogger. I get likes and comments on WP, which is nice for the interaction and I wish I could get that on Blogger, too, but the stats say it all. For example, my last post on Blogger got 60 views the day it was posted. My last one here on WP got 10. HUGE difference. Not sure why the difference, though.

Tears, Dreams and Finality

Like I’ve mentioned previously, I’ve been so involved in the mundane that spiritual messages tend to come from synchronicities and the like and are much less direct than they have been in the past. I think I miss messages throughout my day and don’t consciously recognize them as such until later when suddenly I am in the Know and am hit with a realization. This is what happened on the 10th and then yesterday. It was just a Knowing as pieces of memories mixed with syncs kept bombarding me until I recognized the message.

The night of the 10th was rough and then when I woke I had been crying in my dreams again. Basically it all began with FB showing me memories and these memories were like the nail that sealed the coffin before burial – burial of a process, of me, of something that I don’t even have words for. As it is I have been struggling to find something – anything – to look forward to in my life so that I want to get out of bed in the morning. Lately I just want to stay in bed and dream because in my dreams the heavy feeling of life is gone and I feel free to be myself and experience joy and love in a very real way. Even if I end up in tears from my dreams it is better than when I experience them in waking reality. There is a deeper understanding and acceptance of the emotion than when I am awake.

My dreams the night of the 10th were a hodgepodge of strangeness. In them there seemed to be an attempt from my guidance to find something for me to look forward to, some goal or aspiration to keep me going a bit longer.

In one dream I was in a plastic surgery office considering a boob job (lol) and though it was appealing to me to further create on my body I rejected it because, well, it is just a body and will get old regardless of how much I try and stall the aging process.

In another dream I had been thrown into a pit completely naked (exposed). There was a woman/man with me and she/he was my friend. I was also both male and female. This other person was there to help and as I fell to the ground in tears she/he placed a blanket (warmth, security) over me and asked me to look at the exit behind us. It was a tunnel (brand new awareness) through the earth. She/he explained the tunnel was dug by me and meant for my escape.

Finally, in yet another dream, I was cleaning a bathroom (purification) that had layers and layers of dust (neglect) on it. There was an old computer (communication) that had fingerprints inside the monitor. There were also small figurines – toys – that I picked up and placed to the side. One was of am injured pony (playful aspect of self), another of a child (inner child), and yet another of a woman. The woman seemed to show relief as I united them all. I placed her carefully in the lap of another. I then saw the figure turn and look at me and then lean back with relief as she rested in the arms of the other. I remember thinking, “She is alive!”

Image result for image of galaxies

Dream: A Lifetime in Dreamtime

Last night’s dreams were unexpected, specifically one. In this dream I was inside what appeared to be a medical-like setting with many rooms and hallways laid out as if in a high-rise office building. I was in a room with a man alongside another man who was holding a pointer in his hand while he referred to several monitors/screens in front of us. The monitors were full of data about my life. It is hard to recall the specifics of the data now but I do know it was about my relationship with my husband and how it was designed to play out in a certain way. It irks me that I can’t remember it now! I was very matter-of-fact regarding this info and acknowledged my responsibility and part in everything even those things that normally I would refute.

The man with the pointer asked me some questions that I recall vividly. In one question he said, “Do you remember what your role is here?” I looked at my husband in the dream and said, “Hmmmm. I believe he is a PA (as physician assistant).” Then I laughed out loud and said, “That is fitting!” What is funny is my husband appeared to be anaten (unaware or unconscious). I watched as he walked into another room. He was wearing all white, doctor’s garb.

I was questioned again about my role. I said after some contemplation, “I am a geneticist.” Knowing this pleased me and I laughed with understanding. With continued prompting I remembered: “This is my life when I sleep…..and when I sleep here I go there (as in physicality).” Remembering this cued lucidity and a full-on Knowing came to me as if I had all along been asleep to finally awaken to a brand new day.

There was more discussion after this. Mostly I remember being in complete agreement to my two lives and knowing that both existed independently of the other. In one I was a scientist – geneticist specifically – studying the “human genome”. In another I was living a human life as an experiment of theory and varying hypotheses. My husband in this life was chosen as my partner in both settings, literally “assisting” me in my scientific studies. I saw where I went to enter into this physical lifetime – a small room with a bed that consisted pf a hard, white rectangular platform that came out of the wall when a button was pushed. When I laid down on the platform I would transfer to physical reality.

Eventually the discussion and growing lucidity woke me and I lay stunned in my bed feeling strangely surreal. It felt so real that my husband in this lifetime was merely a coworker in the other reality, one who I was working with to achieve a specific result. Memory hit me of a beautiful swirl of stars and galaxies as viewed through the domed glass of a craft of some sort. It was clear I had not been in an “office building” at all but on board a large ship.

Despite all of this memory my mind was not changed. I still did not want to continue with this physical reality, “experiment” or not, and requested it be concluded. The reply was that to leave physicality was not an exit at all but merely a transition to the other reality permanently for a certain period of time and then a continuation of the experiment. You can image my disappointment at hearing this. lol Yet I understood without question. There is no end to any one reality, just a shift to another one. It’s as normal as the blinking of an eye and the “time” between transition the same.

I fell into the in-between and back into the long, white hallways of the ship. While there I continued to talk with my “teacher” but my perception shifted to a point outside of myself. There I saw my human body morph and change into a more angular version that glowed a golden hue that did not hurt my eyes. I could not make out any particular facial or bodily characteristics because the golden glow was so intense. With this came a memory that all human characteristics of this other reality were superimposed over the appearances of myself and others there to ensure acceptance of and corroboration with the human mind’s capabilities.

Once again I awoke and requested the “experiment” be concluded. And once again I drifted off.

Image result for image of canariesVarious Other Dreams

I was inside a large school (learning) setting working with students who were younger than me but appeared my same age. One in particular was smitten with me and kept by my side. I took my students into a room and was shown a large nest of spiders. Inside the nest were baby spiders (new or recent relationship) mixed with red wasps (negativity). I advised them to “burn the entire room”.

We entered a building and upon entry I was warned by a colleague dressed in black robes to be mindful of my smitten student as I could easily mislead him. I understood straight away as I recognized my own tendency to “play” with his very masculine, human side. So, I disconnected from him to keep him safe understanding my role as teacher and it’s implications to a “young new mind”.

Then I went into a large auditorium (need to learn something) and awaited a presentation. I sat down at a row of seats and opened my notebook to take notes. Then flames (invest self in efforts) burst forth from between the seats and I had to move my robe (I was wearing a black robe like a professor) and batted out the fire with it. I listened as the presenter, an acclaimed gentleman who was the founder of some specific technology that would help mankind, list out four “graduates”. He said there were 6 more slots to be filled. My understanding was that these graduates were “Masters” and that there were few in attendance on Earth these days. It appeared the speaker was inviting those in attendance to fill the other 6 seats, like a challenge being presented. I felt uncomfortably out of place, like a total novice. A freshman in a room full of seniors.

Again the dream shifted. I was in a room where there was an over sized statue of Buddha (finding calmness and inner strength) laying on his said. It was a dark, reddish color and I reached down to touch it. It felt like jelly. I asked a question and the statue spoke to me saying, “Please keep it down. You are hurting my ears.” I whispered an apology in awe that the statue was talking. I understood the statue was there as my mentor.

I then shifted into a dream where I was walking the hallways of a very ancient school. I seemed to be taking a tour but was unsure of what I was looking for. I distinctly recall walking past an open cage with ten or twelve small, colorful canaries (happiness, harmony, new relationship) sitting atop it. I was wearing green garden gloves (how I handle things) and they flocked to my hand looking for food. Yet they could not fly (restriction). Once, when I turned back to show a young girl the birds, I saw the mother bird being attacked by another bird. She was huge compared to the babies, the size of a chicken (cowardliness) , and could not fly either. All of them were flightless and I was sad for them.



Dream and Odd Encounter

I was exhausted last night so went to bed at 8:30pm. I slept all the way until 6am and then lingered in bed until 7am. My sleep was deep until about 3:30am after which I slept lightly and had more lucidity.

When I woke at 3am I tried to remember my dreams. When I did, I experienced something odd. The dream images were outlined in a neon blue color. It was like they glowed blue. Every time I tried to recall a dream I saw this color and eventually the images contained strange symbols, or code, that were the same blue color.

Dream: Clarion

I was in my old bedroom at my mom’s house. Sitting across from me was a woman. She was telling me about her life experiences, specifically her spiritual awakening. She did this to give me advice about my current life challenges. I recall that she had come to visit me specifically to share her story and give me advice. I saw her as older than me, probably in her mid-50’s, but in trying to recall her appearance now I only remember her as having blonde hair and a nice smile.

I remember that she told me that she used her connection with her guidance sparingly, at most a few times a month. She described this connection as one not sought out by her but more of a Knowing that came to her via her intuition and caused her to enter into a receptive state when called upon by her guidance. When I heard this I understood that she was advising me to do this and to focus more on my physical life. She said it would come naturally to me and she knew that I knew this and had experienced it. I acknowledged her but was not eager to follow her advice because I feel more comfortable with Spirit than with people and life in this physical reality. She then mentioned that she knew I was Pleiadian. I told her, “Yes, I’m Lyran. From Lyra. I remembered that….” but I didn’t finish my sentence. Talking about it made me sad.


She then shared her own awakening experience with me. I saw this in pictures as I heard her words. She was a teenager when Spirit first came to her and it took a long time to adjust to the changes that resulted. She changed her name at that time. I asked her, “What is your name?” She said, “It’s Clarion. It’s my middle name.” I remember saying, “I wish I had been a teenager when it happened to me. I was 26.” Then I told her about my awakening experience, meeting my Companion and how I felt something was wrong with me because I had so much love for him that I literally fell in love with him in those first years after meeting him. I explained that meeting him in the astral state only reinforced my love and made it very hard for me to want to live in this reality.

She was very comforting at this time and said to me, “You’re lonely. You wish to be around others like yourself. Why don’t you?” I don’t remember what I said to her but I felt unable to do anything about my situation and was overcome with loneliness and sadness.

Then Clarion was leaving and invited me to come with her to go camping. I told her I was not interested in camping yet for some reason I ended up in a pick-up truck sitting between her and a Hispanic man on my right. The man was quite grumpy and told me to leave him alone. The feeling from him was that he didn’t want to go either. She drove and asked me if I knew how to get to a specific place. I told her I did and gave her instructions on what route to follow, telling her it only took 45-50 minutes. The place we were going was the place where I now work.

When we arrived we went into the school and found many children there. They were holding a camp there and there were camp counselors. I remember mentioning I did not want to stay the night but ended up doing so. The next thing I knew I woke in the morning and the camp counselors were waking everyone. I could see the boys and girls restrooms in front of me. A small child was next to me and I shared Clarion’s gummy bears with her. Then I went outside and watched the sun rise. A child said to me, “Look what I got!” He showed me a small bottle of beer. I said, “Where did you get that?” He said, “I found it.” I said, “Well you can keep it but don’t drink it here.” lol


There was a lot of background conversation between myself and Clarion. When I woke the feeling was that she was there to remind me that my spiritual experiences had a place in my life and to not forget them while at the same time to not forget my Earth mission. Her name seemed to be in reference to the “call” I have been told I will receive. There was much memory in the dream about my life and spiritual journey; how it unfolded and the purpose behind it. I remember feeling tired and worn out, similar to how one feels after being on a very long journey.

The symbolism afterward is interesting. A pick-up symbolizes hard work and/or something that needs to be picked up. To me it seems like I am being encouraged to “pick up” where I left off prior to December, 2015, which I am sorta doing already. Camping indicates a need for relaxation and a break but it also symbolizes a need to belong and be part of a social group while maintaining one’s independence. Beer represents relaxation and enjoyment of life via being social.

In-Between Experience: Taking Samples

This is an odd but very lucid experience. I was talking with another individual. I don’t know if the individual was male or female. My consideration was female but it was obvious that the person was androgynous. “She” was talking to me about my transformation. All I remember now is that part of it was viewing others as androgynous. There were memories that came forward then, memories of dreams/experiences I cannot place in time. In those memories I was with others who were bald and very feminine looking but they were of neither gender. I felt to be the same – without a specified gender.

Then she was telling me that she needed to take skin samples. I am not sure why she was doing this but I did not resist. I stood facing a white wall and put my arms over my head. I was very aware of being completely naked. I could also feel her presence very acutely. It was like her energy and mine were mingling. Like her energy spoke to mine. She very gently began to touch me. She placed one hand on my back. I could feel the impressions by her fingers up near my shoulder blade. It tickled. Since I was very lucid, it felt as if I was physically present and experiencing her touch.

I then felt something press up against the back of my thigh. Though I was not looking at the object, I could see it. It was long, thin, silver and flat. On the very tip was a small scraper, similar to a cheese grater. The width of the tip was shorter than the length of my fingertip. She ran this object up and down the back of my right thigh. It didn’t hurt. In fact, it felt like someone was giving me a gentle, sensual massage, lightly touching my skin just enough to bring a ticklish shiver. In my mind I was reassured that all the she was doing was taking a sample of my skin cells. The scraper took only the dead skin cells like an exfoliation device would do.

She then moved to the left thigh. What was odd here was that as I experienced the tickling sensation of the scraping object I was experiencing myself as male and then female and then male, etc. I could not get a good idea of what my body looked like and was trying to identify as one gender or the other. I was reassured that it was normal. That humans tend to identify with gender as part of their experience but that we are not limited by such considerations

I felt the object tickle my left thigh and then come very close to my genital region. Since I was neither male of female this actually brought me back to my body awareness. When I woke I could still feel finger impressions on my back and my thighs were still tingling.


This in-between experience seemed very much like an ET encounter but I am not completely sure because I didn’t see the person as an ET, just androgynous and bald. Perhaps an Andromedan? Who knows. The sample taking and instrument used was a new experience for me. I don’t know if an actual sample was taken or if this was just my interpretation. Yet I can still see it very vividly in my mind and the sensation was so real! The path the object made left a thin, electrified sensation on my leg that made my nerves tingle and stay tingling much longer than what is normal. It was at least three passes on the center of each thigh all the way up to just below my groin area.