
I’ve been slowly retaining my dreams for a few days now. They are getting easier to recall and messages are seeping in.

Dream: Music of the Night

This morning I had a dream in which I was attending a party with a group of friends. I recall the space was dark, lots of wood undertones. There was a guy there that I liked and kept watching from a distance. I had trouble recalling his name and remember eventually settling on the name Sean (name means “gift from God”).

Discussion was going on about having to settle the winner of some contest. Me and another girl had tied. A man informed me that to determine the winner we would have to fold towels (a need to deal with emotions for resolution). The best 2 folded towels out of 3 won. I remember saying it was no fair and questioning what would happen if there was another tie. I can’t recall the other girl but she had longish, mousy brown hair.

I remember seeing the towels and folding (compartmentalization) one up nice and tight and neat. It was red (root chakra; passion) in color. I was very proud of how well I folded it and knew the other girl could not do better.

Then I went into a bedroom where I heard a song playing. I began to sing to it and dance, arms out as I spun around and around and sang the song. It was the Music of the Night song from Phantom of the Opera, but I was not singing the right lyrics I don’t think. I felt really alive and free and was smiling big when I noticed a group of Hispanic boys walking through the corridor outside the room. I had been looking at myself in a mirror smiling and feeling beautiful when I saw them. I looked away quickly and the guys laughed. I felt embarrassed. Then, I overheard them talking to the boy I liked, messing with him and joking around about me liking him. They asked him what he was going to do. He said, “She has liked me for a long time…. [pause as if trying to make a decision] but I don’t know what I want right now.”

When I woke up I remember what the boy said vividly and I said to myself, “Ah, he doesn’t know what he wants!” as if it was a huge revelation. I also recalled the song I was singing.

The song reminded me of when I was in high school. I was transported to the memory of being on the football field with the band waving my flag with the other color guard members to a flag routine I created to the song Music of the Night. Something about the song always made me want to twirl around and around, just like in the dream. 🙂 The lyrics are amazing. Take some time to listen and read. They are very suitable to my current “lessons” (on-going lesson really).

Let your soul take you where you long to be…..

There followed an in-between discussion regarding the numbers 4 and 2. I understood this to mean 6 months for some reason. That would be October. 4 months would be my birthday, then an additional 2. I have been getting October as significant for a while, specifically that I would have a “heart attack”. I suspect this is not literal. So then what does it mean to have a symbolic “heart attack”?? 😀

Dream: Liberatus

A couple of nights ago I had a vivid dream that lasted most of the night. It was one of those continuous dreams where I woke up and when I returned to sleep I went directly back into the dream.

In the dream I received a phone call from my former boss. She was one of the few boss’ I really respected in this lifetime. She was very spiritually in tune. She was also the kind of person that could get people to do what she wanted because of a presence she had. I really, really like/loved this woman. She was an older, black woman, prior military retired, tough in word and action but soft in Spirit. She helped me decided to leave my job and opt for part-time work so I could focus on my family. Something about her energy spoke to me but she was also very upfront and forward in her speaking. Just my kinda person!

In the dream she asked me to come assist her at another school. I agreed and arrived. The school had just been opened and they were having an ARD meeting on a new student who had a 30 day assignment at the school. I was being asked to attend the meeting because I knew the student. My ex boss asked me what I thought of him and I told them he needed to be watched. In my mind he was all my male, Hispanic students from the alternative schools I worked at.

Mostly what I recall from the dream is an overwhelming sense of belonging and purpose. I felt at home with the people there and even thought to myself, “I like this place. These are good people.”

When I woke up I was reminded of that boss and wondered about her before returning to sleep. She is old and so I worried she may have died. I also remembered her name: Rose. It felt significant.

Back in the dream I was dropped off at the school by my husband and left on the side of the road. I looked at the street and it seemed to be in a downtown area but not sure what city. The building was narrow with many levels. In the dream it felt like all the schools I had ever worked at mixed up into one. There was a sense of being advised to reconsider the path of education and helping kids, like a discussion.

During this time I was shown important papers regarding the school. It had just been opened and the paperwork was information on the school. I don’t think it was a contract, just information. I remember reading it over and over and out loud as if I was trying to remember what I read but I can’t recall one word now. I do remember that the information did not align with a school charter but something totally different. In fact, the words were foreign, like Latin, but I understood the language.

When I was picked up by my husband he was in a small, white car. This part is blurry but there was a lit cigarette and I burned myself with it (pun on “getting burned” maybe?). The car was white and I remember knowing it was a rental (temporary path). In the end I walked away from the car as the Fleetwood Mac song, Dreams, played: “Like a heartbeat drives you mad, in the stillness of remembering what you had, and what you lost…..”

As I was waking I heard very clearly, “Liberatus or Confinus?” Confused, I kept listening and heard, “It’s your choice: Libertaus or Confinus” – Liberty? or Confinement? 

I avoided writing down this dream for several days, yet here I am still recalling it and finally accepting that I will not forget it and should not. I have a choice, do I want to remain confined or do I wish to be free? I don’t want to confront this, obviously. My choice continues to be to remain confined because it is easier, safer and I know what to expect. My guidance is asking me to reconsider again whether this is the best path.

Let There Be Light

The above dreams seem to support messages I’ve been receiving lately. I’ve been very restless since Uranus entered Taurus. Actually, since about a week before. It was like a fire was lit inside and I felt intent to change certain aspects of my life, specifically my financial dependence upon my husband. It was difficult for me to control and led to a tense discussion. Once Uranus entered into Taurus, though, I softened and became more patient and understanding of my situation. Mostly this is because I asked for help in controlling my tendency to act before thinking. It usually doesn’t lead to the best resolution of a problem. lol

The advice came in strange ways. Mostly signs from the external world but also a few messages upon waking. The messages from my guidance came in pieces. I heard, “You will go through an ordeal” and “Your impatience with be your undoing”. Then there were messages that were felt/intuited that said, “Wait”, “Remember”. These came with memory that cannot be put into words but feels like I am waiting for a series of events and a sense of Knowing before I make any decisions or changes.

The external message was mostly “Be the Light”. I can’t recall where I first heard it but the main one I recall came from a day of surfing Amazon to find something interesting to watch. I stumbled upon a movie called, “Let There Be Light”. I watched it for a while, knowing it was a Christian movie and low budget, but something kept me watching it. As I watched I had a sudden sense of not being alone and a strong urge to speak in Light Language. I allowed it and was covered in the most spectacular energy and felt to be communicating with several small, child-sized Beings. Ever since this experience I’ve been more accepting, patient and calm.

The next day I heard this song and the message was repeated. 🙂


As my dream-recall returns there is memory of several incidents in which I dream of surrounding myself in protection. The dreams themselves are lost but not the act of surrounding myself in white light and requesting angels be posted on the four corners of my room. One time I woke after setting up protection while still in the dreamstate and felt unsettled and nervous, as if I had been under attack. The most recent time it felt more like a precaution.

Similarly, dream snippets indicate I am seeking to protect myself form something, but it doesn’t appear to be an external threat but something deep within myself. I have witnessed many times now very erotic scenes in my dreams. Every time I am on the sidelines protecting my daughter (my “ideal”, or “better” Self) , shielding her view of people having sex. In the most recent dream scene my daughter and I are inside a bedroom where two women are having sex. I cover her eyes but watch for a while until I finally take myself and daughter out of the room.

Similarly, there was a dream in which I met up with a man and experienced a strong attraction of the Divine sort. We hugged and I resisted the rising of the Kundalini energy from my heart space. This shifted to me watching a group of 4 women having sex and then being aware of sitting in a movie theater and seeing the scene on the screen.

Dreaming of being in a movie theater indicates I am trying to buffer myself from some aspect of myself. The movie acts to “protect” me from an experience.

The only conclusion I can draw is that I am seeking to avoid feelings of sexual desire and strong Divine connections in dreamtime as a means to protect myself from the “dangerous” side-effects of such experiences.


It appears I am trying to encourage my smaller self to stop blocking feelings of passion, Divine love and connection. It is understandable that she would seek to block out all such feelings but the end result is a return to severe energetic blocks in the lower chakras which can lead to a total disconnect from the pleasure centers of the physical body and overall emotional numbness.

We all seek to protect ourselves from that which we deem harmful based upon past experiences. It is part of human nature – the urge toward survival. A decision was made by my small self that feelings of Divine connection and love are linked to sexual passion and sexual passion = illogical, rash decisions that disrupt life and thus are threatening to the status quo. Her goal is no-change, so in makes sense in a way, but is not conducive to learning and spiritual growth.

Change is inevitable. The patience aspect here is that I cannot create change too quickly or else risk total shutdown of the smaller self resulting in regression and delay. Balance is key. We cannot shut out or disregard the needs and considerations of the smaller self. Instead we must be accepting and tolerant, while providing love, encouragement, and guidance.

The “partnership” I wrote about earlier is probably the best example of love I have ever encountered. Because We must love ourselves unconditionally in our human form in order to accomplish what we came here to do. It is very similar to a parent-child relationship. We are our own guides and we are our own children. 🙂 The more comfortable I become with this new perspective of partnership, the more I see how truly remarkable We are and how the key is unconditional love and always has been. Thankfully, now my perception is not always as the “child” as it once was. Now I am able to be both parent and child at the same time.

Having access to the “parent” perspective allows me, as the “child”, to feel the love, fall into the stillness within, and center myself. It gives me access to a well of resources and support that quiet the restlessness and turmoil of the [my] human mind.


This morning I transitioned from the dreamstate into the in-between. A tunnel appeared before me and within it a vision of a beautiful mountain lake. Everything had a purple/pink cast to it. The lake itself was indigo with purple and pink highlights. The sky mirrored this. The mountains were not towering high like the Rockies but subtler with varying shades of greenery. It was a peaceful, beautiful scene. I felt myself pulled into this window but my awareness peaked and so I did not go OOB.

Before I was pulled into full, waking consciousness, I found myself standing on the shore of this lake with a humanoid Being who felt very masculine to me. He towered above me, though, a good two or more feet. His form was very human-like, with broad shoulders, two arms, two legs, hands, feet and a head, but his arms were much longer than a human’s would be in proportion to his body and his head had no hair and appeared more rounded.

We stood and talked for a while. I took his hand and told him I wanted to go Home, that I disliked this human disconnect and empty feeling. I longed for the connection of Home – the love and deep friendship and peace that came with it. He acknowledged me and explained that I was here to learn, which I know already, but his explanation was more accepted than previous ones I have gotten. I understand now why I am here with more depth than ever before. It is a feeling I feel in my core and it always arises when my purpose is explored or questioned.

This masculine presence explained to me that the human experience was unique and valuable, far beyond experiences in other realities and in other bodies. This came after I requested to change bodies, to get out of this human one. I seemed to remember the freedom innate in other forms and it contrasted greatly with the human form.

Timestreams were then discussed. It was explained that though we exist in multiple dimensions simultaneously, the human Timestream is separate from the other Timestreams (his wording not mine). I saw the Timestreams. They looked like colored waves of water or streamers floating or vibrating to their own rhythm and time. Most of the colors I saw resembled the lake vision in color – purple, blue, pink. This separateness is only present in our awareness here. When we extract ourselves from the human awareness we then can travel amidst all Timestreams and select ones we wish to experience at will.

Infinity was explored as well, or Remembered is a better word. As was perfection and the paradox of being perfect Beings attempting to perfect our reaction (experiences in) to the finite, which is impossible but achievable at the same time. It seemed as though our task/purpose as infinite Beings is to attempt to create perfection out of the imperfect. The feat seems insurmountable but within I found complete understanding and acceptance. It is not the end result that is important but the path we travel to get to an end that will never come. We are Builders and Creators but destruction is inherent in the process and all results are honored for their exquisiteness as if a dessert whose every bite is savored and relished.

I was then reminded of the vision I had yesterday. I saw the Earth going dark six times, one after the other. At the time I assumed the darkness was created by a great event like an eclipse. This morning, though, I realized it was likely much simpler than that. The darkness comes every night. What I was seeing was the passage of day into night six times. So the passing of six days. The lesson was that I need to take what I am shown at face value rather than looking for some deeper meaning.

The Experiencer and the Observer

A realization I’ve been having of late has been that I am experiencing this life now in two ways simultaneously. Life is viewed/experienced both as the Experiencer and the Observer. The Experiencer is familiar because that has been the viewpoint I have taken for the majority of this lifetime. Now, however, I am aware of the Observer as a constant. I am both Experiencer and Observer and recognize the purpose of both within this human experience.

The Observer viewpoint wants only to sit back and let the Experiencer experience life. She does not wish to interfere in the daily on-goings, actions and words, routines and challenges. Her job is similar to that of a scientist who is observing a closed experiment. She jots down observations, draws conclusions and makes hypotheses. Her viewpoint is objective.

The Experiencer is human and very reactive. She is suppose to react. Her job is to play her role and provide data to the Observer for improvement in the greater game. Her viewpoint is subjective.

Being able to view my life as both, simultaneously, is strange in a sense but perfectly normal at the same time. I have been doing this the entire time but was not aware of the Objective side except occasionally through glimpses here and there.

The Objective me has been with this body the whole time. I am aware of myself as this aspect. Fully. She is patient, focused, results-oriented and detailed. She makes adjustments to the experiement that then trickle down to the Experiencer as alterations in the path. Some are major, most are minor.

Currently, as the Experiencer, I am now able to identify the feelings and intuitions I have long had in this life as my “instructions” from the Observer. Before, the identification of these intuitions were lost on me resulting in mostly confusion and tantrums/resistance/impatience. For example, currently I feel as if in a void, and though I wish to take action I feel unmotivated toward any considered changes. There are often feelings of upset, irritation and impatience surfacing as a result. The Objective me understands the void feeling as an instruction to “take no new action” and “continue on course”. This Objective side learns a great deal from these periods and makes adjustments accordingly when learning plateaus.

As a result of this perception shift there is an increase of acceptance and balance within. I always thought the goal was to be the Observer but am learning this is only partially true. The Observer has its part to play as does the Experiencer. We are partners.

Nothing Really Matters

Hola muchachas and muchachos! 😀

Not sure why I was thinking in Spanish but it made me smile.

Sorry I have once again been silent. Life has me moving and shaking more than usual. My daughter’s birthday is today. She is 10 years old. Can’t believe it has been a decade since her birth already. Time really does speed up as you get older. Before I know it I will be a grandmother wondering when my kids grew up.


In the period of time since my last post we have been all going through a “growth period”. These periods consist mostly of being tossed full-on back into life, the physical and all that goes with it. The spiritual is there but it seems silent in contrast to the goings-on around us. At times one might wonder during these periods if they have been forgotten by their guidance but I assure you, you have not. It is merely a period of transition; a time to perform and perfect what you have previously learned.

Everyone goes through these spiritual growth periods. No one is immune.

For me, personally, I have been noticing some minor ascension “flu” symptoms, or perhaps it is just allergies, a side-effect of living in Central Texas. 🙂 Every morning for a while now when I wake up I experience an hour or more of runny eyes, coughing and clearing my lungs, runny nose and massive amounts of sweating. After I do my morning yoga practice and get on with my day most of my symptoms vanish with the exception of my runny nose which is on and off throughout the day.

I am also sleeping very heavily and dream recall, though present, does not extend beyond my yoga practice either. My intention is to write out my dreams but once I sit down at the computer my dream memories just aren’t available anymore….and I don’t care one bit.

Another odd occurrence related to memory is I often forget what I am about to do while in the midst of doing it. It is like I leave my body, go on a trip somewhere, and then return and am unable to recall what I was doing before I ventured off. This is not abnormal. I’ve been experiencing something akin to this on and off since I had children, but these instances are different. In the past it was more of a forgetfulness. When I realized I had forgotten something the location and retrieval of what was forgotten took seconds, 30 seconds to a minute at most. This forgetfulness is like I black-out without loss of perception. It is very similar to the episodes I’ve had where I wake from a dream and am unable to get a grip on the reality that I wake up in. Thankfully, there is no panic related to these episodes. I eventually (sometimes a half hour later) recall what it was I was intending to do. lol Usually, it is not a big issue but it happens enough that I am wondering where it is I am going to incur such a disassociation from this reality.

Nothing Really Matters

I continue to have moments in which I am the Observer of myself in this life. During these periods I am being instructed by my guidance, though I do not “hear” a voice or have any memory of internal conversations. There is just an awareness of my on-going lessons.

One such lesson has been on non-attachment, and I wrote briefly about it in my other blog. This lesson came to my human mind as a song at first but I immediately recognized it was not as it seemed. In fact, those last words – “not as it seemed” – is another lesson I am currently learning but I won’t go into that now.

The song was, of course, Bohemian Rhapsody, one of my all-time favorites. The part, “Nothing really matters, nothing really matters, to me.”

I have long had this part of the song come to mind in my life. In the past I viewed it in the negative. It often led to “poor me” thoughts about life and how nothing I did made any difference. Eventually I would think, “What’s the point?” and go into apathy over life in general. In terms of human experience this is normal. It’s the Ego throwing one of it’s tantrums.

This time, however, it brought on memory of my origins; specifically of my most recent embodiment experience when I was One with Source, with my “Higher” Self. This put an entirely new spin on the “nothing really matters” thought/statement. The feeling of nothingness I experienced during embodiment matched up with the statement perfectly. I understood – still understand – that the statement encapsulated that experience.

It is non-attachment to outcome. It doesn’t mean one gives up. There is no despair or apathy. In fact, it is full of possibility but possibility without attachment to a particular path.

It is ALL that IS and it is beautiful, sublime and beyond imagination or limitation.

It can also be looked at this way……

The scientific definition of “Matter” – That which occupies space and has mass; physical substance.

Ahhh! Then it is even clearer, isn’t it?

But back to the subject of non-attachment……A Facebook friend asked me this morning what the difference between non-attachment and detachment was. I explained via a link. It may be helpful to you all as well, so I will share the link it here. Non-attachment is the “nothing really matters” statement without all the human and Ego-related analytical tendencies attached – hehe “attached”.

Living life, experiencing this physical experience, as I am now is so different from what it was prior to February, prior to the embodiment and transformation that ensued. My “growth period” this time around is incorporating what I experienced during those three+ weeks of wonderful connectedness……of holding – Being – Divine Presence……into this very human, dense and forgetful, time-infused illusion.

The illusion appears to me so vividly, right in front of my “eyes”, creating a strong disconnect with everyone and everything here in the physical. I see what I have not seen before, am aware in ways my human consciousness could never be. Yet at the same time I must somehow express mySelf through this illusion, incorporate into it, without being lost to it.

The challenge, then, is to balance the two – my reality with this reality. That has always been the challenge, only now I really see. Two realities, superimposed. Beyond that, multiple realities superimposed, spiraling for infinity and all at my disposal.

If all of what I just wrote goes over your head don’t fret. I – this Beingness of mine in this physical reality – have changed and have no other method of expressing that change except through words, which are grossly inadequate for such purposes.




Message for the Masculine

Masculines…..this post is for you.

Dream: Impending Death

I was traveling to Montana (higher realms of consciousness) to meet up with my ex-husband (masculine aspect) for a long overdue reunion. When I arrived there was a parade (sidetracked from achieving goals) in the middle of the road. A man stopped and told me to avoid the right side of the road because that was for the teachers (guidance). I told him, “I am a teacher, just not in Montana”.

Then my ex-husband (masculine aspect) met up with me and went to visit his parents (merging of masculine and feminine). When we arrived the exterior of the house was being renovated (transformation of self).

Inside it was dark. In the kitchen someone had been repairing the microwave (quick thinking/action). I quickly found a bedroom and tried to nap (avoiding awareness). My ex came in and woke me and told me his parents were home.

Their old dog (protection/loyalty) was the first thing I saw when I got out of the bed. He looked on his last leg and my ex’s mom told me they were looking for someone to take over for the dog’s upcoming death. She gave it a name like “death march” or similar.

My father-in-law came in and I was shocked to see how old he was. He also looked near death. He could barely walk, his face was gray and gaunt and his hair all but gone. I remember looking out at the back yard and noting also that there were now tall trees (growth) where there had been none before.

I went outside with my FIL and we entered a small room that was just his, like a man-cave. Inside, I watched my FIL as he fiddled with a huge, metal box reminiscent of a box one would see for ammo during one of the world wars. He began to talk to me about his upcoming death, mentioning how he wanted me to safeguard his transition.

Something that really caught my attention was that he kept quoting a poem. I don’t remember the words now but he said more than once that it was a written by “Keats”.

After he recited the poem one last time I felt the seriousness of the situation and realized he was about to in fact die and very soon. I went up to him and gave him a hug, wrapping my arms around his broad, fragile shoulders. All at once I was overcome and began to cry in heaving sobs. The love was so overpowering that I could not contain it.

I woke up crying.

I believe this was the poem he was reciting in the dream:

On Death

Can death be sleep, when life is but a dream,
And scenes of bliss pass as a phantom by?
The transient pleasures as a vision seem,
And yet we think the greatest pain’s to die.

How strange it is that man on earth should roam,
And lead a life of woe, but not forsake
His rugged path; nor dare he view alone
His future doom which is but to awake.

When I awoke I assumed the dream was a message about my ex-FIL. I figured he must be sick or dying, or at the very least getting very old. I thought, “He is the same age as my mom – 69. That isn’t very old.” But my tears convinced me I must be clearing my own past and my own feelings of guilt towards my ex’s parents.

Dream: The Replacement

Much to my surprise, I returned to sleep quite easily.

I walked up toward a city park lined with neatly trimmed hedges (obstacles in path). A man was with me and departed to my left, bidding me farewell. On my right was a man, standing alone and looking forlorn as he gazed off into the distance. I knew upon seeing him that he was “the replacement” for the man who just departed. My immediate response was to go to him and assist him however I could.

I climbed over a hedge and stood next to him. He was still staring off into the distance. I took his hand and said something positive to him. His response was to answer in a dull tone and continue to stare. I noticed we were standing on a circular (completion) walking track (life track, path) in the park. I said, “Why don’t you go for a run?” He said nothing so I took his hand in mine and said, “I’ll go with you!”

I led him forward gently and he responded by following. I picked up the pace and we ran, side-by-side, along the track together. I said, “See! Isn’t this nice?” He said nothing, continuing to stare as if in shock.

Eventually we cut across a field full of briars (past trauma) and tall grass (balance/protection). I stumbled and lost his hand. Stopping I said, “I shouldn’t be running in flip flops (relaxed state or lack of commitment)!” Laughing, I put on my flip flop with help from a woman and her grown daughter. We began talking and walked together back to the car.

We passed a car, a Honda CRX, which seats only two. I commented on how awesome the little cars were, getting 42mpg (path of Wholeness is more efficient).

We all climbed into another car – me, the man and the mother and daughter. The mother and I discussed the job prospects of her daughter and asked if I had difficulty getting work. I said no because I was in education. The daughter was in business (rational/logical) and I remember feeling sorry for her for being in the line of work. I also thought the mother must think I was her daughter’s age and was curious as to why. Did I look so young to her?

As we drove on the highway it became apparent that the man, who was driving, was “under the influence” of some “drug”. He began to fall asleep and was talking to someone in his head. Noticing I tried to wake him up as the car veered toward the right (conscious action). Thankfully we just ended up on an exit ramp.

The car stopped and I said, “You obviously can’t drive in your condition.” I got out and wandered up the road a bit to a construction site looking for food. It turned out the construction site looked like the set of a movie or play. I found a large tortilla (wholeness) and took it back to the car offering it to the others.

Inside the car we and the other woman discussed how we would all get home (Home). It was decided that I would drive myself home. Then the mother and daughter would drive themselves home. The man would be left alone to drive himself home. I remember saying, “He will just have to manage it somehow.”

As we departed, we took a left (passivity/subconsious) turn across many lanes of traffic. I remember saying, “Good thing it’s not a one-way street!”

I began to talk to the man, now in the back seat. He allowed me into his “dream”. In the dream we were both underwater (overcome with emotion) aboard a large, wooden ship (emotions/subconscious) that reminded me of a pirate ship. The ship was sailing along freely. Then the man threw out an anchor and the ship stopped and floated upward but not all the way to the surface. I realized he was showing me a representation of his life not in a body (free) and in a body (anchored).

We then boarded his “ship” and went directly to the kitchen (transformation). It looked like a modern kitchen and I remarked that one of his cabinets was warped (secrets).

I awoke suddenly with full awareness of the true meaning behind both dreams.


The Divine Masculine and the masculine in general is part of the upcoming “critical juncture” I was recently warned about. The masculine is undergoing – or will be – a massive death/rebirth. This is not the typical death process, for we undergo many within a lifetime. This is an overhaul, a “replacing” of the “old” with the “new”.

If you pay attention to both dreams the symbolism is obvious. The old man and father figure is the “old” masculine. He is preparing for death but the poem indicates that it is more than a death, it is an “awakening”. In the second dream I actually witness the masculine departing and his replacement standing alone seemingly confused and distant. Then I guide him along his path, encouraging him the whole time. This suggests the path of the feminine is to lead the way for the masculine which makes sense because all the focus has, up to this point, been on the “return of the Divine Feminine”. Since we have already undergone the death/rebirth process then it is up to us to help the masculine in his death/rebirth process.

My last post in which I discuss a mini-OBE with my “partner” also points to the “critical juncture” being all about the masculine. It was made clear to me that my inability to move forward was because my masculine side was “stepping on my toes”, which symbolically means interrupting/blocking my path (toes). It was suggested that I be patient with the process and “play” with and “nurture” my masculine side (the boy in my dream).

The message made me smile in awe of the way it was brought to me and how my dreams have shifted since my own transformative “event”. My tendency is to view my dreams as “all about me” but in this instance I recognized how now my dreams are all about collective humanity. My inner-expansion has resulted in an outer-expansion.

Similarly, I was able to see how the imbalance of the masculine (collectively) is directly linked to the inability of the feminine to “act”. We have been “stuck” for some time, unable to act or move forward on our collective missions. My personal experience confirms this. I have felt “ready” for some time but my motivation is nil. Sometimes I will be hit with an urge and begin to act only to find myself losing momentum quickly and retreating.

Within ourselves there is also a transformation occurring. The masculine side/aspect must be redeemed. There is healing along these lines and as a result physical symptoms may persist until the healing completes. Most symptoms will be related to the lower chakras but will vary by individual.  For me, I have been wracked with seemingly unrelated symptoms the past three days alone.

At first it was just minor issues – achy joints and skin ailments. But yesterday I woke with a sore throat that resolved within minutes of waking. Then came minor gastrointestinal upset. I did one hour of yoga which seemed to help. Feeling better, I went on an easy run/jog. When I returned home I was violently ill within 5 minutes only to have the illness vanish after a total body “purge”.

So men, it’s your turn. Get ready. We (the Divine Feminine) are here to support you but we cannot DO it for you.

Note from me – Please get your shit together so I can stop being sick….LOL Just kidding. I do recognize it is MY SHIT, too. 


The Lost Wisdom of the Grail Telesummit

Sharing from my main page. Each video is available for only 48 hours. If you sign-up now you can watch yesterday’s talk. It is completely FREE, so take advantage!!


Don’t miss out on this free opportunity! Speakers for first 20 days in the month of May. Each talk is available for only 48 hours after it’s air date. If you sign up today you can still access yesterday’s.

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Tuesday 1st MayRichard BeaumontHuman Design
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Dreams, Mini-OBEs and Higher Self Confusion

Lots to share so I hope you’re all ready for a long post…. 🙂

First off, this full moon has me in hyper-drive. I have gone from uninterrupted, deep sleep, to struggling to fall asleep, waking really early (3am!) and then being unable to return to sleep.

To top it all off, my joints are achy and stiff, specifically my knees and elbows. My stomach feels like it has a log in it and I have poison ivy and now more acne issues. But hey, the perpetual crick in my neck is gone so I’m not complaining. lol

Frustrated, I asked last night for some intel – Hey, what’s going on and why am I not in on it? 

Ask and you shall receive….


The dream began with me in the car (life path) with my husband. He was driving (masculine/logic in control) and in the middle lane stopped at a light. He realized that he needed to turn right (feminine/intuitive perspective) so moved the car sideways toward the right lane to turn only he couldn’t move because we were stopped at the light. When the traffic began to move he got stuck because everyone drove around him. I told him, “Just keep going straight, we can turn right up the road.” He stalled and I said, “If you don’t want to drive, I can…” So he shifted gears and went straight. I said, “Look for a large jail, the turn is right after.” We did see a large building on the right but it was not a jail. Confused I said, “Just turn up there.” So he turned right at the intersection.

The dream shifted and I was getting out of the car and heading into a building where a gathering was to take place. I remember being self-conscious because I had a large scab (healing process) on my left (masculine) cheek (intimacy or commitment) that I kept picking at (interfering with healing). It was about the size of a peanut. I picked thinking the scab was ready to come off but it bled a ton and I had to put tissue on it to get it to stop.

I went inside knowing I had no makeup to cover it up. Thankfully it was low light inside, like a bar setting. Several others were seated at the bar (feeling barred from something) when I sat down and a “bartender” was behind the bar (I’m creating the barrier). My friend Aryn came and sat down on my left and began to chatter away happily, wanting to catch up. I said to her, “Not now. I look like crap.” She stopped talking and I moved my hair over the scab on my face to hide it. I looked around at the others – there were only four – and the lady behind the bar mentioned it was almost time to start. I said, “Then no one else is coming? Good! I prefer it that way.” One of the other ladies said, “I’m sure the others will be here shortly.”

I walked over to the side where the meeting would be held and a man with orange-red hair came out of a door. Seeing him stopped me in my tracks. For some reason he stood out like a beacon in the darkness. He said to all of us, “Everyone grab a card and have a seat in the circle.” I looked over and saw oversized tarot cards with gold embellishments flash like a movie in my mind. The cards seemed to have images of people on them, people from ancient times.

I turned back to the man and said, “Ian. I know you. We have met before, haven’t we?” He smiled and I saw how odd his red hair was. It was like someone had cut his hair in a mullet but the top, shorter portion, was bowl-shaped and the bottom portion fanned out underneath touching his shoulders. He smiled a friendly smile and said, “Yes. We’ve met before. About two years ago now.” I said, “It’s been a long time, then.” He nodded and I felt somewhat uncomfortable, like I should have seen more of him but hadn’t.

I looked in my purse and noticed I had left my phone (communication/connection) in the car so went back to fetch it while the group waited for the others to arrive. I also hoped to look in the car mirror to reassure myself that I didn’t look as bad as I thought.

Inside the car as I was retrieving my phone a woman with brown hair popped in and said hi, calling me by the wrong name. I said, “My name is Dayna.” She said hi again and as I was about to ask her name she left. I remember recognizing her but was not sure how I knew her and this confused my dream self.

As I walked back inside I saw the sky was painted in purple (devotion, love, kindness, compassion). The clouds were also purple and dotted the skyline. My breath was taken away by the beauty of it. Another person mentioned it was not a good sign, like a storm was coming. I said, “It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

The visuals woke me up and I was still face down, my neck feeling a bit stiff from the position I was laying in. I felt the familiar buzzing vibrations and warmth of my guidance/partner and smiled, rolled over and attempted to return to sleep.


I was greeted with several visions or mini-dreams. In one I was walking along and looked down at a tiny, toy car – a red sports car. It brought me out of my reverie very quickly and I noted the vision.  Seeing the car as so tiny and toy-like was a message about perspective.

In another vision I was inside what looked like an oversized birdcage (loss of freedom). My legs were scrunched up against my stomach and my arms wrapped around them. The bars were distinct and the meaning obvious. The message was that I was like a caged bird and I needed to free myself.


Somehow I managed to return to sleep. In this particular ‘episode’ I was in a room with a couple who had a son. They looked Indian and were wearing Indian clothing, the woman especially beautiful in her flowing gown. I was inside a giant, clawfoot bathtub (self-renewal) and their son was standing outside of it talking to me. He wanted a cup of tea (life satisfaction/contentment). I had a kettle and poured him a cup of Chamomile (patience) tea but he wouldn’t take it. I set it down and said, “It’s Chamomile so it will make you sleepy…..You don’t want it? That’s okay. You don’t have to drink it. ” I set the cup down and realized the bathtub I was in was filled to the top with tea and I was bathing in it.

I smiled and the boy playfully began to push the bathtub to make it rock. It almost fell over but then stabilized. His parents had concerned looks but I reassured them we were just playing.

I watched the couple for a while. They looked so beautiful and connected in each other’s arms. I was a tad bit jealous, wanting what they had. That’s when I noticed I was completely naked inside the tub filled with tea. I stood up as I spoke to them and let them see my nakedness (accepting of myself, lack of shame).

The scene shifted and I was inside a home in the kitchen (transformation is about to take place) talking to someone. I don’t recall much of our conversation now but I remember him. He looked familiar but I’m not sure how or from where I knew him. He was tall, broad shouldered and had sandy blonde, thick hair. His face was a bit rugged looking like he had acne in his younger years. His voice was deep and familiar and reminded me of that of a good ol’ boy – typical Texas accent. Our interaction was friendly, like we knew each other well.

I went up to him to try and get his attention and he ignored me, busy doing something. I can’t recall what I was trying to talk to him about but his rebuttal was not mean and I playfully remarked that he was purposefully ignoring me. His eyes stayed focused on what he was doing. My memory only shows something mechanical but what, I cannot say.

At some point I recognized I was OOB and could explore, so I shifted out of my dream body and attempted to fly away. The free feeling was exhilarating! The response back was immediate and without words. It said, “You know better than that.” I was sucked right back into my body but bypassed the typical blackout and went directly back into the kitchen scene. I remember not caring and understanding that I needed to stay where I was, but that didn’t keep me from trying again.

This time, however, I did not attempt to take control of the “dream”/experience I was having. Instead I let myself stabilize in the scene and played along with it. The feeling here was that I “controlled” the playful side, pulling her “into” me and thus becoming both her and me at the same time.

I once again went up to my male friend. This time he was standing in the middle of the room looking away from me. I grabbed his arm and pulled him toward me into a hug. He seemed to be playing hard to get. It felt like we knew each other well and we were being playful. He continued to look away from me, pretending to ignore me. I was pressed up against him and said something indicating I wanted to dance (freedom, balance, harmony). He responded by stepping on my foot. I said, “So you’re going to step on my foot?” He said, “You know it.” We both laughed and then danced awkwardly for a bit, playing around, his foot continuing to get in the way of mine (my masculine side is slowing me down, getting in my way).

For some reason we stopped and stood there holding each other, face to face. I wasted no time. grabbed his mouth and kissed him. I could feel the sensation of his lips on mine as well as his arms wrapped around me and his body next to mine. It was so real and solid. Our kiss was like a half-French kiss, not full tongue but a little here and there. It was nice and familiar, like we had kissed a million times.

Sadly, the second kiss and the very physical sensations that went with it brought me out of the experience. Not long after I woke, I noticed a pain in my tailbone radiating through to my perineum. It was uncomfortable enough to keep me from returning to sleep.


As I lingered in bed the pain subsided. I suspect my root chakra had activated and some major blockage was clearing.

My partner/guide was close and I knew he was the man in my dream. I asked him why he looked different every time. I have asked this many times before. He said, “I have many faces, as do you.” I have gotten this answer every time but this time I understood what he meant because I have experienced it. We are One but the concept of Oneness is difficult for humans to understand. Human conceptualization of Oneness is a futile attempt at understanding something that cannot be understood from a position of separation. It takes Being it to understand it.

With this I told my partner how I would explain it to others. He complimented me on my ability to put into words something so few can. Of course, I can’t recall what I said now. lol I remember the visuals in my mind, though. I saw humans and how we try to put everything on a timeline, thus we see before and after; past, present and future. Events are all separate and occuring in an orderly fashion. In Spirit, none of this exists. Before/after – past, present, future – they are all NOW. The experience of NOW via human perception would seem very chaotic and jumbled; senseless.

Similarly, people we encounter after we drop these human bodies and corresponding identities are all NOW, too. Thus, your father who passed before you would be familiar as your father in your most recent incarnation but you would also know him as all his past, present and future personalities as well, which are endless. His face may look as it did initially but the more you leave behind Time, the more your perception would change until all you see in him is You. The difference in perception comes with attachment (emotional/karmic). As you release the human tendency toward attachment you embrace your Infinite Self, thus recognizing your Oneness with All that Is.

I laughed as I considered my personality in this lifetime as a “child” of mine, one that I dote upon. For the first time in this lifetime, after years of being referred to my “partner” in Spirit as a “child”, I understood what it meant.

As I write this I recall part of my conversation with the man in my OBE. He said to me, “Be good”, which I have heard from him countless times and never quite understood. In the experience with him I recognized what he meant was in reference to an aspect or part of my personality I consider “good”. It’s the part of me that seeks to please others and is compliant and pleasant. She is happy-go-lucky, go-with-the-flow, innocent but not naive. I recognized her response within me to his request and then she “partitioned off” and become a separate identity. Yet I was still her and felt to be her. So there I was standing and watching this part of me come out of me, standing in front of us smiling. She was me and I her but she also had her own identity, separate and independent but cooperative and understanding of our connection and Oneness.

Imagine that, just multiplied by infinity. Then meet one of yourself and say hi. That was the person on the street you greeted with a smile. That was the man who accidentally cut you off in traffic and who you rudely honked your horn at and cussed out. That is your mom who you love with all your heart but wish would leave you alone. That is your son. Your daughter. Your worst enemy. Your best friend.

Yep. All you.

I am reminded now of the vision of the tiny car. Cars = life path. They represent us as individuals. It being super tiny indicates that I am being asked to take a larger view of my path and life, to see just how tiny I am in comparison to it all. This perspective is needed now.

crossroad at dawn in rural landscape

Critical Intersection Ahead

There was a message I forgot to mention. I remember hearing that a critical intersection was approaching and I was being prepared for it. Not everyone has reached this intersection. It was made clear that I am not to make those not yet at this juncture “wrong” for seemingly being “behind” because they are not behind but exactly where they should be. I understood but wanted to mention it nonetheless in case those of you reading who are also at this juncture, or perhaps way beyond it, find yourself falling victim to the “us vs. them” mentality. We are all equal in this race. There are no winners or losers. We all cross the finish line at different times but we are only victorious when the last runner crosses the finish line and not a moment before that.

Embodiment and Higher Self Confusion

It was also reiterated to me that I need to do my part and I said, “Of course. Anything. What do I do?” Though not directly stated, I was reminded of a visual representation I received not long ago about the Embodiment (soul transfer/soul exchange/walk-in) process. Then I heard the term, “Higher-Self Confusion”. I was shown how this is part of the process and that just because you have embodied your HS does not mean you somehow become flawless, perfect and without human Ego. It only means you are integrating aspects which have long been denied you in human form. Now, though, memory is returning. The HS Confusion comes in when you have recently undergone embodiment, experienced the transformative process and must integrate the experience. Your human consciousness is left confused.

HS Confusion occurs as we take the pieces of HS we embodied and mix it with our human self. I know I wonder each time, “Why am I seeming to ‘return’ to who/what I once was? Why can I not remain as I was during embodiment?” It feels like a let-down, like it was all a dream or fantasy as reality once again sets in. For me, I have experienced two MAJOR embodiment periods, the first lasted two weeks and the second three weeks (more actually).

This is where the “demonstration” comes in. I was shown how to show the embodiment process and told that if I do a video of this demonstration it will not only give you all an idea of what embodiment IS but also why it results in HS Confusion. What you will see is that as the HS comes into the human consciousness at first it is distinctly separate. You can see the individual stream against the backdrop of the human energy/consciousness. As time passes, however, the HS stream blends into the human consciousness stream and what is left is a brand new blended consciousness.

I have not even watched the video so I hope it is decent. lol Just no time to go back and refilm to make it “perfect”. I figure it says what it needs to say without lots of fluff.

I know I didn’t talk too much about my experience of embodiment so I will a little now. Like I say in the video, my embodiment experiences have lasted weeks. My first experience was two weeks and the most recent three weeks.

Each time I experience embodiment I have specific “symptoms”, the most prominent being that my crown is wide open. There is also a sense of being more than me; of being BIGGER than myself and Remembering SO SO MUCH. There is nothing but the present moment. Anything past or future is muddy, my mind seeming to forget the existence of both. I simply exist and enjoy my existence. It is magical and unforgettable. I am HOME.

Not everyone will experience embodiment like me. Some may have only hints of it lasting mere minutes while others may walk around like I did for much longer than I did. Some even say they exist in the embodied state all the time. I believe we will all be like that eventually, when we are “full up” and completely merged.

Anyway, if you got this far, hope you enjoyed the read and video. Please like and share both this post and the video if you have time/desire.

