Dream: Wear Your Glasses

Just recalled a dream I had forgotten that I believe is significant.

Dream: Wear Your Glasses

I was driving to a party. I saw a row of houses lined up and spotted my destination. It was the only white house on the block. Not only was it white, but it was flat-topped, adobe style, stucco. The main area was lower than its two, taller sides which almost made it look like a miniature castle.

I did a u-turn and parked my car. As I opened the door, the host and hostess came out the door. As I got out of my car I said, “But I didn’t even knock yet”. They said, “We heard your arrival”. I recall vaguely hearing a bell ringing when I parked my car and thought it odd.

They escorted me inside. I was the first guest. I walked into the living area where there was a white, marble fireplace in the center. I recall seeing lots of wood molding and trim as well as flowers and nice furniture.

The host and hostess stood and watched me look around. Then one of them asked, “Don’t you want to put on your glasses?”

Surprised, I peered around the room, checking my vision. Did I need glasses? No, I could see quite well.

I told them, “No, I can see fine”.

Then they asked again, “Don’t you want to put on your glasses? It would help you see better”.

I said, “No, I don’t want to”.

Again, they asked me if I wanted to put on my glasses.

I thought about it. I had glasses, I remembered that, but I could see fine. I was seeing fine right at that moment. Yet the question was repeating.

My response this time was, “No, I don’t think so. If I put on my glasses then I will have to take them off again and then things just won’t look the same. I will know what I am not seeing and want to see it all the time”. I was sad about this but to me it made more sense to avoid the disappointment that would inevitably follow me taking my glasses off again.


I told my mom about this dream and she said, “Sounds like you don’t want to see something”. True, very true. What? I suspect that I was being given the option to expand my awareness or perception in this body and for some reason I thought of the after-effects of having such an opportunity and felt it was not worth it.

I can completely understand why I would reason this way. So many, many times now I have had awe-inspiring, eye-opening, jaw-dropping revelations and/or experiences. And every time the wonder and awe of the experience leaves behind a gaping hole that cannot be filled by this physical experience. Physical life and what it has to offer doesn’t even come close.

I am left here longing for another experience to fill the hole; longing to return Home.

I suspect I was offered another glimpse into the unknown. With all the glimpses I have had up to this point, and all I have learned, I guess whatever it was caused me to feel the hole left behind would be too much for me right now.

I kinda want to kick the me in the dream right now. Grr!

Message: You’re Starving

Yesterday morning upon waking, I heard very clearly a voice saying to me, “You’re starving”.

At the time, I had been awake quite some time and was grumpy because I did not want to get out of bed so early. The message came out of the blue when my mind had quieted and I was tuning into my third-eye and heart.

I was not hungry.

The voice was hoarse-sounding and came from directly in front of me. It did not startle me because it was quiet and seemed to come from within my mind rather than from some place physical. It was very obviously a male voice.

I have no idea who it was or why they would tell me I was starving. Of course, ever since then, I have been wondering what it means.

The most obvious would be that I was literally hungry. But this was not true at the time.

The next obvious was that this “hunger” is another kind of hunger, one that means a need or craving for something.

This makes much more sense to me.

Starving implies that I am more than hungry, too. This is complete lack of sustenance.

It makes me wonder how this applies and has me contemplating so much about my life. So far, I do not feel such a lack, but I do feel an emptiness inside still. Perhaps this emptiness is what the statement is referring to. Maybe I need to start trying to do something about it.

Dream: Signing a Contract

I slept fitfully last night and woke way too early. I also awoke in a foul mood. It was as if I had been fighting with my Companion and Team during the night.

Dream: Signing a Contract

In this dream I was inside a school lab working hard on lesson plans. I had in front of me pages and pages of hand written plans.

A man came into the room and I told him, “I have almost completed plans for the entire year”. He acknowledged but appeared serious. He placed in front of me a single sheet of paper. I read it and knew it was a contract. At this time I felt I had been hired to be a middle school science teacher. I signed without resignation. I recall the date I wrote was 7/10.


When I awoke I was upset. The signing of the contract triggered me to wake and I had a resistance to it but I don’t know why. I suspect I have been asked to fulfill an obligation that is “mundane” in nature. That is what it feels like anyway.

As I was still in-between I was able to clearly see the man from the dream escorting a young man to meet me. I stopped the communication right then. I didn’t want to know anymore. I knew whatever the agreement was involved this man but by experience I also know that rarely do the people I see in my visions even slightly resemble the actual people I meet in life.

scorpionDream: Scorpions

When I fell back to sleep, I had a dream in which I leaned over and a bug fell out of my hair. I watched as it grew into a black scorpion. I had an urge to kill it but needed something to squash it with. I found a shoe but behind it was another scorpion. I ignored it and pursued the one that fell out of my hair because it was growing in front of my eyes.

I cornered it. It now appeared near the size of house cat and was shrieking like a wounded rabbit. It’s stomach was protruding and it almost began to look like something other than a scorpion.

I swatted at it but couldn’t get it. Then it fell into a deep, black pit. I knew the pit was deep and I heard it shrieking as it fell and as it hit the aluminum ladder that led to the bottom of the pit.


I awoke feeling the message was not a good one. This scorpion was symbolic of something I did not want to acknowledge. It falling down the pit only meant it was being pushed deeper when it needed to be confronted. It would come back up at some point and there was not avoiding it.

Other Dreams/Feelings

I had many other dreams, but they are all mixed up together now.

I recall one where I was being asked to help with making a birthday present for a man named Bruce. I preferred to be online chatting but there was a problem with my device. I was asked to “grind the crystals into a powder”. I asked why and was told it was part of the present and saw this device that appeared to send signals as it had two large speakers on it. In the middle was a cluster of crystals, blue in color. I told the person, “I don’t want to!” and refused to grind the crystals, instead going back to my device. I kept missing the messages I was getting, though.

In another dream I was teaching and a particular student was disruptive. I reacted unlike I would normally. I ignored him and just took away points from him. I recall he had really messed up things and another teacher commented, “Yeah, he does that”. Instead of being irritated by him and dreading teaching him I just took it all in stride. I had seen worse. I remember surprising myself in the dream because I did not think I would be so calm in such a situation.

I woke from this dream saying, “I don’t want to teach middle school! I hate middle school! Why is it always middle school?” I was reminded that I was teaching – not actually IN middle school. This did not make me feel better.

My overall feeling is that I am being asked to begin work on a particular part of my mission here. From the feeling and looks of it, the mission is continuing where I left off – likely something to do with education and children. Whatever it is, I am very unhappy about it. So much so that I began to ask to go Home again.