The Arcturians and the Team~ Navigating Higher Dimensional Grids-December 9, 2015.

Another synchronistic post that goes with what I experienced this morning. Thank you Maria.

Lightlover Journal

imageThe Arcturians and the Team~
Navigating Higher Dimensional Grids-December 9, 2015.

This next step in the Journey of Remembering is about fully stepping into your multidimensional Self.
Quantum jumping.
Accessing all multidimensional tools.
Unifying with your Angelic Self.

There is no longer a need to look at what was left behind,(3d),as you fully step into the unknown.

As you further expand into your Hearts and Remember, you constantly continue on the spiral of ascension into higher inner vibrational grids of Creation.
Each one a finer system of discernment, the ultimate goal to further connect in Oneness with Source, while experiencing individual physicality.

Each grid further assimilates integration within each soul and brings it closer to Oneness of Self.
ALL are Source expressing SELF in physicality.

Everything created is from Source Energy and Frequency.

Grids are a created frequency blueprint experience of oversouls.
These further separate into the lower dimensions as…

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