In Crisis

I just wanted you all to know where I’m at as it likely will keep me away from blogging for a little bit.

Whatever has happened to me has me completely out of whack. I am going to share some of what I wrote down at midnight last night when I couldn’t sleep because using my mind right now shifts me into a place I cannot function from.

11:54pm 2/19/2016

I can’t sleep. I am conscious of a feeling. It is causing me to want to run away from everything; to just up and go. But I don’t know where to. I feel frantic. What am I suppose to do? How do I escape this feeling? I am told to listen; to look at what is in my heart, but what I find confuses me. It says, “LIVE, be LOVE, embrace LOVE. You are ALIVE. BE ALIVE.” But what does that mean? I have no idea how to LIVE. Yeah. Pathetic. My heart is telling me to break away – to not be afraid of myself, of what I am feeling. I can’t think with this!

My heart just resonates with this connection, this Divine feeling of utter completeness. It is so full and deep and beautiful. But when I look at my life it is none of these things! My life, this life I am living, feels unnatural to me. I don’t feel like I belong in it. WTF?  I feel on the brink of something big but I just can’t get myself to take that step forward. If feels so familiar. Even now I am just avoiding, circling the unavoidable. It is so terrifying to even look. This is where I contact the intense desire to RUN. But there is nowhere to run to. The only true escape (if any) is death. Not an option.

All I know and feel right now, all.the.time, is that which I contacted in my dream. This shifted my very core. There is no going back. There is only FORWARD.

This is only a small piece of what I wrote down. I had to get it out somehow because it was keeping me from sleeping and I was (still am) so very exhausted.

My entire guidance/Team is different; my focal point obliterated.


14 thoughts on “In Crisis

  1. It was an interesting night for me too. Matt Kahn says to allow yourself to feel rested, even if the consciousness didn’t go into deep sleep. Or something like late. Just speak to yourself and tell yourself that when you are sleeping but your consciousness is awake, you are still getting sleep. You will feel rested.

    When you enter such a state it is good to repeat a positive mantra like, “May you be Blessed,” or “I Love You.” Tell yourself you don’t care if you repeat this until infinity, if that is the will of the Divine. Do not focus on the hour, or not being able to sleep the same way. Just repeat, “May you be Blessed.” Blessing the world, and if you happen to fall asleep, you might just find yourself repeating it in your dreams.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. litebeing says:

    Hi Dayna,
    I am with peacenowflower on this. If you are able, tune into some Matt Kahn YouTube videos . His transmissions and voice will calm you and bring you love. I will also send you healing light

    ❤ Linda

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Patrick. says:

    Hi Dayna, just a suggestion: take a look at Rick Archer’s interview [ Buddha at the Gas Pump ] of Pamela Wilson, you might find this helpful. Blessings, Patrick.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. mollyb111 says:

    Dayna – I’ve been in a place/state similar to this some time ago. Great change did happen in small and big ways. One moment at a time, breathe and we all love you! Thank you for sharing and you know you will get through this. (Side note: Why is the word Isis in crisis?? Hmm. Wouldn’t hurt to ask for her help, too.)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. SKYLAR A says:


    Liked by 1 person

  6. teleile says:

    Don’t worry, I’ve had a complete change of team this week too, and it was very hard to get my bearings, felt like a drunk with everything metaphorically tilted at a crazy angle! ‘When in doubt, do nowt’. All you have to do is keep breathing. You don’t have to feel comfortable, or understand what’s going on. Just keep breathing through it!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Gloria -Sophia says:

    Hi, Dana
    Its me Sophia, I get these same experiences. They will come and they will go, but they WILL COME BACK.
    I am now able to prepare myself better, such as I just know when its creeping up to a FULL MOON, my energies do the I AM HOME SICK want to be back there ….etc…etc…
    I cope by going into the cocooning stage.
    Do not allow yourself to be a filter from the Ultimate Light Source straight to humanity….
    LOVE LIGHT TOO..YOU MUST…Be With yourself

    What you are experiencing and hearing is exactly same as myself,
    Having a support system such as you have right now is so very
    I am here for you

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dayna says:

      Thank you so much Sophia. I am so looking forward to meeting you in May! Based upon what is happening to me, I suspect I will be much different than I am today – more alive I suppose. 🙂


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