Fly Away

There is a particular past life memory that is revisiting me this morning. Mainly it is because a song is on my mind – I’ll Fly Away.

Sometimes there are past life memories that come up and are so beautiful that the memory reaches across lifetimes and brings tears of joy. This is one of those memories. It also just happens to be a memory of my own death.

This was from my most recent full-life. I say full because the life previous to this one was cut short when I was still a very young boy. In this particular life, I died in 1963 from Hepatitis, which I inadvertently contracted from contact with a dirty needle. I was a nurse in that lifetime so dirty needles were an everyday occurrence. Unfortunately, accidents happen.

This particular memory was from my deathbed. I was in the hospital, hooked up to all kinds of tubes and wires. The memory is from outside of my body because I had been unconscious for some time. My liver had failed and so it was just a waiting game from that point on. My two children came to visit me that day because they had been told my death was imminent. They were both grown. A son and a daughter. I believe there were others with them, but in the memory they were who I focused on.

I was a black woman who grew up in the South (Mississippi) and relied heavily on my relationship with God to get me through. My church and my brothers and sisters in Christ were my salvation more times than I could count. Singing was also interwoven into every aspect of my life. So it is no surprise that music followed me out of that lifetime.

As I was leaving to go into the Light, my children along with the others who were gathered at my bedside, sang I’ll Fly Away and other songs to send me off to heaven. Though they were sad and grieving heavily there was also joy present. And love. So much love. The feeling with this memory and this song was jubilation. I was going Home.

The memory was devoid of pain. Though my body was falling apart, slowly dying from the inside out, I had no pain. I was in a perfect bubble of peace, completely unconcerned for my physical body and my approaching death. All my focus was on my beautiful children who I was so very proud of and the feeling was that I had done a good job and could leave them without worry. I don’t remember my guides or any angels being present. I don’t remember seeing a tunnel of light or having any of those profound experiences so many NDE accounts speak of. Yet I knew that when I turned around and left, that I would be embraced by my waiting family. I could feel them all around me. That was the bubble of peace. They were my peace.

So you can see why this memory is cherished by me even in this lifetime. Recalling it helped me understand that death is a celebration, an event of homecoming. A new beginning. If I could give one gift to those living on Earth, it would be a similar memory of their own death (homecoming). Then there would be no reason to grieve the passing of a loved one or to fear their own passing. Death, in my opinion, is probably the most beautiful part of living.

23 thoughts on “Fly Away

  1. kittyasmith says:

    More and more this perception is affecting my communication with others [that don’t see this, yet.] I can only hope to be a light.

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  2. mollyb111 says:

    OMG… I just got a message and it tied into this post too well. This is a beautifully written. ❤ ❤ ❤ and I so agree. Thank you! Spirit is working overtime on me now and thanks for the divine timing of this. Wow! If you only knew… oh, but you do 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. GAF says:

    And… releasing the fear of death is what allows for us to truly LIVE while we are here. It also allows us to tap into that soul-centered quality called Courage, to be our True Selves, which then helps us help this world. Releasing fear of any nature allows us to be more healthy and vital. The actual fear of death can be a large component in hastening the arrival of one’s own death. Let it go already!
    Good post Dayna.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dayna says:

      Thank you. 🙂 This was one of my first spontaneous past life memories.


      • GAF says:

        Ya know I’ve had very little past-life info come to me, but I’ve found that whenever it has, it has had purpose for the NOW, which is why it was being brought to me.

        I had karma to clear from one past life and then more recently, in the “ascension hell” years (excuse my terms, just being real about it) I was once told to “tap into the wisdom of the ancients.” Not long after that I was connected to someone on Earth, in the past, before “the fall” (of Atlantis?… or whatever, before all hell broke loose). I had some exchange of info then suddenly came to realize that who I was speaking to was my own past-life personality.

        Specifically, what I was to ask about was basically how to create. In our exchange they came to learn how very much the world had changed since their time and just even me asking such seemed so strange to them.

        It was funny because past-life me had to go away and think about things for a while and yet when they came back they still didn’t have much to tell me as they were just so used to tapping into creative forces / energies / processes and just did them in a second nature sort of way.

        But, nevertheless, they (I, I guess) said something that was just exactly what current-life me needed to hear, which was that “they just KNEW they could.”

        Sheer Knowingness has played a role in my whole path and yet that really put an exclamation point on it at a time when I really could use the confirmation.

        Along with that Knowingness also came a strong emphasis on “no limits”. Anything you can create in your Imagination you can eventually create outwardly. Might take a while, especially since we are dealing with slow, dense realms like 3D and the inertia of an even more-than-usual dumbed-down 3D. And some of what we create / are creating may never manifest on 3D level but on higher levels, which is appropriate since we’re working to essentially “move” ourselves and others to those higher levels. But nevertheless, we truly ARE limitless creators.

        So, I’d always advise that folks really, REALLY allow their imaginations to run wild and to steer them towards what ya truly want to create. If you limit your own imagination, what chance is there of you tapping into your true creative powers and actually have that manifest outwardly?!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. GAF says:

    And… (lol) Imagination is another way for the Divine to speak to us. Many times I’ve felt like I was just having a great daydream then come out the end of it and realized that I had gotten it started (that’s key right there) by daydreaming, then the Divine steered the direction of the daydream to deliver me a message.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. GAF says:

    And, while we’re at it, I just got the official Divine okey-dokey to provide you with what I’d guess will just be confirmation – that there is a very good chance of you COMPLETING this year. If not, then soon after this year.

    And… you spoke of pineal gland activation. If you’d like to really make that take hold (up to you, again, it’s only the transition that is uncomfortable, so that happens either now or later), but I’ve also been given the official okey-dokey to route you to this:

    Just reading the text there will be no issue, but then you can decide if you care to do the activation meditation at the end.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dayna says:

      Yes, a confirmation indeed! Thank you. I am currently being prepared for something big. I am not sure what completing means but it is probably that. lol And you are the 2nd person to bring up Tom Kenyon today! Hahaha I will definitely check out the activation. I have been meditating nightly so tonight it will be.

      Oh and you are also the 2nd person to offer up info for me without me asking for it today. Strange day! Hmmmm


      • GAF says:

        I go where the Divine steers me. 🙂

        To me completion is about completing your healing and your ascension process. Pineal gland activation is a big part of that. You say embody. (You say potato…) Yep, FULL embodiment, full connection to your higher self. See this for some info:

        The Higher Self

        (And talk about immediate synchronicity… I was just going to look at my own post on the HS and then I go to read your comment and then am guided to give you that link… which is not why I was going there in the first place.)

        Liked by 1 person

      • Dayna says:

        Okay. Thanks for the clarification. I don’t usually use the word embodiment but it keeps coming up so…lol

        I was reminded upon reading your comments that I was told a couple of weeks ago that “two people would approach me”. I thought it was me to pass them a message. Guess not! lol

        Liked by 1 person

      • GAF says:

        lol Hey, I guess you can’t get all your info through clothes inspection stickers. lol Although I do love those sorts of things. The whole Divine Wink think. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      • Dayna says:

        lol true! 🙂


      • Dayna says:

        Thanks for the link. I have been told I am ready so I guess I finished the healing part? That seems not right as I am still royally screwed up….but I have been shown the descent coming down through my crown into my heart. Fascinating!


      • GAF says:

        Well… First, I don’t know that folks these days will experience things the way we “old timers” lol did. I had a few upgrades years ago but then did get to a point of ending what I term “general healing” and then the forerunners of the forerunners (as Karen Bishop liked to term us sorts) had some down time before we were allowed to move into our “ascension process” so there was a definite line there for me. There may be some parallel / tandem things going on with you.

        And… I found the ascension process to just be more of the same (healing and upgrade cycles) but they were more intense and came more rapid-fire and with little time in between cycles.

        Also the ascension process felt like a very deep clean and of things that seemed to go beyond the personal, almost as if I was getting every little bit of the 3D Earth Paradigm scraped outta me.

        There were times when I’d have rage burbling up under the surface, knew it’d eventually need to be released but could neither stop it or make it happen sooner / more quickly. And there’d be nothing of a personal nature that I could apply it to – past or present.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Dayna says:

      And another thing….about sound. Since Mt. Shasta my whole body reacts to sound and vibration. I will literally jerk and vibrate. This happened today listening to Estas Tonne.


      • GAF says:

        Have you had much herky-jerky stuff going on otherwise? Because I’ve experienced a whole lot of that over the years, yes, especially during upgrades and really so during all the energetic service work I did after my own completion.

        So… if you know of foods or supplements to support your nervous system, that would be beneficial, although may not end all the jerks. One thing I was steered to, (which was also one of the many supplements I did during a detox over the years) is alpha-lipoic acid.

        There are times when I connect to someone telepathically and I get that jerk / convulsion when the connection is made. These days that doesn’t happen so much but it was rather pronounced for quite a while. These days, instead of convulsing I get a spontaneous smile when the connection is made.

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      • Dayna says:

        I get the energy jerks when I connect to Spirit usually but not in a long while – a year at least. When I connected my whole body would jump and jerk and sometimes I would shake uncontrollably like I was cold. The shakes are more common – or were. None of it bothered me but it did make it hard to talk. lol

        I was led to start taking Tumeric and Maca root. I have not added anything else – keeping it simple and adjusting my diet as guided. I do drink a BCAA drink when I work out and the whey protein I take almost daily has alpha lipoic acid in it I think.


  6. herongrace says:

    Thank-you for sharing that Dayna! Such a beautiful vision and I love that song and many of the old American spiritual songs.

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  7. […] into new skills.  Many of those who follow along here are very gifted and yesterday was quite synchronistic  (<3 Dayna).  For me these past few weeks, I’ve been working with an energy off and on […]

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